The two groups were silent for a moment.

Debra took the lead and shouted, "Knight, draw the sword!"

Several knights drew their swords with a loud clam, and surrounded the red-haired witch.

The red-haired witch took a few steps back and turned to run, but when she saw the little boy in Rita's arms, she hesitated for a while, and finally stopped.

"Come and catch me if you want!" The scared teeth of the red-haired witch trembled: "It has nothing to do with that kid, you put him down."

Debra said in a deep voice: "It doesn't matter, you said it or not. It's up to us to say it."

The red-haired witch was caught in this way, and another witch who needed to be captured was later captured from the field. Compared with the stubborn resistance of the witch in the dungeon, the process was so smooth that everyone could not believe it.

Rita doubted: "There is nothing wrong with this, right? Hey, do you have any conspiracy."

"Conspiracy?" The red-haired witch raised her lips and laughed. She didn't dare to look directly at Debra, but dared to provoke Rita: "What conspiracy is there, we are just ordinary girls, we can't even hold the sword. How to resist? I have said that we are not witches."

"I still have to quibble now." Debra sneered: "Is it a witch? Just go in and see."

Everyone cautiously stepped into the wooden house. They were already ready to meet the monsters and skeletons. They didn't expect to open the door, but the baby's cry was rushing toward them.

"What is this?" Rita's eyes widened in horror: "Illusion? It must be an illusion, how could it be true."

Amelia looked at the scene in front of her, not knowing what to say for a while.

In the narrow and dilapidated wooden house, all the furniture is tattered and patchwork, and in the middle of the room, there are four or five shabby but clean cradles.

The cry came from the cradle.

A clean white curtain covers the cradle. The invisible wind pushes the cradle and makes a crunching sound. The warm sunlight is projected on the curtain through the window rails, making it warm and lovely.

Debra frowned and said, "You robbed someone else's child?"

The red-haired witch was furious when she heard the words, endured trembling, and gritted her teeth and looked at her directly: "No, it wasn't a looting, but my sister picked it up from the edge of the forest. Many people couldn't afford their children, so they threw them into the forest to survive Self-destroyed. My sister couldn't see that they died like this. Every time they met, they would pick them up and raise them, and then secretly send them back to town when they grow up."

Rita: "Sister?"

There were tears in the eyes of the red-haired witch: "Sister didn't come back yesterday, and you found the door again. I know, your sister must have fallen into your hands."

"Why don't you send it to the church? The Church has an orphanage specially for orphans, and accepts abandoned children free of charge, so why not send it there." Debra said coldly.

"Do you think we didn't send it? It's the parents of the child who sent the child many times before abandoning them."

The red-haired witch gritted her teeth: "They don't accept it. They don't want to accept the child because there is a problem with it. They say that such a child might as well die like this instead of growing up and suffering..."

"Question?" Rita paused and lifted the curtain covering the baby.

She gasped.

I saw those white and fat babies, some with facial deformities, some with incomplete hands and feet, and the most terrible one with a head on the shoulder.

Rita thought of something, looked down at the little boy who was still choking in her arms, and opened his sleeves.

Sure enough, under the cover of the clothes, the little boy was empty below the joint of his right arm, with only a fist-sized sarcoma.

These children are all disabled.

Everyone was stunned, and for a while, only the red-haired witch's voice was heard in the room: "My sister said, at least they have to give them a choice. It is up to them to decide when they grow up."

Amelia opened her mouth, she didn't know what to say, she paused for a moment and then sighed silently.

Healing magic can only heal wounds. This kind of inborn disability can only be cured by a few extremely expensive and rare medicines. But who would waste energy and gold coins for a child of a poor family?

In the ignorant and conscientious alien continent, such children are usually choked to death when they are born, and only soft-hearted parents will throw them into the forest.

"What will happen to them?" Rita couldn't help asking Amelia quietly, her eyes a little sad.

"Bought back by their respective parents." Then thrown back to the forest.

In the second half of the sentence, Amelia didn't say it clearly, but everyone at the scene understood that the atmosphere was a bit quiet for a while.

"Okay." Debra pursed his lips: "Don't forget what you are here for. Others have nothing to do with our mission. Life and death are their own destiny."

The red-haired witch sneered and said, "Is this the Illuminati religion that has always been merciful to everyone? That's how you treat your people?"

"Shut up! How the god teaches, it has nothing to do with your heresy!" Debra was annoyed, and ordered the knight to tie up the witch, and rudely pushed out the door.

"and many more!"

Amelia, who had been quiet for a long time, suddenly spoke. She stood in the shadow of the room, facing everyone who turned her head, her blue eyes were like hidden turbulent seas, and she said every word: "She really is Witch?"

"What do you mean?" Debra frowned irritably, and then sneered: "This kind of thing has been determined a long time ago. What do you want to do now? Do you justify her? Amelia , Don’t forget your identity!"

"I have only one identity. I have never been confused." Amelia raised her eyebrows and smiled slightly: "Debra, do you dare to hold a ceremony to ask God? Do you dare to say that you have never wronged any civilian, Mark them into the dark forces?"

Debra was at a loss for words.

She really didn't dare.

The eyes of everyone in the room were on the two of them. The two equally good blonde girls faced each other, unwilling to look down at each other's eyes, as if they were struggling.

After a long time, Debra reappeared with a gentle smile and whispered: "Okay, I will take this challenge. What if the two of them are witches? What will happen to you, Amelia."

She calmly shifted the topic of'have any civilians been wronged', and focused everyone's attention on'Are the two girls a witch?'

She is guilty.

But Amelia did not pierce her. Instead, following her voice, she said the words Debra wanted to hear most: "I will voluntarily give up the position of chief."

"Okay. Then I'll wait to take over your position as chief." Debra smiled with victory in hand.

Rita, who winked her eyebrows to stop Amelia, stomped her feet in frustration and was furious.

In everyone's eyes, the two girls who live with witches and sleepwalk at night must be witches. There is no second answer.

In other words, after the asking god ceremony, Amelia will definitely give up the position of chief.

Except for the tearful and moved two girls who almost agreed to each other, everyone looked at Amelia with a strange color.

'How can this kid be stupid at a young age.'

——Similar to this feeling.

Debra even began to urge Amelia to leave quickly so that she could return to the town to prepare the materials for the ritual.The three saints led most of the knights to walk quickly ahead.

A few knights were left with their babies and witches, and they walked slowly in the forest with heavy loads.

In the crowd, Amelia pursed her lips and smiled.This is actually a win-win situation for her.

The girl is a witch = give up the position of chief = happy

Girl is not a witch = saved two lives = happy

No matter what, she was happy, and the result of the asking god ceremony made no difference to her.

If she could get rid of the position of chief by this matter, it would save her the effort to find a solution later.

Everyone was trained in martial arts, and they walked fast. After a while, they threw their family members far behind and walked out of the forest.

As soon as the group walked to the city gate, they realized that something was wrong.

It's too quiet.

In the past, in the rice fields outside the city gate, there would be the sound of peasants farming, the laughter of children, and the women sitting here talking and laughing.

But these are gone now.

"Something's wrong." Amelia hid Rita behind her and said to the knights around them: "Pull out the sword and pay attention to your surroundings."

Debra also drew out his magic wand, temporarily ignoring the matter of God's ritual, tightened his nerves, and carefully walked into the city gate.

As soon as he stepped in, someone gasped loudly.

Since being selected as a saint, Amelia has seen a lot of bloody corpses, but she has never seen such a huge number of corpses, so much blood.

Hell, it's like hell here.

The crowd was stunned for a while at the city gate, and some couldn't help but turned around and helped the city wall to vomit.

Amelia also panicked for a moment, but quickly squeezed her wand and whispered: "Don't be distracted, go to church, and get together with other people who stay behind."

The crowd settled down, stepped on a pool of blood, and passed one after another sloppy corpses. There were old people, adults, and children, all killed by one blow. There was a big blood hole in the chest.

——They were all taken out of their hearts.

What is even more frightening is that they have no fear on their faces, no despair before they die, and it is more like they were killed without reacting, and they were still doing their own things before death, even with a smile on their faces. .

This weird scene made everyone tensed their bodies, holding their hearts, and bypassing street after street. They also passed countless dead civilians and finally came to the church.

The church was also very quiet, which seemed to be an unknown sign, which made everyone's hearts lifted, and they swallowed anxiously.

Amelia took a deep breath, suppressed her emotions, and pushed open the door of the church.

The smell of blood pouring into her nasal cavity made her feel a little choked.

Just like the scene of corpses in the town, on the steps of the church, there are also several knights with religious symbols carved on their armors.

The blood flowed down the white stairs, staining the holy and immaculate statue.

Everyone walked in quietly, and while walking, someone accidentally knocked off the helmet of one of the knights.A young gray face appeared.

Amelia glanced at the familiar face, her heart plummeted, her fingers squeezed her wand, her veins violent.

After walking around in the church, there was no one who was still alive. All the knights who stayed behind were dead silent like those outside.

"Who, who did this..."

Someone panicked and said: "It wasn't the witch we caught did it, right?"

"No way?"

Everyone went down to the basement to check, but the witch was still half-awake and hung on the torture instrument, the wound that was not fully cured was bleeding dripping, still half-dead.

"Hey, don't you think it's familiar?" Debra put her finger on her chin and thought: "That day, when the two witches were rescued, everyone passed out without feeling anything, but today is more serious. , His methods were even more bloody and directly killed so many people."

Rita nodded approvingly: "When you said that, I remembered it, it is indeed very similar."

Amelia pursed her lips and did not answer them.

They don’t know the inside story, but Amelia knows that she can only make everyone faint at best, and the number can’t be too many. And this town has thousands of people, and she wants to kill so many people silently. Less than.

The city is too dangerous for them to stay.

"Go, go now, don't take anything, leave here immediately."

The group of people ran to the gate of the city with a panic expression. The blood was slowly blowing in the cool breeze.

If it weren't for the strange color of the water, this might be a spring scene worth admiring.

"Everyone is okay? Work harder and ran to the next town in one breath." Amelia wiped the sweat from her forehead and turned to look at Rita: "Are you okay? Rita—"

A flash of light flashed before her eyes.

Made of fine iron, arrows with blood grooves and barbs on both sides penetrated Rita's chest.

Blood spattered out.

The arrogant girl showed a dazed look, stretched out her hand to grab Amelia, but her body fell backward with the strength of the arrow, her fingertips passed her shoulders, and she fell heavily to the ground.

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