Taming My Vampire Servant

Chapter 229 - "Goddess Destinia's Final Judgment"

Ghidarlgh, who was left alone by his family, couldn't help himself but to cry and wiped his tears with his shackled hands. He couldn't believe that everything seemed like a dream. His golden days were over, and he would surely miss his luxurious lifestyle as an Oracle, who was given a comfortable residence at the castle tower. His dream to be looked up to by the people was over.

His wrongdoings were exposed, and now, the people looked down on him and treated him as a liar and as a despicable person.

Levi's knights dragged Ghidarlgh back towards the caged wagon. After it was locked securely, Prince Levian uttered his orders to the executioner and to Xenos, changing the bald man's punishment.

It was Xenos who announced the bald man's final verdict, "With all his sins committed which were mentioned a while ago, we hereby sentence Ghidarlgh Menas to… lifetime imprisonment. He will be detained in the Silverblade castle's prison dungeon, and get whipped fifty times every passing day!"

When the cage wagon left in the direction toward the Silverblade Castle, one of the knights noticed something.

"My birthmark… it's gone!" 

The revelation urged those around him to check theirs.

To their surprise, nobody had their birthmarks anymore, including Prince Levian!

They all looked at Ivory, whose skin was full of birthmarks of Destinia. To clear his suspicion, Prince Levi approached her and looked thoroughly. As the Silverblade heir to the throne, he had a slightly bluish birthmark.

He found a similar one on Ivory's arm, where his mark was also located.

"That's my birthmark," Levi uttered. 

It turns out that in Ivory's body were all of the powerful birthmarks of Destinia. 

Then one by one, each mark detached from her. With Levi's birthmark at the front, the lyre symbols formed a long spiral chain and rose to the sky. 

Everyone's gazes followed the rising chain up above. Ivory, on the other hand, started to feel too dizzy, and eventually, she passed out.

"Ivory!" Sigmund screamed, trying to wake her up. But it was no use. Although he also suddenly felt quite weaker, his adrenaline pushed himself to have enough strength to carry his beloved.

Merchants around the plaza who had seen her become unconscious, led them towards the nearest shop having a bed. 

They all thought it was over, when suddenly, something dropped down the sky.

"Look, it's a scroll!" someone yelled.

Descending was a scroll with a golden bird figurine at the top, and the handle was made of silver with intricate designs of different colorful crystals embedded on it. 

Prince Levian took the scroll and unrolled it carefully. He read first the contents of the scroll, before turning towards the people. "Listen, everyone! Our Goddess Destinia has left us a message!" 

All those who had heard him went to the center of the plaza where the prince was and surrounded him. 

"Because we mortals had succumbed to greed, our holy Goddess gave her judgment… From now on, we shall live as mere mortals, without her blessed mana!"

There was indistinct chattering and the Chosen Ones who heard the Goddess' holy letter immediately took a look at their birthmark of Destinia. Just as expected, it was gone as well. They tried hard to concentrate to summon balls of elements, but it was no use at all.

They couldn't believe it. In just a flick of a finger, the Goddess took away her blessing.

"What will happen to our Servants?" one of his knights asked, and several worried faces looked at him.

"Do not worry! Goddess Destinia said that all our Servants will still be with us. It's just that, either they're going to turn into a human, or an animal. They will have the abilities to decide for their lives and paths they will take. Aside from that, all our weapons will be materialized indefinitely."

Seeing the confused look on the people's faces, Prince Levian stepped forward. 

"We have become too dependent on our mana. Even I, who was born with heaps of mana, now feel like something is missing from my entire existence. But we need to move forward, and I, Levian Silverblade, will lead this Kingdom to prosperity once again. Please be with me!" he bowed in front of the crowd.

There was a long silence in the plaza.

Prince Levi knew that the people might blame him for being an incompetent heir to the throne. If he subdued the enemies earlier, perhaps the situation wouldn't get that worse.

But Levi's comrade raised his spear, yelling "Long Live King Levian Silverblade!"

"King Levian! King Levian!" 

Contrary to what the young royalty was expecting, the crowd cheered for his name. They knew that it was not the young man's fault. They knew that everything was destined from the start.

Everyone who witnessed the scene realized how powerful the heavens were, and the incident made their faith grow stronger.

Levi thanked all of them for the support, and so, the plaza's mood turned happy with the bright smiles of the people. These were the smiles of hope, and seeing it, Levi promised himself that he wanted to protect them.

When the commotion outside was done, Levi went to where Sigmund brought Ivory. The merchants left the three inside the room.

The soon-to-be-king glanced at the sleeping Ivory, then towards Sigmund, who sat in a chair beside the bed. He noticed his worried face then said, "She just needs to rest. Do not worry too much," as a kind gesture, he patted his shoulder.

"I know, but… I can't help but worry."

Levi felt bad at himself that he misjudged the man. It was evident in Sigmund's expression that he loved Ivory so much. And so he said, "I would like to apologize about my past attitude towards you. Please let me make it up to both of you from now on," he offered him a handshake.

Sigmund stared at the prince's hand for a short while, before he finally shook it and accepted the kind offer.

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