Taming My Vampire Servant

Chapter 159 - "I Can Wait For The Right Time, Master"

Ivory pleaded, "Third, please allow us to go back home as soon as possible."

When Ivory said this, Lucius, Sigmund, and Lycus bowed at them and said in unison, "Please, sir."

"But if you go back home, you won't be able to attend the feast!" Dante said, "Do you dislike the feasts here in Topazeon? I noticed that you all did not attend the circle dance last summer."

"About that… Well, something suddenly happened…" Sigmund scratched the back of his head, and he glared at Lucius when he glanced at him.

"We are sincerely sorry if we weren't able to attend the circle dance," Lucius apologized with his head bowed a little. 

"Please do not take it to heart, sir. We really love Topazeon!" Ivory smiled, "But we miss our family and hometown already."

The town leader sighed as he understood the situation, "Very well. I will allow you to go back home..  Draven, get them a comfortable carriage."

"Yes, sir," he uttered. "When will they leave?" 

"After two days," Dante faced Ivory and the others, "I hope it's alright. Please allow me to prepare some gifts for you and Qawiun Academy's Principal and Educators."

"Thank you for your kindness, sirs!" Ivory exclaimed.

Lucius and the others also thanked them, and they excused themselves back to Precious Inn. When night came, all the inn's personnels were called for a short meeting at the lobby about their departure.

"Why is it so sudden?!" Fiora asked. "I haven't even started creating my parting gifts!"

"It's alright, Fiora, you can even send the gifts through a courier," Ivory replied, patting her back.

"But-" she cut her words off when she met Lucius' eyes. She returned his smile, and then pursed her lips. Although she had already been rejected last summer, she still couldn't be her usual noisy self whenever he's around!

"If you'll leave… Then how about me?" Zen asked worriedly, facing Ivory and Sigmund, "You said that you're my new family, but you're abandoning me soon..."

Ivory and her companions already talked about this, so she told Zen with a smile, "We will take you with us. You can live at Lycus' cabin, which is several steps away from the Sprucemint residence."

Hearing this, Zen widened his eyes in excitement. He would soon see those pine trees he had only seen as sketches in the scrolls. Topazeon Town is surrounded by mountains and oak forests, and it is also located far from all the cities and towns. Aside from that, his fake parents told him not to leave town whatever happens. Now feeling like a dove that had been freed from a cage, he looked forward to traveling to see the other places!

But Grisha, who likes him very much, was not delighted to hear him leaving. She remembered the great time she had when she danced with him during the summer festival. All of a sudden, tears fell from her eyes, and only when she sniffed did they notice that she was already crying at the side of the lobby.

Fiora and Ivory approached her and patted her back. As her friends who knew her feelings for Zen, they understood her right away.

"Why are you crying?" Zen asked.

Grisha was disappointed and yelled, "You dummy!" she immediately ran out of the door.

"Zen, go after her," Ivory suggested.

He nodded at her, then went after the emotional Grisha.

After some time, Trevor excused himself after being fetched by his wife. Lycus, on the other hand, proceeded to the kitchen to prepare sweet potato salad and lamb shoulder chop for supper. Lucius told Ivory and Sigmund that he needed to check his things, and he requested for them to knock on his door when it's time to eat.

With only Ivory and Sigmund left in the lobby, they talked about their predicament. Sitting beside each other, they held each other's hands and squeezed them subtly.

Ivory gazed into her lover's crimson red eyes, "I guess… We only have two days to be free."

The Vampire kissed the back of her hand, still gazing at her, "I know."

"What should we do?" she sighed. "When we return, it will never be the same for me, especially now that Lucius already told me about my real parents. I want to introduce you as my lover, but-"

Sigmund stole a kiss from her pink lips, making Ivory cut her words off. The Vampire said, "I can wait for the right time. Do not rush."

Blushing, she responded, "Thank you, Sigmund," she placed her arms on his neck and embraced him tightly. She whispered, "I will pray to the Goddess everyday to bless our relationship. Who knows, maybe she might hear me and marvel at our love for one another. Maybe she will have mercy on us."

Sigmund placed his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. He did not say anything; he felt her warmth and her heart beat as he cherished the moments of their freedom as a couple. 

Everyone in town became busy with the upcoming thanksgiving feast. Because of Town Leader Dante's announcement, they were all busy thinking about what to serve and what to wear. The King and the Prince were invited for the joyous occasion, and they wanted Topazeon Town to be favored by them. 

"What happened last night, why didn't you return?" Ivory asked Zen in the backyard while they hung some shirts on the clothingline.

"I asked Grisha why she was crying, but she didn't tell me," Zen explained, "We stayed in the front yard for quite some time while she cried on my shoulder. Then, I took her home."

"You slept at her house?" she put back the wet stockings she was about to hang and placed her hands on her waist, facing him.

"No, mother! After I took her home, I went to my old home…"

Seeing the sadness in Zen's eyes, she patted his shoulder, "Are you alright?"

He nodded, "We're going to leave soon, and it suddenly hit me that I missed the old couple. That was why I slept there."

Zen also mentioned to Ivory that the house was already empty, as if the old couple really forgot about him and moved out. Ivory listened to his sentiments, and also told Zen that the issue about the Dark Mana would need to be kept a secret.

"Since you are my new family, I will comply with your rules," he told her. "I promise, I will behave and be good to you and father."

"Oh, there's one more thing I need you to know."

Zen nodded, "What is it, mother?"

"When we arrive at the Land of Olivea, please do not call us mother and father anymore. Call us by our names," Ivory smiled kindly at him and tried to explain, "In that place, Sigmund and I cannot be lovers. If the people knew about our relationship, something bad would happen to us. We might even be taken to the castle prison."

The young man got terrified, "I promise, I will keep it a secret!"

Ivory thanked him, then they continued chatting while hanging the wet clothes. Afterwards, they returned inside to pack up their belongings.

The following morning was the feast. Even though it was such a joyful occasion, Ivory and the others had to leave town for their safety. A large black 4-seater horse-drawn carriage then arrived in front of Precious Inn. It had four horses, and in front was a coachman and his assistant. 

The carriage already had Town Leader Dante's souvenirs and gifts for them which were placed inside two wooden chests.

While Lycus and Sigmund were putting their things on the carriage, Ivory and the others said their goodbyes.

"Take care, Zen!" Grisha wailed. She hurriedly hugged him tight and continued crying, "I am going to miss you! Please write me letters sometimes!"

"Okay?" Zen was a bit confused, but he returned the hug and patted Grisha's head, "I'll do my best." 

"Take care, okay?" Ivory said. She embraced Fiora and whispered, "When I return here, introduce us to your husband."

"Miss Ivory!" she pouted, and Ivory gave a hearty laugh.

Lucius extended his hand to Fiora after she and Ivory parted, "Thank you for everything, and for taking care of us these past months."

"It is my job as Precious Inn's manager and receptionist," Fiora thought Lucius was being too formal, but she shook his hand anyway, "I am glad to have met you."

"Likewise," Lucius smiled at her.

When everything was prepared, Ivory, Lucius, Sigmund, and Lycus entered the coach. Zen requested to sit outside with the coachman and his assistant, and he was asked to wear his hooded cloak. Grisha, Fiora, and Trevor waved their hands as they saw the carriage leave. 

A few minutes later, they arrived at the Topazeon Town arch. Ivory's carriage and the King's carriage passed one another under the arch, unaware that they almost  encountered their fated enemy.

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