Tanaka family, reincarnated.

Things that erode the Empire.

"Then a mound of rice. May I have it?

Ask Nico to the Emperor and General, who Melsa completely flattened Napolitan.

'............ what?

'Wha... a mound!?

The Imperial man sits on his back at the same time, surprised.

"You got that amount of support supplies for one of these rice mounds!?

The warehouse, which was about to be emptied of the Empire, is now overflowing with Stewart family support supplies.

For a mound of rice, did we rush that far?

... No, if it's a mound first, tell him it's a mound!!

"The unit, must it be? Isn't that a stone's mistake?

Even if it's a stone, I don't feel like matching it... but the general confirms that she may not have grasped the fine units either, manipulating the imperial language brilliantly.

'... you can't possibly wear so much to tell me that the Empire is suffering from food misery. Yeah, but a mound with white rice, not brown rice. I can't give this away.'

To Melsa, who smiles lusciously, both the Emperor and the General lose their words.

Not at all fair as a deal.

Beyond, the amount of food the imperial people can live without starving for more than six months.

What you're giving me from here is a grapple on a rice mound?

'Well, that's all... is that good?

'Of course, I would like you to send me some convenience in the future during the time of the new America...'

I feel like I'm paying taxes.

It won't last long without mutual benefit.

"Every year.................."

The expression on the imperial side darkens.

I promised to get rice.

There are no two words for samurai, so Melsa opens her mouth trying not to hesitate from here to hear what bothered her her her her.

'By the way, about the imperial food distress, isn't it caused by poor weather? Neither Baritou, nor any other country, has asked for help. "


'Besides, the number of people I saw on the way to the Imperial Palace… I'm also curious how many kingdoms were too many to say they were rare. It's like all the people are gathered around Ed...'

The Empire is not a big country.

People were unnaturally overflowing even when they considered it the capital of the country.

If I stared deeper than the boulevard, the huts were lined up to twinkle.

It is clear that there will be no policy that would prevent food from being delivered to the countryside when we look at the Emperor, the General, including Prince Taske.

Yet Melsa thought that there was something else wrong with being gathered in urban areas so that the majority of the Imperial people would be pushed.

"I heard it was just an interpreter............ Satirical"

Just once, just walking through the city is trying to poke the heart of the Empire's problems.

Momochi, a ninja who had shunned behind the ceiling all the time, appeared.

"Your Majesty, my lord!! Let us tell the Kingdom the truth. Master Melsa is trustworthy. I'm sure you can help me!

'............... Momochi, don't push me. This is irrevocable. I just talked to him, and I just make him worry extra'


"Momochi, the Empire is doomed..."

"" "" 'Kuh!!

In the words of the general, his proximity leaves him in tears.

"Hey! Hey!? Melsa? What did you say? What's going on? Why is the imperial suddenly crying out?

To an unusual sight, Oliver, sitting silently in his absence until then, looks anxiously at Melsa.

"............... doom? You won't listen to that. I'm still planning on making okonomiyaki and noodles."

If you could make the sauce of your choice, it would be even better.

Rice and raspberries regularly. Miso and soy sauce have to be taught how to make them, and they don't have to perish on their own to figure out everything there is to know about what is and isn't in the Empire to cover delicious rice.

'Hmm? Okonomiyaki?..................?

'Anyway, the Empire must continue to interact with the Stewarts forever!

No matter how much Melsa runs out of words, she shakes her head as both the Emperor and the General have given up.

"Hey! Melsa! Don't ignore me!! What are you talking about! Hey!"

"Our diplomats will do whatever the kingdom can to cooperate."

Listen to Oliver's complaints and persuade him to interpret appropriately.

I hate coming so far and giving up my new annual rice.

'............... if you say so much, you just have to look at it in person'

"'' Your Majesty!!?

"'' Shit!!

"If you look at the real thing, you'll see"

When the emperor and general were all aligned and dropped their shoulders, the sight ended.

"What are you talking about!? Where do you think we're going?

"Oliver, I asked for it. He wants to know what causes the Empire to perish..."

"Ha!!!? The Empire will... perish!? What are you talking about, man? Explain it properly!! Wouldn't it just hurt to have a national deal with a doomed country!?

"... Oliver, could you be a little quiet? My ears will be Keane. So we're going to go check that out now."

"Oh, oh, oh, because you don't explain anything -!

The next day, Oliver screams in a carriage that was woken up and put on early in the morning.

More than 30 samurai around the carriage.

In an atmosphere dominated by Fuxima and Kato, who ate the most Melsa Neapolitan, the carriage carrying Melsa and Oliver moves in the opposite direction from the sea.

Along the way, even after a lunch break of about 30 minutes, I drove the carriage and gradually arrived about the time the sun began to set.

For this reason, I expected to be able to eat rice for lunch, but it was Napolitan that came out for some reason.

Ume learned how to make it, and she made it fast... and I don't need it.

When he comes to a place separated by a fence, Fuxima sends a signal and causes the guard to open the fence.

"From here, you will walk"

As we approach, the samurai, tingly and painfully tense, also walk down the horse and down the path leading to woodlike prosperity with Melsa and Oliver.

Oliver the boulder also reads the air and shuts up, but from time to time he glances at Melsa and gets angry that he hasn't heard her walk just by mouth movement.

The moment we go through the woods, Melsa opens her mouth when she sees the sight that has spread in front of her.


"Stay away from me, please."

Note quietly that Kato is out in front of Melsa.

In front of me, a plant about twice the length of Melsa's back spread on one side.

Unlike the forest behind you, a beautiful sight where everything blooms the same yellow flowers and at first glance it doesn't seem like it belongs in this world.

"Oh, hey... Mersa......................................................................................."

Oliver also once completed his advanced degree in demonology at the school just to stick with Melsa, even though he didn't need it.

To the tall plants that flock, yellow flowers.

"Stupid...... p, plant hazard............?

A rare botanical demon was breeding within the imperial boundaries.

"There is only one plant-based demon that wears yellow flowers. That's... if it's been eroding so far, six months from now, it'll be near Ed..."

"Is this demon... still... [Owata]?

Plant-based demons.

Because many are called carnivorous plants and live outside the conjuncture, humans in this world never come across.

Very rarely, however, demons that have broken into the junction may bring in seeds, which may sprout.

Within the junction, it explodes and reproduces because there are no natural enemies of carnivorous plants.

Especially [owata] is hard and difficult to cut or bake.

It erodes in years, such as the land where humans live.

This is the South, isn't it? Why [Owata]!?

The kingdom and empire are connected on the continent.

[Owata] should only live on the North Continent.

The result of allowing an empire with all those formidable samurai to reproduce so far has never been a record of its emergence on the southern continent.

Only those who have passed the advanced level of demonology will know its existence in the Kingdom as well.

"Two years ago, there was a local junction hazard in the Empire, when the samurai defeated the demon and the wizard closed the hole...... it is believed that the demon was accompanied by [owata] seeds"

Fuxima grips her fist and spins her words as she squeezes them out.

At that time, the person responsible for the demonic exorcism was Fukshima.

Because I missed a grain of seed, I was going to crush the country, I can't regret it if I repent.

"To demons coming out of local junction hazards!?

I'm not sure why demons come out of local junction hazards in the first place.

Even if there was a hole in the junction, Melsa had long failed to understand where the demons were coming from even though they were within a safe junction around them.

I've been going through it with what I say for a long time, and nobody's grasping any principles.

I realize the possibility of demons coming out of Hazard in the words of Fuxima coming from the North Continent, trembling unexpectedly.

Deep down, it's going to need to be verified.

[Owata] flies seeds in a six-month cycle.

If flowers are blooming right now, the seeds will fly right near Ed in the summer.

After a year as it is, both the Empire and the Imperial People will be lost.

'I have tried many times to defeat…… [Owata], but the wizard, and many samurai, have lost, and no more, no hitter. Erosion of most fields and fields prevented crop harvesting. To the Kingdom, I am grateful. It broke my heart enough to understand what was said to be impossible, because until then, when the imperial people perished, they gave me enough food to live without starvation.'

Pong and hands on the trembling Fuxima's shoulder, Kato bows her head to Melsa.

'I mean, rice is this... the best... after...?

New rice every year...... can't you eat it?

Melsa flutters.


Oliver supports him in a hurry.

Although Melsa is temperamental, woman.

With demons in front of you, it's not impossible to fall.

"Let's go home, Melsa. There's nothing we can do..."

Unwillingly, Melsa is supported by Oliver and returns to the way she came.

My whole family's dreams......

The rice......

The rash......

The roe...

I'm sure the kids will be sad, too.

I'm sorry, William.

I'm sorry, Georg.

I'm sorry, Emma.

................................................... Emma?


Yes, it was.

We had Emma!

"Let's go home, Oliver!

…… No, I told you to go home now. "

Oliver sees Melsa with a strange face.

For some reason, I had a bad feeling.

'Dear Fukshima, please tell me anything about [Owata]. We'll set up take-home measures in the kingdom.'


We have a daughter with cute insane, unmatched rare imagination.

As soon as I get home, I need to have a Tanaka family meeting!

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