Taming My Vampire Servant

Chapter 71 - "As If We're Lovers"

Ivory woke up two hours after, and when she opened her eyes, she found herself in an unfamiliar room. She sat up, "What… happened?"

Sigmund was by the window, and when his Master had awakened, he approached her and sat beside her on the bed, "We're at a nearby inn."

"Why was I sleeping?" She asked him curiously, but he only chuckled, "Sigmund, why are you laughing?"

"You… you slapped Katie in front of a crowd."

"I… WHAT?!" Ivory was shocked to hear this from him. "I have no guts to do that! You've got to be kidding me!" she jokingly hit Sigmund's arm.

"I am not kidding. You really did slap her," he explained. "How much do you remember?"

"When the souvenir shattered on the floor…" she suddenly teared up and wept, "I just wanted to see her smile… It's been so long… I really missed her, but she…"

"Hey, you birdbrain, don't waste your tears for that rude woman!" he pulled her towards him, and let her cry on his shoulder.

As her Vampire Servant stroked her back, Ivory placed her arms around him and continued to cry. "I don't know what to do with her anymore, I did my best..."

"Stop crying," Sigmund continued consoling her. "I think she will think about how to treat you from now on. I hope that slap will make her realize how bad she had treated you."

Ivory pulled away from his embrace and asked, "Did I really slap her?"

The Vampire chuckled, "How many times do I have to tell you that yes, you slapped her? Your eyes even glowed. I sensed that you used your extraordinary mana-"

"Oh no!" she gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. "Did I attack her or something?!" she continued.

Sigmund shook his head and stroked her long silver hair, "No, you were just so… brave."

"Brave…?" Ivory pursed her lips, worried about what had been happening to her.

Whenever that other mana within her takes charge completely, she couldn't remember a thing, and based on Sigmund's story, she was becoming very powerful and fearless. Ivory remembered because she was just fortunate enough during that time in Gallean Town, wherein she perfectly fused her extraordinary mana with her normal mana. She hoped she could do it anytime and whenever needed.

"Sigmund, if I did something bad or embarrassing when I am taken over by the extraordinary mana, please tell me, okay?"

The Vampire Servant suddenly remembered that passionate kiss they had under the moonlight. His ears turned red, "Why, what if you did something embarrassing, what would you do?"

"Well, I will apologize to the person whom I bothered. And I will tell that person that I will never do it again."

Sigmund raised his brow, and from there on, he swore to himself that he would never tell her about that bittersweet incident. He changed the topic, "By the way, how about we forget about that bad encounter with that sister of yours and just enjoy the rest of the day around town?"

"Hmm. Sounds great!" Ivory quickly got up from her bed. "I'll just wash my face, then let's go."

The two of them spent the afternoon around town. They watched the street painters do their art live, and they made one of them to sketch her and her Servant.

"You do know this might take a lot of time, right," Sigmund told Ivory in a low voice. "I told you we should lay low, because we are near the castle. What if someone from years ago recognized me?"

"Eh, but I want a drawing of us to be hung in my bedroom. Besides, I only asked for a sketch and not a painting, so this will not last long…" she saw the painter furrow his eyebrow., "Oops, don't speak too much and focus. We do not want the painter to make a mistake and take a longer time to finish his work.

Sigmund just looked at her, then looked back towards the painter's direction. He couldn't help but grin a little, as Ivory gripped his arm more tightly and closely.

'Somehow… it feels like we're lovers,' Ivory thought. She wanted to treasure every moment with her beloved Vampire Servant, and as she realized that their trip to the Land of Rosaria was about to end, she felt excitement within her. She knew this would not be the first and last time that they would have an adventure together.

Afterwards, the painter showed them the sketch, and Ivory was overjoyed. She paid the painter with extra silver coins, then rolled the polished paper and tied it with a red string.

Ivory got hungry after some time, so they went to the fanciest eatery where she ate a plate of thick-sliced slabs of herbed, grilled pork meat. Sigmund just watched her, and he chuckled as she munched the meat, not minding his presence at all. He would extend his arm towards her and wipe the oil at the side of her lips. Ivory would then blush every time he did it. She would say thanks, but avoid his eyes and continue to eat. The Vampire Servant gazed at her amorously until she finished eating.

Unlike Valios City, which was located at the top of a cliff, Prisma City had a lower elevation, making the beach accessible to the public. Ivory and Sigmund stayed there until sunset, and as soon as the night fell, they searched for a nearby tavern to get some booze. Even though Sigmund stopped her, Ivory still insisted and ordered a large mug of beer.

"You do know that you will still pay back what you've borrowed from Lucius, right?" Sigmund reminded his Master.

"Yes, but I don't know when we'll get to have another vacation like this. Once I return to the academy, the training will get more serious, and when I become a third year, who knows where I'll be stationed," she explained, then sipped some beer. "Bitter."

"You're not used to drinking. Do you want to get drunk?"

"Yes… Gaaaahh, I'm so frustrated!" Ivory exclaimed. "If I can turn back time, I wish we never went to that art gallery." She gulped the beer continuously, until it reached half-full.

"No, I think you did well. I wished you had also pulled her hair as well-"

She jokingly hit his arm, "Meanie!"

And they stayed there until two hours before the moon had risen to the top of the sky.

Sigmund carried Ivory like a princess as they returned to the inn.. He walked a bit slower than usual, taking advantage of his alone time with his Master, because by tomorrow, they have to go back to the Land of Olivea.

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