Taming My Vampire Servant

Chapter 147 - "Just In Time For Summer"

"Miss Ivory, I am done," Fiora uttered as she saw Ivory conversing with the guards. She also thanked them for not stopping her.

"We need to report it to the Town Hall, otherwise, people who have seen you will talk," one of the guards said. "Come with us, Miss Sprucemint."

She nodded at the guards, and asked Fiora to accompany her. After Ivory explained the situation and signed in the written report, they were finally allowed to go back to Precious Inn.

Lucius and the other men stayed in the lobby to wait for them. Sigmund almost went after the two, but was stopped by Lucius because it might ruin their plan to make him pretend to be human. Lycus almost left the inn as well, but then he was asked by the overbearing Sigmund to clean the kitchen.

As soon as Ivory and Fiora entered the inn, they all stood up from the sofa.

"How was it?" Nathan asked., "Were you able to see your friend?"

Fiora nodded with a smile, "I was only able to say a few words, but at least I saw him."

Sigmund walked towards Ivory and questioned, "What took you so long?"

"I had to report to the town hall and explain why I used magic," Ivory replied. "Anyway, since Lucius and I have been training with the town guards, they already know we wouldn't use our mana for nothing… Haaaa-chew!" she covered her nose and mouth.

"You birdbrain, you overdid it," he sighed in worry, placing his arms around her and told the others, "She has to rest. We'll excuse ourselves," then led her towards the hallway.

Because the wooden doors have been replaced, Ivory and Sigmund went back to their original room. She changed into her night dress, and Sigmund massaged her sore shoulders and legs. After a while, Lycus came in and made her drink ginger lemon tea. Lucius also came in, and he gave her more pillows and replaced her blanket with a softer one.

With all the pampering she received, it wasn't long until she fell asleep. The three men who cherished her stared at her peaceful, sleeping face, and they were pleased that she managed to rest after a tiring day.

"I have to go back to the receptionist's desk. Miss Fiora will need to go back home for today," Lucius told the two Servants.

"Wait, rich boy," Sigmund said in a serious tone. "Thank you… for allowing me to stay by her side."

"Don't get me wrong. I am still against the two of you."

"But why did you let me-"

"It's just that, for now, I can't do anything about it. But once we return to our homeland, you both have to be tough if you want to be together. It will be you and Ivory against me and the rest of the people," the blonde young man turned away from him and walked out of the room.

"Damn it…" As soon as the door closed, the Vampire told Lycus, "You… You will support us, right?"

"Yes. My Master can only be happy with you by her side," Lycus uttered. "I have seen her depressed because you were gone. I never wanted to see that again."

He patted his back, "That's good. Do not cease to support us-"

"But… you should know that I am just a Servant, and my support will be meaningless. How do you plan to face her parents?"

Sigmund shrugged, "I do not know yet, to be honest. I'll think about it in the coming days, but for now..." he walked towards the bed, then sat beside Ivory, leaning his back on the headboard, "I will cherish the times that we are still free. While we're here in Topazeon, I will be a human lover to her."

Days went on by like a flash. While Fiora was the lead manager and receptionist of the inn, Lucius became her assistant and took over the other shift. Ivory, on the other hand, became in charge of the housekeeping and she's helping Lycus in the kitchen as well. Sigmund became the one in charge of repairs and other manly maintenance tasks.

The mining area was cleared of fallen rocks and boulders, just in time for summer. With this, Nathan's stay in Precious Inn came to an end. In the lobby, he signed on the registration scroll, indicating that he's leaving.

"Thank you for having me here. It's a pleasure to meet you all," Nathan said, then shook hands with them one by one. 

When he almost reached for Ivory's hand, Sigmund blocked it and instead shook his hand with a tight grip!

"Mister Nathan, you should go now, or else your friend's carriage will leave you," he said, narrowing his eyes on him.

Seeing this jealous reaction, Ivory giggled, then said her parting words to their guest, "Take care, Mister Nathan. See you again soon!"

Hearing Ivory's words brought a past memory to him. The way she said "See you again soon!" was similar to the academy student who visited Gallean last year. He realized that she actually looked similar to him. He panned his sight towards Sigmund, and he also realized that he looked similar to the young man's Servant.

Nathan shook his head, thinking that it might all be a coincidence. After all, Ivory is a female, and her lover is a human!

After saying his goodbyes, he rode his friend's horse carriage. While it moved forward, it was only then that he remembered Ivor's name, and his Servant Sigmund. Too bad, he's already far from the inn!

Back to Precious Inn, Fiora told them about some good news, "Today… We're going to interview some applicants and hire three of them. I have asked Principal Arthurdane to raise our budget, and he's approved of it."

"Finally," Sigmund said jokingly. "I thought we're going to be innkeepers until the end of the year."

"Mister Sigmund, are you not going to work in the inn anymore? You're not a Servant, so isn't it dangerous for you to keep on pretending as one?"

"What! I'd rather be a miner than stay cooped up in this boring place," he retorted.

"Sigmund, the town guards and the others knew you're Ivory's Servant, so you can come. We will just meet Lycus in the secret pathway we made," Lucius then commented. "Starting next week, we are going to guard the mines. The Principal arranged it for us to patrol at nighttime. Fortunately, we were granted special permission to patrol the whole mining area."

Fiora was worried about what they were planning to do, but she knew so well that her responsibility was only the inn. She promised to them that she'd support them by cooking dinner and making sure that their bedrooms are squeaky clean.

When afternoon came, there were ten applicants who went for the interview, and all of them were locals. Lucius, Fiora, and Ivory stayed in a vacant room where they called the applicants in one by one. Sigmund stayed at the door, while Lycus was in the lobby to watch over the applicants yet to be interviewed.

"Hi, my name is Ingrid," the woman had red-colored powder dye on her eyelids, and white powder all over her face, not matching the color of her skin tone. She also wore a ruffled, bright pink dress.

"Hello, Miss Ingrid. Why do you want to apply here in Precious Inn?" asked Lucius.

"Oh, it's because…" she giggled when she met his eyes. "You're handsome, so I want to be close to you…"

"Apologies, but you failed this interview… NEXT!" Fiora said and rolled her eyes. How dare she try to flirt with the person she liked!

When she left with a frown, the next applicant then came.

He was a man with a good build, and his body features were almost similar to Sigmund. He's also quite good-looking and his beautiful striking lime-green irises complemented the dangling earring on his left ear. When he smiled, his dimples were showing.

After fixing his brown brushed up hair, he started to introduce himself, "My name is Zen, eighteen, and I live beside the town marketplace." 

"Hello, Zen," Fiora sparked an interest in the man, "What can you do for our inn? Do you do household chores, or chop wood?"

"I am... good at math, so I can help you with managing the budget," he added, "I started to do multiplication at age four-"

"Impressive!" Ivory couldn't help but praise the math prodigy because she's weak at math.

"What bullshit," Sigmund reacted, "It's obvious that he's bluffing. No other kid can do that-"

"It's not impossible. I learned multiplication at the age of four as well," Lucius commented, and they were all shocked with this revelation. 

Fiora then asked another question, "Aside from doing mathematics… Can you cook?"

"No… But I am willing to learn anything."

"That's great!" Ivory said. He liked the positive attitude of the young lad, "You're hired!"

Sigmund almost retorted because he didn't want a potential rival to join them, but Lucius spoke ahead of him, "You're hired. Can you please sign this scroll?"

Zen nodded. While they watched him write legibly in an elegant and cursive handwriting, Ivory and Lucius widened their eyes in shock when she saw him put his full name.

It was 'Zen Silverblade'.

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