Taming My Vampire Servant

Chapter 124 - "Farewell, Master"

TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter mentions cutting oneself. Readers discretion is advised. 


During the weeks that went on by, Ivory and Lycus kept on going to the jewelry shop after their guarding shift to accompany Vernon until closing time. After closing the shop, he would always go to Precious Inn, wherein Lucius was waiting for them for a dinner prepared by Fiora.

Ivory felt more comfortable around Vernon, and so did he. Whenever Vernon had a great idea for a jewelry design, he gave a sample jewelry to Ivory. Although he told her that these wonderfully-made accessories were only extra pieces, deep inside, it meant something else for him.

Vernon's admiration for Ivory grew each passing day that they spent time with each other. But for Ivory, it was only pure friendship. 

Ivory busied herself with the training and helped out Vernon afterwards because she needed to distance herself and keep herself from thinking about Sigmund. There were many times wherein she'd lock eyes with him; she wanted to hug him tight and tell him that she misses him.

But she knew that it would only make matters worse, because once she held him in her arms, her plans of moving on would crumble down like a sandcastle hit by the waves.

One time, Ivory went alone in the jewelry shop because he asked Lycus to buy food since Fiora couldn't leave the inn. She sat beside him behind the counter as they both waited for the last customers before closing time.

"How many hours of sleep do you have?" Ivory narrowed her eyes, "Tell me the truth."

Vernon faced her and chuckled, "Three… and I always tell the truth."

"Hmm… You're right. Or I haven't caught you lying?"

He laughed, and suddenly remembered something, "Ah, please wait here, I want to give you something." Then, he stood up and went inside the back door.

While waiting, Ivory viewed the displayed jewelry near the counter. She didn't know that Sigmund was just outside the store, and he could hear their conversation. 

The Vampire Servant was always secretly tailing his beloved Master. Although it hurt him, he accepted their fate. He planned to leave for good once Ivory found a lover who would really take care of her.

When Vernon got back, he had on his hands a small jewelry box. It was in the shade of cyan blue with floral carvings on the corners and the sides while the cover had three roses. All the carvings were made of gold. 

Ivory gaped in awe with its exquisite design. She asked as soon as Vernon gave it to her, "What's this?" 

"A gift," he replied and smiled sweetly. "Open it."

When she opened it, she saw several jewelry of different kinds - golden rings and necklaces, ruby and sapphire earrings, jade bracelets, and many more.

Confused why she was given such an expensive gift, she asked him, "But why are you giving me a gift?"

"Ivory…" Vernon slightly blushed as he told her. "Can I be your lover?"

Ivory almost dropped the jewelry box that she held when she heard it from her friend. "Vernon…"

"But… But if you don't want to, then it's alright-"

"No! I…" Ivory retorted. She knew how kind Vernon was, and so she wanted to give it a shot. "Of course… Of course, Vernon." Maybe, he's the one for her? 

Hearing this, Vernon gave a wide smile. He was so happy, as he finally got himself a lover. What's more, it's the woman he admired very much. "Thank you for giving me a chance, Ivory," he took a sapphire necklace from the box, then went behind her and wore it on her. "I will make you happy and give you everything you want."

Outside of the shop, Sigmund clenched his fists. His Master took a lover sooner than he expected. 

It means… the time has come for him to leave her.

A few days went on by, and Ivory was quite enjoying her relationship with the pure-hearted Vernon. Unlike her first lover who showed ill intentions towards her in the past, her second lover was not like that. They were lovers, but he was never touchy and did not force her to do skinship with him. He was a gentleman who cared for her wholeheartedly.

Sometimes, she wondered if she could love Vernon as much as she loved her Vampire Servant. But even though she's her lover, she knows within herself that he's only a good friend to him, nothing more.

Her being cold to Sigmund was just a front. The truth was, she wanted to hold him in her arms tightly, but she also knew that if she did, she would not want to let him go anymore.

One night, after Ivory and the others had dinner, Sigmund went to her room and asked if he could speak to her. 

Ivory told Lycus to step out of the room for a while, and after he did, she sat on the stone stool chair. 

Holding an empty, medium-sized bottle gourd, the Vampire faced her in a serious expression, and he suddenly kneeled in front of her. "Master," he called formally. He saw how surprised Ivory was, but he continued, "May I ask for your blood?" he gave her the gourd.

Sigmund was surely acting weird. To try to know why, Ivory raised her brow and asked, "Why? Do you not like it fresh?" She was giving him new blood in a mug every night. 

"I do not want to disturb you anymore," he furrowed his brows, refusing to look straight into her eyes.

"Hmm… Alright."

Not knowing what his real intention was, Ivory took the small knife which was intended to slice fruits. She wounded her palm and let her blood drip on the gourd. When she thought that there was too much blood that was lost, she healed herself and rested for a few minutes, then wounded her other palm. 

She did this until the bottle gourd was full. 

"I'm dizzy," she muttered when she gave the gourd to him.

Sigmund tied the bottle gourd on his belt bag and thanked Ivory. "Would you like to lie down?"

She nodded, and so he carried her like a princess towards the bed. He carefully placed her down, then covered half of her body with the blanket.

Ivory stared at him blankly. It was only then that she noticed that he was wearing his outdoor clothes. When she was about to ask, Sigmund suddenly turned his back on her.

"I hope you'll be happy with the jeweler guy," he told her in a deep voice. "Farewell, Master."

She did not know what he meant by this. Although she wanted to ask, she felt sleepier and sleepier each second. She felt her eyelids getting heavy as she stared at the closing of the door, and eventually, she drifted off to sleep.

"Take care of her," Sigmund told his Master's second Servant who stood beside the door.

"Where are you going?" Lycus worriedly asked.

"Anywhere my feet bring me to… As long as she won't see me."

As Lycus saw him slowly walking away in the hallway, he got worried. For sure, Ivory would be sad if she knew that he left her. He told him, "Make sure to come back! Master will get worried, so-"

"No, it's better if you do not come back," Lucius, who just got out of his room, said after hearing it. "You know what I mean, right? I do not want Ivory to sin against the laws of the Goddess. Leave her now, before it's too late."

Sigmund never turned to look at them. He just paused walking and said, "I know, and I do not plan on coming back. I know you'll all take care of her…" Even though he and Lucius became a bit closer, he understood that he said those things to him because he was just thinking about the welfare of her sister. He did not get disappointed at him and said goodbye, "I should go now, before I change my mind,"  then he resumed walking.

While the two stared at Sigmund's back as he walked away, Lycus furrowed his brows. He knew how his Master loved her first Servant. He was the only one who was there whenever Ivory cries at night. She would sometimes murmur the Vampire's name while sleeping. There were even times wherein she'd accidentally call him 'Sigmund'. 

Lycus was pleased that his Master gave him a chance to be her main Servant, but it pained him to see her faking a smile most of the time. 

When Sigmund had left the inn, Lucius told Lycus, "I hope Ivory can accept their fate. This is meant to happen anyway, sooner or later," he sighed. "They chose not to confess to each other, but actions speak louder than words. We both know that their love will be impossible, not only in this world, but also in the heavens."

Lucius went back to his room, leaving Lycus in the hallway. He went back to his Master's room and saw her sleeping soundly. 

He sat beside the bed and stared at her. 

"Sigmund…" she suddenly murmured, and a smile appeared on her face. "I love you, Sigmund."

The Werewolf Servant sighed. For sure, she's going to be disheartened and heartbroken once she hears about Sigmund leaving her for good.

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