Taming My Vampire Servant

Chapter 50 - "Unsuccessfully Resisting Master-1"

The students felt very excited upon hearing this and buzzed about the said activity.

"You think it's easy, huh?" Educator Wallace said. "Bear in mind that you must not damage the block. For example, if you incorporate fire, you must not burn it even just a bit. There are more blocks in your cart, so you can use them if you mess up. However, they're not going to be restocked. If there are no more blocks and you still need them, you will fail the challenge and will face punishments."

The students' excitement turned into worry.

The Educator then pointed out three big wooden barrels in the middle of the coliseum and instructed them to get the Earth element from it.

He continued the discussion, "There are a hundred ways on how to do it, and I am giving you free will to figure out how. You may discuss it with your classmates, but you will approach me individually in the far back of this stage and show me your blocks once you're ready." He was about to go to the back, but then he remembered something, "By the way, Servants aren't allowed to help. Furrene, you watch them."

The female black fox Spirit Servant lowered her head, "As you wish, Master."

The students grouped themselves into their respective sections, and the Servants were led by Furrene to the side of the stage. Sigmund frowned as he was always bothered by the two extra friendly Servants of his Master's classmates.

"What are your opinions over this challenge?" Caspian asked the three. "Starting with you, Sir Goldwine?"

"Call me Lucius, please." Then he added, "About your question… I think we should try covering the wood with another element before covering another element. I will try to cover up the block with hardened soil, before I cover it with fire. How about you, Caspian?"

"I'll use a contrasting Barrier Magic to envelop it first, then use the main element to cover the surface…"

"Barrier Magic is an Advanced Magic Technique, isn't it?" he asked Caspian, who chuckled upon hearing it.

"But hardening the soil is also an Advanced Magic, isn't it not?"

"Well, the main goal of Educator Wallace is checking our level of magic knowledge and skills," Ivory uttered. "Maybe, as long as we do what he asks of us, we can pass the challenge. So we'll use whatever means…"

They nodded at Ivory's opinion.

"Zephie," Lucius called their quiet classmate. "Do you have something in mind? On how we should deal with the challenge?"

Zephie stuttered when she heard Lucius say her name, "I… I… think I… No, I have nothing to say," and she turned beet red, averting her eyes away from him.

Meanwhile, on the Servants' side, Metamorphus observed that his Master was having a hard time conversing with Lucius. "My Master is so cute," he uttered. "She's being shy because her crush talked to her."

"She likes that guy? But that guy already has a lover, right?" Lutie questioned.

Sigmund glanced at the small servant, crossing his arms.

"Really? Who?"

"Didn't you hear the rumors? They said that he's going out with that girl," the little Servant said, pointing out to Ivory.

Sigmund, who couldn't help but react to that false rumor, said in a cold tone, "My Master has no lover, and she doesn't need one."

"Oh?" Lutie sighed, "So the rumors are false, I see!"

"Then I shall say the good news to my Master later! I'm sure she'll be delighted to hear this!" the butterfly Nymph said.

Sigmund looked at the two energetic Servants. He wished for the day to end already, so he could suck his Master's blood, but…

'What am I thinking of… I can last at least a week without her blood, and I just have to conserve my mana. By that time, maybe I had forgotten about that kiss…'

And so, the students did the challenge, and one by one, they went in front of the Educator. Most of them had successfully done the challenge, while some of them failed, so they took more blocks from the cart to try it again.

Hours later, the blocks inside the cart were already gone.

"Oh no, there are no more…" Zephie said when she peeked inside, "I need three more blocks for Air, Water, and Fire…"

"Take mine," Ivory said as she handed over the three blocks to her.

"Are you sure?" Zephie glanced at her hand. "But, you only have one… What about you?"

"I… I have extras."

"I see! I really apologize for troubling you!"

As Ivory stared at Zephie, who then played her flute and started incorporating her mana onto the wooden blocks, she wondered why she gave her three blocks to her. Now, she only has one. 'If I break this, then I will just have to accept the punishment… It's not like I'll get expelled, right?' she thought.

Sigmund heard their conversation from a distance and noticed Ivory's lack of motivation. He wondered if it was because of him avoiding her, which was the reason why she cried last night.

Almost everyone had presented their blocks, until there were only five students left. The other four were from the other sections.

Ivory was the first one to approach Educator Wallace. When he saw that she only had one block left, he asked her, "Miss Sprucemint, I am sure I had asked you to have four blocks of different elements?"

"Yes, Educator."

He noticed that the student in front of him did not incorporate any element yet into the wooden block. "Are you going to give up like this?"

"I apologize for not thinking straight when I gave my blocks. I will just accept the punishment."

"How can I accept that kind of answer?" Educator Wallace looked at her intently. "This activity will enable me to see your level of magic. If you're not going to show it to me, how can I evaluate you?"

Ivory furrowed her eyebrows as the Educator spoke.

The Educator noticed her saddened expression and felt that there might be something in her mind. Besides, two days ago, she failed to show her Conversion Magic to him and yesterday, she was not able to go to class to rest her exhausted body.

"Can you at least incorporate an element into it?" he pitied her. "Anything will do."

Ivory sighed. "I'll try…"

She closed her eyes, placed the wooden block on the stoned floor, and gripped her two sticks tightly. She concentrated her mana onto the sticks, which emitted a white light.

But when she opened her eyes, her light blue eyes also glowed as she stared blankly at the block, which shocked the Educator. Slowly, she swayed her hands in the air and started infusing her mana into the wooden block until it floated in front of Educator Wallace.

Sigmund sensed that strange mana from his Master and quickly dashed towards her.. He grabbed her arms and pulled her into a tight embrace from behind.

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