Taming My Vampire Servant

Chapter 126 - "Is It Too Late For Us?"

"What did you just say?" Ivory asked. She hoped she heard it wrong. She did not want to get mad at her closest buddy.

"I said… I asked him not to come back," he said in a serious tone. "It's all for your own good, so-"

A loud slap echoed in the room. Lucius was shocked; it was the first time that Ivory hurt him! 

"I thought we already talked about this! How could you ask him to leave me…" as more tears fell on her cheeks, she felt her knees weaken. She knelt on the floor and cried as much as she could. 

Lucius tried to reason out with her, "I apologize, Ivory," he tried to reach out his hand to her, "I just-"

But she shoved him away, "Why do you keep on meddling with my life, Lucius?! Do you know how hard I tried to keep my feelings covered up? I tried hard to move on… look what happened… he left me… he promised not to, but he did..." 

Lucius furrowed his brows. He never wanted to see his sister cry like that. He kneeled down in front of Ivory, "Just accept the fact that you can't be together… Let him go. I am confident that Vernon will be a good lover to you… Please don't cry…" he patted her head. He then murmured, "I feel like a bad person..."

"You are a bad person, Lucius!" she hit his chest repeatedly with her fists as she continued crying.

He saw how heartbroken her sister was. While letting her hit him, several questions entered his mind.

Why was the Goddess letting these kinds of things happen? Doesn't she feel anything? Doesn't she feel sorry for the people in the kingdom that he watches over?

It was the first time he felt like his faith wavered. 

Because his mother told him about her being unchosen and her past Servant being unsummoned, he feared so much that it would also happen to Ivory. He'd do everything to stop her from loving her own Servant in a romantic way to keep her from sinning and be unchosen as well.

He hugged Ivory until she calmed down, and he never left her in the room. He was afraid that she'd do something crazy like running away or hurting herself. When she cried herself to sleep, Lucius sat beside her on the bed, while Lycus guarded the door.

When it was time for Fiora and Gerhalt to switch, they talked about what happened.

"Geez, I told you, there's something going on!" Gerhalt told Fiora as he watched her change the nameplate on the receptionist's wooden desk. "This is the first time I heard her cry like that. I think that Sigmund is not really her Servant, and the academy assistant Mister Lycus is the real Servant…"

"What do you mean? Miss Ivory and Sigmund enlisted and pretended as Master and Servant so that they could sleep together in one room? But in reality, they're lovers?" Fiora widened her eyes in shock. "What nonsense are you saying!?"

"It's true! She was really angry at Mister Lucius, because he was the one who drove Sigmund away!" the enthusiastic boy said. "What do you think? Is it a love triangle?"

"They said that it's not like that! It was Mister Sigmund who said they're not lovers," she responded with her brows creased, "Plus, isn't the jeweler Mister Vernon her lover? I think your assumptions are wrong!"

"If that's the case, then… is it a love square?" Gerhalt laughed when Fiora narrowed her eyes on him, "Why do you think Miss Ivory and Mister Sigmund have to hide their relationship? And why is the jeweler her lover in public? And why is Mister Lucius acting like he's more than a friend?"

Fiora shrugged, "I have no idea…" 

"What do you want to do? I thought you're dead set on making Mister Lucius your lover?" Gerhalt asked. "You should hurry, before Miss Ivory chooses him!" He was encouraging her colleague to pursue her love this time, because she never confessed to the men he liked before. Whenever they all got married, she'd get drunk with sweet potato wine and regret that she had not confessed!

"I… I should ask him directly…" Fiora uttered. She knew she shouldn't pry too much, as Sigmund already warned. But maybe his threat was an empty one? Maybe he just wouldn't want to be found out, that's why he acted coldly to avoid more questions?

The female receptionist shook her head to try to organize all her jumbled thoughts. Gerhalt's right; she'd dead set on making Lucius her lover, so she needed to think straight!

When it was time for dinner, Lucius got out of Ivory's room. He was surprised that the table was already set, and Fiora prepared several dishes. 

"Oh, hello! I cooked dinner for all of you," she said as she placed down the bowl of fried red potatoes, honey cured ham, mushroom soup, and pickled cucumber on the table. She stared at the blonde young man and excitedly waited for him to try the food she prepared that night.

"It's like a feast… What's the occasion?" Lucius asked as he panned his sight to the dishes. He started to take some food from the serving plates.

"Well… Uhm!" Fiora mustered up her courage. She knew it's her big chance! 

Lucius raised his brow, waiting for her to respond.

"I think I…" she gulped in nervousness, then said, "I want to… cheer up Miss Ivory, so I made all these!" 

She messed up. It seemed like her courage was not yet ready!

But she did not expect Lucius to smile at her, "Thank you, Miss Fiora. Ivory really needs it..." he placed some food on another plate for Ivory as well.

Fiora noticed the loneliness in Lucius' eyes. It was so obvious that he really cared for his classmate.

Couldn't contain her curiosity, she finally asked him, "Sir Lucius, may I ask something?" Seeing him nod, she continued, "Do you… Do you love Miss Ivory?"

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