Taming My Vampire Servant

Chapter 99 - "Jealous Of The Second Servant"

"Uhh… Is that supposed to be a secret?" Principal Arthurdane said. "It's just us. Miss Sprucemint's most trusted people."

Lycus suddenly pulled Ivory behind him and glared at Sigmund. "If he's a Vampire, then he's a dangerous one!"

"Lycus! Sigmund is my Servant, you don't have to worry about it!" she squeezed Lycus' hand. "You can trust him, okay?"

"But Vampires are the pa- family's greatest enemy," the silver-haired Servant glowered, but Ivory placed her finger on his lips.

"Lycus, I am your Master, so listen to me," she patted his head to calm him down."Sigmund has been with me for more than a year, and the trust that we built is already good. Whatever his past is, I accept it. The present and the future is all that matters to me now. Do you get it?"

Upon hearing this, Lycus realized his position. He cared about his Master, but she knew Sigmund more than he knew him, and besides, a year of being with a Servant was not a short while. He knelt down, "Apologies, Master Ivory."

Ivory continued to pat his head. "Don't worry, I only know you did it out of your concern for me," she glanced at Sigmund, who gave a lonely smile to her.

Ivory already knew long ago that it was Sigmund who was pointed to as the perpetrator of the Silverblade massacre, but the Vampire said that he never killed anyone. Yes, he gets angry when she's clumsy and when she's absent-minded, but he always makes her feel safe and secure. He may be rough on the surface, but for her, he's kind and caring.

As the Servant who has been beside her even as she sleeps soundly, she was confident that he had no intention to harm her at all. She knew Sigmund better than anyone else, so she trusts him very much.

Lucius observed them quietly throughout. The family's greatest enemy? 

Even as the day ended, Lucius couldn't get it out of his head. 

He went directly to his mother's house, and Diana gave her son a cup of warm chamomile tea in the living room. As the two of them sat in front of the fireplace, she asked him what was troubling him.

"Mother… I know you are afraid of Servants, but can I ask a quick question about them?" 

She saw her son's bothered expression, so she nodded, "Yes, what is it?"

"About Vampire Servants-"

"Lucius!" Diana suddenly shouted. "Anything but Vampires… Please..." she started trembling and covered her face.

Lucius decided not to ask further after seeing his mother in pain. He stood from his seat and embraced his mother, "I apologize, mother… I won't ask anything about them again."

The weekend then came, and Ebleu visited Ivory's house. He invited them all to his retirement celebration, which would be held in his humble home in Megalia City that afternoon. He left right after to invite the other guests.

Because Gordon still had to deliver the sacks of blueberries and acorns in Alpharion City, and Anne had to look after the kids, it was only Ivory, Sigmund, and Lycus who started walking to the city. 

Ever since Lycus had known that Sigmund was of the Vampire Class, he had been distancing himself away from him and would always glare at him. She wondered what kind of a mess would happen if Sigmund knew that Lycus was actually a Werewolf!

As Ivory was walking, Lycus was on her right, while Sigmund was on her left. She felt like a very important person, or a noble who had her own mercenaries to protect her. She laughed to herself as this thought passed her mind, while the two Servants wondered what she might be thinking.

After a ten minute walk, Ivory stopped, and she sat on a nearby rock to rest. They were halfway to Megalia City and still inside the Greensteid Forest.

"Master, I can massage your feet," Lycus knelt down beside her, smiling as he waited for her to agree. When Ivory nodded, he took off her boots and carefully massaged her aching feet.

Sigmund, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes on the dedicated second Servant. "Hey, what do you want me to do?" he then sat beside Ivory on a separate rock, "I can do better than massage your feet."

"Oh, since when were you asking for orders from me?" she jokingly said.

Sigmund crossed his arms, "Hey, stupid woman, I am the Great Servant, Sigmund, and I know I did well in helping you with your problems-"

"Fine, I already memorized your speech, so-" 

Sigmund suddenly held her hand, which startled her. He pulled it near his face, and grazed his lips on her palm. After kissing it, he told her, "Now that Lycus knows that I am a Vampire, I should not hold back in drinking your sweet blood anytime I want," and afterwards, he bit the side of it.

When Lycus saw what the Vampire did, he quickly checked his Master's reaction, if she disliked it. If she did, he would push away the red-eyed man. But he was surprised when he saw an expression he had never seen before. 

Ivory turned beet red as she closed her eyes while feeling Sigmund's wet tongue slid on the surface of her palm. She momentarily peeked on her Vampire Servant's face as he did it, then closed her eyes after feeling pleasure. She did not notice that she grabbed Lycus' hair, and when she did, she got startled and opened her eyes.

"I apologize, Lycus! Did it hurt?" Ivory panickingly asked, and Lycus shook his head, telling her not to worry.

And when Sigmund saw that his Master's attention was shifted to the second Servant, he stood up and pulled her close to her, then carried her in his arms. He tilted his head upwards, and with that, Ivory knew that her stubborn Servant wanted to hop onto the tree. 

"Master!" Lycus worriedly called, but Ivory gestured for him to stop.

"I am alright… Can you wait here for us, Lycus?" she told him.

"Why? Where are you going with the Vampire, Master?"

She turned red as a tomato when she replied, "Just up in the tree… We'll be really quick. Wait here, okay?"

Lycus knew that as a loyal Servant, he should follow his Master's instructions, so he just nodded at her with no further questions. As he stared at the two when the Vampire hopped up the tree, he wondered why his Master acted that way.

Sigmund went up the tree crown using Air magic to lift them upwards, and Ivory got amazed by the view of the sky and the other tree crowns. After checking the branches below, he sat on it and placed Ivory on his lap.

"I did not send you up here to go sightseeing, dimwit," Sigmund whispered to her. "You know what I want."

"What… do you want?" Ivory asked, playing like she didn't know at all.

"I want you," the Vampire replied, smirking at her, "I want you, Ivory."

Not giving her any chance to retort, he suddenly moved her head near him and licked her ear. He bit the lobule and it bled a little, and he sucked it. 

Hearing her beloved Vampire's breaths made her tremble in arousal. She could also feel his hot breath below her ear.

"Ivory, look at me," Sigmund told her, and she gazed at him. He caressed her cheeks, then her head, "If there's anything you want me to do, you should tell me… You know that I can massage well-"

Ivory bursted out laughing when she heard it. It seemed like Sigmund was jealous. If only he's not her Servant, she would think of it like that.

"I'm not joking. You know how well I massaged your back before."

She nodded and smiled at him. She pinched his cheek, "I know, okay? Don't feel bad about Lycus massaging my feet. He offered first, so I agreed. Don't worry, even if you don't do anything, I'd still keep you as my Servant."

Sigmund chuckled, "Oh? Like a body pillow?"

She hit his shoulder subtly, "You're teasing me again!"

"What? You've been using me as a body pillow, right?" Sigmund told his Master, and he enjoyed their usual bickering.

After Ivory's ear lobule stopped bleeding, they went down, and the worried Lycus immediately looked around his Master if she's hurt or anything. Ivory patted her Werewolf Servant's hair and stroked it, saying thank you that he guarded the tree and waited for them patiently.

Lycus offered for him to carry her so that she would not get tired, but Ivory declined. She said she preferred walking so that she could get some exercise.

Ivory held Lycus' hand on her right, while she was clinging onto Sigmund's arm on her left. The Werewolf saw how comfortable his Master was towards the Vampire, and he thought that maybe she's right, that the Vampire could be trusted. 

But then he worriedly wondered about what Ivory's father would say if he knew about it.

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