Taming My Vampire Servant

Chapter 19 - "The Vampire Servant's Possessiveness"

Shocked by Sigmund's actions, Ivory's cheeks turned red, and she couldn't think straight. She shoved his hand away from her neck and looked away, "I feel so hungry now! Let me taste Ken's soup!" and hastily walked towards the house to avoid him.

Sigmund found it amusing everytime his Master gets shy at his jokes. He chuckled as he followed her inside Ken's cabin and proceeded to the dining room where he saw Ivory sitting on a wooden dining chair. She thanked Ken for cooking, and even though her friend had asked him to sit with them, Sigmund refused and told him that Servants do not need to eat human food. He stood beside the door and leaned on the wall instead and stared at his Master who ate like she hadn't eaten for weeks.

While Ivory and Ken were eating, the Vampire Servant thought of what happened in the past. He clearly remembered that he knocked them all out because they guarded his Master's chamber, so someone might have pretended to be him.

But he swore, in the name of Goddess Destinia, that he did not kill them.

He knew that the principal was right. There was something mysterious that happened in the castle back then. And why he was summoned in those bloody clothes, he still didn't know.

Unfortunately, he couldn't do anything at the moment since his Master couldn't fight alongside him yet. If he wanted an investigation about the matter and take revenge, he needed to make his Master stronger, and build their trust in the process for their magic to be indestructible.

Sigmund gazed at Ivory's happy face as she continued to eat. He didn't want the same mistake in the past to happen again, so he promised himself that day that he would never take his eyes off his Master and protect her at all cost. This time, he would make sure that he knew all of her secrets, even if it meant forcing her.

Night fell, and the Sprucemint family decided to stay temporarily at the tent-like, bushcraft shelter made of planks of pinewood, beside Ken's house.

"Thanks for letting us stay for a while," Ivory told Ken. "We really appreciate it."

"Ivory, we've been friends since we were little. Of course, I'll help you," with a smile on his face, he patted and placed his hand on Ivory's shoulder, which was quickly noticed by Sigmund.

Sigmund spoke in a low voice as he suddenly placed his arms around her shoulders, making Ken pull away his hand, "Master, your mother has been calling you,"

"Goodnight, Ken!" she smiled at her friend and waved her hand.

Sigmund grinned, satisfied with what he had done. As far as he knows, a romantic relationship would just be a hindrance to his big plans for his Master. He was bothered that she might just get distracted if she got herself a lover and neglect her training in the academy. If that happens, he might not be able to know the truth about what happened in the castle years ago.

"Mother! You called for me?" she asked Anne, who laid down the woven mat with Gracie and Flynn.

The mother glanced at her daughter, confused, "I didn't-"

"Huh? But Sigmund said…"

"Master, I'm sorry. I think I've heard it wrong," Sigmund responded and formed a sweet smile on his lips. "You should all rest now, and I will be outside to guard your shelter. Goodnight."

As soon as the Vampire Servant stood guard outside, Gordon commented, "Your Servant is really a reliable one. He's obedient, too. You are very fortunate to have him, Ivory."

"Well… uhm… yeah, father," Ivory uttered, unsure of what she should say to him.

Still, it didn't change the fact that her stubborn Servant had saved her siblings. If not for Sigmund, she knew she wouldn't be inside that tent with them. 'If only Katie's with us…' she thought. As she laid down and closed her eyes, she wished and prayed that things would work out well in the future.

Early the next day, Ebleu came to fetch them. In their journey to Qawiun Academy, he shared to Ivory that he accompanied Sigmund to the academy as soon as he dropped her in her house yesterday, and he was really very worried about her. Sigmund was a bit snobbish, and he got shy right away when the coachman revealed it to Ivory, his ears getting red.

After a while, they arrived at Qawiun Academy and as soon as Ivory and Sigmund walked inside the classroom, Arcea approached them.

"Ivory!!! Why were you absent yesterday?" she clung her arms to hers.

"I'll tell you later," Ivory smiled weakly. "It's a long story... a very unfortunate incident."

"Aww... there, there," she rubbed her arm gently and when she glanced at Sigmund, he was seen glaring at her with his glowing crimson-red eyes. "Anything wrong?"

"Nothing," Sigmund replied and looked away. He didn't want anyone to touch his Master and the fact that Arcea was clinging to her arms made him thought of burning her hand in an instant. He clenched his fist and tried to control himself as he felt his possessiveness grow. It would be over if he let his emotions get the best of him, and everything would be over for them. He considered what the Principal had suggested yesterday and so, the Vampire Servant decided to pretend to be a Spirit Servant Starting from today onwards.

Alexandra Iceburgh handled the first subject of that day. She was Educator Alphonse's younger sister and both had black hair, but in contrast to her brother, Alexandra's skin was light in color. She was wearing tight ninja clothes, a black cropped top with sleeves, and leather pants, both covered with metal armors. She was also wearing a black cape attached to her shoulder armor, and her outfit's highlights were the intricate gold design on her chest and her black mask.

Educator Alexandra started her lecture about speed and agility, "You need to consider these four to maximize your speed: technique, muscle endurance, flexibility, and strength & power…"

After her long lecture was an activity; she told the students to change into their most comfortable light combat clothes and come with her to the field found at the back part of the academy.

"We shall start with warm-ups!" She yelled and called her Servant, "Twilight! Help me monitor the students!"

Suddenly, a woman that looked exactly like her, appeared behind, leaving the students in shock. "Leave it to me, Master," the doppelganger Spirit Servant responded.

"Before we start, I'm going to assign you a partner. I have prepared here thirty magic marbles and each one of you will pick one. Since this class is even in number, everyone gets a pair. Now, line up," Educator Alexandra explained. Twilight then held out a glass bowl of magic marbles with different symbols. "Those with similar color and symbol will be your partner for Speed Class for the whole year."

The students lined up and one by one, they took a marble. With excitement, they moved around the field, searching for their pair. Arcea waved at Ivory and upon seeing that they had different symbols, they went to their other classmates to look at theirs.

After a few moments, everyone else had seen their partners, except for Ivory.

"Oh, Miss Sprucemint? Why don't you have a pair-'' Educator Alexandra finally realized that a student was not present at that time. "I'm so sorry, since Mr. Lucius Goldwine is absent today, one will not have a partner."

"It's okay, ma'am…"

"I know, why don't I let you borrow my Spirit Servant? She's human in form, too-"

"I'll do it," Sigmund interrupted them.. "I'll be my Master's partner."

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