Taming Master

< 858.4. Elisha's Trail (3) >

* * *

One day passed.

It was early in the morning that Ian's group entered the cradle of the earth, and it was already late afternoon.

But apart from the timeline, Ian's group has not earned much yet.

Of course, income here is limited to the progress of quests.

The first discovery buff he carried on his back made his stomach explode.

“What the hell are the signs of Trowell? ”

“We don't have enough clues. ”

“I hated these amazing quests the most. ”

And with no progress on the quest until this point, the party members are starting to get anxious.

Ian's predisposition was that he could not leave this dungeon until the end of the quest, in the heads of three people who knew too well that all sorts of bad things (?) because families were emerging.

‘What if the quest doesn't end for more than a week? ’

‘Ian might not even let me log out until then. ’

‘Please……. I hope it's over in three days at the latest... ’

But apart from him, Ian, who was the source of all these worries, was only very relaxed.

No, Ian had no reason to rush it.

“Well, it wasn't this way, was it? I'm afraid I can't help it. Maybe in the next field. ”

There will be an early discovery buff, there won't be a time limit on quests.

There 'll be plenty of hunting there.

For Ian, this place is like heaven.

“Ugh, I wish I knew what those tracks looked like.... ”

At Kanoel's words, Ian frowns.

“Well, if you go around the field a dozen times, nothing will come out. ”

“Hey, ten or five wheels...? ”

“We're already going around once. If the hunting speed is faster and optimized, won't you be able to spin twice a day? ”

Jurkan, listening silently next to you, mutters with a confused look.

“Already……? ”

Fioran adds a silly expression.

“Ian, you're not interested in breaking the quest, are you? ”

“Oh, really? ”

“I think I'm more interested in hunting.... ”

Ian smiles and replies to Fioran's words.

“Bingo! I knew it! ”

“ ……. ”

“Quest, if you don't give up on it, it will break someday, so there's no reason to rush it, right? ”

Ian, who was the last person to leave a frustrating line, started walking around the field.

And looking back at him, Jurkan mutters with a puzzled look.

“W-we can't believe Ian said.... You don't think the quest isn't over until you've circled it a dozen times? ”

“I don't think so, Jurkan. Don't say such scary things. ”

At this time, however, three people did not know.

The fact that the terrifying sounds will eventually become reality and they're already a terrifying trap.).

* * *

The opening war of the first knighthood of the Middle Ages.

The big event, which has attracted enormous attention from Kailan fans around the world, has finally risen.

And what's a little bit unusual is that the opening game is not one game, but two.

Since the first match in the Human and Horse camps was the opening match, the opening match was not one match, but two.

As a result, the interest of Kailan fans was focused on the four guilds participating in the opening ceremony, and the guilds were as follows:

- Human Faction

Guild Name: Lotus

Master: Hers

Server Affiliation: Korea


Guild Name: Floas

Master: Serban

Servers Affiliated: USA

- The Horse Faction

Guild Name: Dark Blood

Master: Lucal

Servers affiliated with the UK


Guild Name: Gratan

Master: Cooker

Servers Affiliated: Vietnam

When the name of the guild before the opening was revealed, the fans cheered.

LB, of course, did not fail to meet their expectations, but gave them an exciting milestone.

“Khh, I knew there'd be Lotus before the opening! ”

“Lotus is happy to be here, but I'm a little disappointed. ”


“Floas is too weak to be Lotus' first opponent. ”

“Is there even a place in the guild where the Knights are founded? ”

“It's relatively so. ”

“Are you ignoring Floas? ”

“I'll admit it as soon as you make a pool bet on Floas. ”


The battle between Lotus and Floas, in fact, left most users with no choice but to conquer Lotus' victory.

It was the Floas guild, ranked 3-5 in the rankings of human factions on U.S. servers, but Lotus was the dominant ranking even in South Korea, the owner of Kailan.

However, it was hard to find fans who complained about this march.

Lotus was one of the strongest winning candidates, and none of the fans wanted to face each other at the opening.

However, I could say that I did not want Floas to break too uselessly in Lotus.

And more interestingly, the opening war of the Maaa camp is drawing more attention than the opening war of the human camp that Lotus entered.

“Hiya, the Horse faction is Dark Blood VS Gratan? This is exciting.”

“Wow, where do we win? ”

“Perhaps Dark Blood? These days, the English kids are so excited that Jorgand is almost Kai. ”

“Ah. That's just excitement, like you said. Kai won't freeze to death... ”

“Well, it's not just Yorgand there. I think Darkblood will have the upper hand. ”

“I can barely see Gratan winning. ”


“Southeast Asian server rankers are not popular in Korea, so kids like Cooker and Laruchen are really global tier 0. ”

“Was Gratan number one on the Vietnamese server? ”

“That's right."

The Gratan Guild was the only Vietnamese server guild of the 32 guilds involved in the Knight War and was one of three Southeast Asian server guilds.

Also, as you can see from user conversations, the guilds in the Southeast Asian server are less recognizable than servers in the United States, the Middle East, and Europe.

However, in the case of the Gratan Guild, Mania was an excellent guild in Korea, and many global users rated it 'Tal Southeast Southeast', so many users expected it to be a tense match with the emerging power of the European server, Dark Blood.

And so, this is the moment that was unveiled until the opening.

The most crowded place in the resistance of the Sorpice was the ‘gambling den’.

Due to the crowd gathered to place bets before the opening, the interior of the gambling parlor was not so wide as to have a foothold.

“If you're done betting, get out of here. What are you worrying about? ”

“The Human Faction will pick up Lotus anyway. Hurry up and get out. We need to get to the Colosseum. ”

Even users who did not have dimensional coins to bet were wandering around the gambling parlor for no other reason.

It was because we could see the ‘dividend rate', another indicator that would give us more fun to watch the Knight's War, in real time at this gambling parlor.

- Lotus: Floas – 1.02: 34.5

- Dark Blood: Gratan – 1.44: 1.56

“Wow, 34 dividends.... Why don't you place a full bet on the reverse plot of Floas? ”

“Sir, stop it. 100 coins is more than 1 million won now. Stay with me."

“If Floas pretends to be crazy and wins, it's 3,000. ”

“Buy me some beef if you're going to do something worthless. ”

Unlike the real-time payoff rate for the Maestro Faction's overthrown opening war, the Human Faction's opening war is subject to overwhelming payoffs on the part of Floas over time.

But about two hours before the game started,

Since data that confused many gamblers at the gambling den was disclosed, it was the 'entry sequence table’ submitted by each guild entering the opening war.

Each guild had to register ten people to participate before the battle, and the list was made public to regular users an hour before the start of the match.

And to be more precise, what shocked the users was Lotus' entry sequence.

1st - Article

2nd - Wizard

3rd - Enterprise

4th – Wizard

…… approximate……

10th - Black Wizard

Your username will not be published on the roster.

The most interesting part of the rules of the Knight War is that the identity of the user who attended the battle will not be revealed until the end of the battle.

Users participating in a Knightfight were automatically converted to the same appearance depending on the class, and they were only able to observe the Knightfight and infer the identity of the user.

Take your guild's affiliation, playing style, and class and infer who he is.

Then why were users so frightened even though only the class ticket was published?

“Wait……. ”

“What, what, what's going on? ”

“Is this a true story? You don't have a summoner on your Lotus ticket, do you? ”

Lotus' class, the ‘Ian Gods' summoner, was never seen on Lotus's list of contests without a lot of inquiring and guessing.

“This is worth a walk to Floas. ”

“Wow, I didn't even think of this. ”

“I fix bets now. ”

“What the hell is Lotus doing without Ian? ”

“Floas thinks he's going to win anyway, and he's hiding Ian's power. ”

“Th-that much? ”

The first day of the Knights' War, which was not so dynamic until the end because of Lotus' tickets that he never thought of.

Over time, the first game of the Knights' War finally began.

* * *

Chesk, ranked fourth in the archery ranking on the U.S. server.

He was very, very upset right now.

"Lotus, these arrogant bastards are ignoring us like this? ’

Chesk, who is currently part of the Floras Guild, was the leader of the Knights of Floras.

The reason he's angry is because of the fact that Ian's off the list.

He was also clearly acknowledging their weakness compared to Lotus, but what was offensive was separate from that.

And there was an additional reason for his grumbling.

‘I thought this was my chance to avenge Ian...' ’

Since the early days of the Middle Ages, Ian has had a slight setback (?).

Ralph and Inisco had been beaten many times by Ian, and he was looking forward to meeting Ian again.

Of course, Chesk experienced Ian's power in the stamp of the spirit.

However, a lot of time has passed since then, and the well-supported chess guild has gained powerful transcendent equipment and hidden pieces while traveling in various dimensions other than the Spirit Realm.

Especially now that you've hit the legendary transcendent full set a few days ago, you were overconfident.

Before, he decided that he would be able to restrain Ian if he gave a little bit of his power away.

He was insisting that it would be spicy for Ian this time, but since Ian had fallen off Lotus's roster, it was natural for him to be devastated.

‘Phew, this chewing sucks... ’

However, the fact that Ian fell apart from the feeling of devastation was a good thing for the guild.

If Ian had fought, he would have had to consume two rankers, including himself, to actually win Lotus. (?).

‘Since this is happening, I have to pull Lotus down without fail. I'll give you this opportunity to feel the pain of arrogance. ’

Of course, Ian was never on Lotus' roster for ignoring Floas, but Chesk was furious anyway.

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