Taming My Vampire Servant

Chapter 133 - "Secret Rendezvous-2"

"Hmm… well…" Sigmund remembered the days when Ivory still had no full control of her extraordinary mana. 

The first time he knew of her lingering feelings for him was when Ivory practiced doing an Advanced magic technique in Greensteid forest. She converted the water into fog, but she lost control of herself. Sigmund recalled that it was the first time they kissed. It was also in his memory the time when he gave her hickeys on her body, but she suddenly lost control of herself and seduced him. 

Whenever he recalled those times, he'd form a smile on his face. He knew they already broke the ultimate rule, and he mentioned it to her again, "Deep inside, I was very happy, but I couldn't admit it to you. You know the ultimate rule, Servants can't fall in love."

"I know."

"What a similar scene," Sigmund commented, then chuckled. He knew his Master would not remember, and she raised her brow in confusion, "We already had this kind of conversation back then."

"Ah, really? When?" Ivory asked. She tried hard but still couldn't remember, so she suspected, "Was it the Sil- extraordinary mana?" 

The Vampire nodded. He added, "The difference from then and now is… my answer now is different."

"What do you mean?"

He took a hold of her shoulders to move her back a little. He then neared her face and looked straight into her eyes. 

"Back then, I told you to stop loving me… Now, I will not tell you to stop, because I love you so much, Ivory. I am now ready to fight for us… even if we go against the whole kingdom and the heavens."


Hearing this from her beloved for the first time made her teary eyed and her cheeks red. Sigmund smiled sweetly at her before planting a deep kiss on her lips, and the Vampire Servant and his Master shared a sweet kiss under the moonlight.

It was followed by several kisses. At that time, they did not care about anything else. They did not care whether they would be judged by anyone. It was as if it's only the two of them in the kingdom.

Lycus was up in one of the trees, and he looked away when he saw them kissing each other, but he was glad to see his Master happy again.

The second Servant prayed to Goddess Destinia to bless their relationship, hoping to make it possible for them to become lovers who do not have to hide from everyone. He wanted Ivory to experience all the good dreams she had with Sigmund in it, like walking in the city holding hands, and stargazing under the countless stars. 

But would it even be possible to alter the laws of the heavens? Would their Goddess fulfill their wish?

Lycus hoped that Goddess Destinia would give them Her blessing. Like most Masters, Ivory was doing a great job on making her mana strong, and for sure she'd return the Goddess' favor by serving the kingdom. He and the other Werewolves all believed that she could help reform the kingdom that was destroyed by the Dragonicus family. They believed that Ivory could find the Silverblade heir and serve him with loyalty. She could even become one of the Royal Knights as she wanted, just like her real mother.

Thinking about this, a big problem popped up in his mind. His Eminence, Ivory's real father, would surely object.

But where does his loyalty lie? To His Eminence and the whole pack of Werewolves, or to his current Master?

Lycus furrowed his eyebrows, bothered by his personal problem. If he was sent to Ivory, then it must mean he had to serve her and make sure of her safety. 

But if he decided to support her love for the Vampire Servant, would it mean he's letting her be exposed to danger? After all, they said that it was a Vampire Servant who ended the life of a number of the Silverblades in the castle many years ago.

Lycus clenched his fists. After thinking about it some more, he decided; he would be loyal to Ivory. If the time comes when everyone knows of their relationship and they try to separate them, he'd surely help them. 

His decision was the effect of seeing Ivory's depressed state. He never wanted her to go back to that miserable state once again.

Ivory and Sigmund pulled away from their hot kisses. There were no words spoken, but their gazes seemed to say a thousand sweet words. It was as if the two had gotten out of a previously opened cage - they knew that confessing to one another could free them, but they refused to do so in the past. Now that they did, they wouldn't want to go back to a restricted world anymore.

Sigmund asked while caressing Ivory's cheek, "We're finally lovers now, and it's your fault, birdbrain. What if they knew about it?" he sighed, "Especially Rich boy, he's against me."

"Actually, I do not know," Ivory said, "But what I do know is that I do not want to part from you anymore."

The Vampire continued talking, "What about the Goddess? What if She spoke to the Oracle to find you and I? What if you're going to be unchosen, and I'll be unsummoned-"

He got startled when Ivory suddenly placed her fingers on his lips, "I will deal with it when that time comes. For now, I want to make up for the time I was not there for you."

Sigmund smirked, "Oh? And how will you do that? Shall I undress-"

"I know that you're probably thinking about something perverted, and it's not that!" she turned red as a tomato, "What I was saying is that I want us to always be together."

With that statement, Sigmund then shouted Lycus' name, so Lycus hopped down from the oak tree branch, then walked towards them.

"Hey, pal," Sigmund then patted Lycus' shoulder and told him, "Which side are you on?"

"Obviously… My Master's side," he uttered, then took a quick glance at Ivory and smiled.

"Then I guess you'd help us keep it from Rich boy?"

Lycus nodded, "Of course. But I suggest you should meet in a safer place. As you know, the town guards have become close to him, so they might run their mouths and tell him that they've seen you. But this forest is unguarded, you can both meet here and have your secret rendezvous."

"A secret rendezvous…" Ivory muttered, then laughed.

Her beloved Servant asked, "Why, what's wrong?"

"I just did not expect us to do this… I mean, you're my Servant, so why will I need to have a secret rendezvous with you?"

The two Servants chuckled, finding it funny as well.

Sigmund said while placing his arms on Ivory's shoulder, "Now that I'm back, I'm her favorite Servant again. Isn't that right, Ivory?"

"No, you're wrong," she gave a wide smile, and glanced at the two of them alternately, "Lycus is my favorite Servant, because you, Sigmund… is my beloved man."

"You…" They did not see Sigmund's ears turning red, "You're becoming intelligent day by day. Should I stop calling you a dimwit?"

Ivory giggled, "You've been calling me names, but just by your actions, I could tell that you cared for me. Isn't that right?"

"Hmm… I'll think about it," he teased.

"Sigmund! You meanie," she jokingly pinched his cheek.

The Vampire held Ivory's waist and pulled her onto him. He kissed her on the lips momentarily, making Lycus look at the other side.

"Should I give you more time for yourselves?" Lycus asked the couple.

But Ivory told him that he did not need to leave, and they're not going to do something lewd. The three of them eventually sat under one of the oak trees and chatted for a long while. 

Sigmund mentioned to Ivory about the ring he found in Rubia Town's marketplace. He also told her that he gave the ring to Lucius as he would try to look for its origin and other information using his connections.

They all did not notice the time that had passed by. Ivory was too excited and happy to feel sleepy. She stayed awake until the moon had gone down and the sun had risen up.

"I should go. What if Lucius learned of me meeting you… We'll argue again," Ivory said and stood up, shaking the dirt off of her pants.

Sigmund stood up as well, and he faced her, stroking her head, "You should not be too mad at Lucius. Remember, he's been always there for you ever since you started in the academy. Besides, all he did was care for you. He's just worried about you… like a family."

Thinking that she might have been too harsh on Lucius, she nodded. He's right, Lucius was already like a family to her. She just questioned his intentions because she was too heartbroken over Sigmund's sudden disappearance. "How rare for you to say things like this, Sigmund."

Not disclosing the truth that Lucius is her blood-related brother, he just told her, "It's because I understood why he wanted us to be separated. Too bad, we decided to disobey him."

Ivory hugged Sigmund tightly for a short while. The two decided to meet in the forest every night, and Lycus agreed to help her sneak outside using the window!

When it was time for breakfast, Lucius went out of his room. Last night, he got home at almost midnight, and he wondered if Ivory ate well without him. Missing his sister and worried about her condition, he knocked at her room. 

"Ivory, time for breakfast!" 

But there was no response.

"I'm coming in!" he said in a loud voice.

When the blonde young man opened the door, he was surprised to see no one inside.

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