Tanaka family, reincarnated.

Each one of those days.


Robert looks up to heaven with incredible thoughts.

the sun shining with you tells us that summer is already near.

If you drop your gaze a little, spread fields, fields, fields.

Who can imagine Teng himself plowing a poor rural field in the wake of that school commotion?

That night, the knights led by the prince tied me up and put me in jail.

I was not stupid enough to be unaware that I had done something extraordinary after a day, two or three.

A day and night search by the heavy towns of the country, who are even more stately than their fathers and will only see them at night clubs.

Number of victims.

The whereabouts of the boar.

The value of a bovine.

Um, I didn't know it was worth a disgusting bug.

I can't believe I can't compensate you for spending all of the Lance family's property.

That's the bug, right?

My father yelled at me that if I did poorly, my parents and children would all be in jail for the rest of their lives and that I might be executed for 300 years of guillotine.

Apparently my father was a father and was acting against the kingdom.

The King's wrath was tremendous and he would hear later that it was no surprise that Lance's name had disappeared from this country.

Robert lives under this blue sky in the words of Emma, the biggest victim of this commotion.

It's not a good idea to prank a girl, but Master Robert and Master Brian would be reflecting, too, and I suppose I could get her out of jail?

Everyone said they were surprised by the virgin gesture.

The Prince's Thinker (found out), a painful wound to the beautiful look.

A merciful heart directed at 10,000 people, a humble attitude.

Satnified eyes looking one step ahead, girl laughing healthy at all times.

There was a holy girl there who knew to forgive.

Not that everyone was heartbroken by her tragedy when she even called herself the Virgin in the first place and was in a situation where she couldn't make a calm decision.

Emma herself, the victim, spoke of the disconnect between stopping and thinking.

If the bovine was a normal worm and the person released, the place, was not a noble lady, would it not have been put in prison?

The lost boar will not return, but the wounds of the injured maid can be healed.

Expenses for the Royal Castle Knights' departure due to disturbances, care for the minds of the ladies, the cost of healing wounds, and compensation for losses caused by the stagnation of classes at the school.

That was the only punishment for Robert and Brian.

That amount of compensation was not an amount that could not be paid to the nobility, and Robert and Brian nodded that they would follow that punishment in two replies, wondering whether it was God's grace.

Emma Stewart...... are you seriously an angel? I also thought that during the bundle, Bryan and I were rocked by a separate carriage for nearly half a day, and it was the run-down rural entrance away from the Wang capital that brought us here.

An astonishing fact is told by the knight to Robert, who thought lightly that he would be returned to the mansion exactly.

"Robert Lance. We're going to work here and pay the compensation. plow fields, sow seeds and make vegetables."


"I'll buy the vegetables you make at that rate every now and then."

"What? Stupid what!! Take him to the mansion, and I'll pay him for it immediately!...... Yes, no, give me this ring. Made of pure gold. It should be more expensive than compensation!!

"I only accept compensation for the money you sold the vegetables you grew. … this is the immediate cost of living. Because the kingdom is not the devil either, I'll add this to the compensation."

I am given a leather bag with coins in it.

Robert learns a slight relief in the tightly heavy bag, untying it and checking inside.

"What? What? Isn't it all copper coins!? That's all, how do you want me to live!?

Even if it's heavy, if it's only copper coins, there won't be a lot of money in it.

"Anyway, copper coins are the most circulating in the countryside around here, baby. I've never seen gold before."

"What? How do you live without gold? Got clothes? Got shoes? There's no way you can get it with this copper coin!?

Even the clothes I'm wearing are specially tailored.

He hasn't even let me change my clothes since he was put in jail.

When I got back to the mansion, it was a bath first, I thought it was a meal. I looked like an idiot half a day ago.

………… If you're wearing hemp, you can get it for 20 copper coins, right? The shoes... you can carve your own trees, can't you? That's how everyone in this village lives. "

"... hemp... and? I can wear hemp clothes! Who do you think I am!? Wear hemp, wear wooden shoes and live with copper coins!? You can't live in a poor place like that shit!!

Don't joke, don't joke, don't joke I'm Robert Lance.

You'll be Duke of Lance in 10 years.

This, this, this, this, it's like when you're a knight, you're not even supposed to talk... I am!

"You're a sinner, Robert. You just picked up your life thanks to the generous Virgin. If you're dissatisfied, do you want a 300-year guillotine execution?

A knight stares at Robert.

The knight who set out for that commotion knew.

The biggest victim, Emma Stewart, was so upset that she couldn't stand on her own legs.

Hold him with great care by his brother Georg Stewart, slowly, slowly carried away.

Though I have to thank you for just having a life while you do all that to the girl.

Embrace the urge to cut it off and turn back on your heels.

"Ma, wait!! At least make it a richer village, not here!

This is not where humans live!

To Robert's cry, the knight who was starting to walk stops perfectly.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. This is a very average rural area in Lance territory. I wonder what would happen if you were the son of a lord to the villagers who gasp for heavy taxes?

Hahaha I left a thirsty laugh and the knight rode away in the carriage.

"Your Majesty!! Why!!

A loud voice that doesn't resemble a calm and sedentary Prince Edward, stuffing him to his father, the King.

"Why are you letting the Stewarts go to the Empire now that owattas breed in the Empire and are only a few more months away!?

The fact that only the royal family and some diplomats, the Stewart family, were informed.

The perishing crisis of the Empire.

The Empire has already eroded most of its land into Owata, and has lost elite troops, including wizards, who have gone outside the boundaries.

Going to the Empire now is even a life-threatening act.

"Take it easy, Edward. It was an offer from Count Stewart's house. Countess Melsa visited the Empire and complained to Count Stewart that she was heartbroken by the tragedy and wanted to do something."

"But even Emma... even my children follow me to dangerous countries, etc!

"Edward, you know best, don't you?

The king looks into the eyes of his son.

"Oops!! Emma is a sweet girl. If there are those who suffer, they will hold out their hands, even if they are outside the country. Your Grace!! She's, she's, she's trying too hard. He's weak too! You don't know if sailing can withstand the changes in the environment in the Empire, do you?

I don't want Emma to suffer.

If I can do it, I want to do it instead.

I want to do everything on behalf of you, both dangerous and sad.

I want to protect it with my own hands.

"... I'm going to the Empire too!

"My goodness be with you"

A queen sitting next to the king to the right scolds Pishari and the prince.

"It's not like you don't know what the school is for going on holiday for two months at this time when it's easiest to spend time in Wang Du, is it?

The most important social season in the kingdom's aristocratic society.

(The Stewarts are largely non-participating each year)

National dignitaries also come at this time of year.

Trade between nations is essential in this world, where human beings can live only to a limited extent surrounded by ties.

Even though the second, it is unacceptable for a prince of a country to be absent during this period.

Exchange between nations is an important part of the royal work.

If the Empire had opened up the country sooner, there might have been more to deal with.

"What, Edward? You'll be fine, if you're Emma. By the time the new semester starts, you'll be back fine."

Rose, my mother, sitting next to the king's left, forgives the prince.

"Edward, the Count Stewart family is a clan hunting monsters on the border. If anyone can come home safely from an empire eroded by demons, they are the only ones."

The Prince's appeal never came true.

"Joshua!? What did you just say?

Daniel screams, his father, who has transported large quantities of Palace silk to the King's Capital before the social season.

"Summer break, I'm going to the Empire"

"............ last year's empire has information in it that cotton harvest was poor. You said now that you're sure you're expected to build up a value, right?

Daniel looks at his son as he grinds his temples.

The kingdom is silk, and the empire is the main export of cotton.

Silk is a luxury item and cotton is a daily item.

Many ordinary people cannot even buy that cotton, and many wear hemp clothes.

Few are able to wear silk every day, even if they are rich nobles.

Being able to raise the value of cotton to the Empire is a major blow for the Chamber of Commerce.

Even if it's not, I've been spending a lot lately.

"Yeah, according to my information, the Imperial folk revolt was all over the place, so the harvest was lost."

"... you... such information. Where...?

"It's based in Wang Du. Even I know this much for the Chamber of Commerce."

If the popular revolt subsides, the harvest should calm down, but we don't hear very good rumors about the king of the replaced empire.

"I mean, it's going to be difficult in the future to rely solely on imperial cotton. I was wondering if we should adjust our personnel to increase hemp in the country for the moment."

Joshua says farewell.

"No, but still..."

The social season is also a good time for merchants.

Palace silk, not to mention the main force of the Rotosilt Chamber of Commerce.

Now, there is also a rampant campaign of First Prince non-procurement.

If we don't interact with the chambers of commerce in other countries at this time of year and get them to buy silk for their exports, they will make less money.

Joshua is a must-have force for the Chamber of Commerce.

"The Duke of Lance, the leader of the First Prince faction, is supposed to leave King's Capital for the time being, so I'm reading that silk sells well in the country this time."

"Is that the Duke Lance house?

The Duke of Lance family is one of the four great dukes of the kingdom.

There were rumours that the Duke's son had caused disturbances in the school, but any further stories had been laid down by a decree, which had become obnoxious.

"If you skip entertaining imperial merchants, the Chamber of Commerce will do well without me. Besides, where the Stewarts are, it's at the heart of the economy. I'm not going back to the Empire for free either."

The Empire has demonic stones.

Ingredients such as rice that Emma doesn't want.

"Joshua... even in the king's capital, you seem to have done a good job"

Terrible as my son.

But Daniel is also proud to have raised this son on his own for many years.

"So, what's the honest truth?

………… Four boys from the Empire are coming to the Stewart family to learn how to cook. A man named Miguel in it, always, always, always... "

"Again, that way..."

"Catch Emma's attention with the bug story, grab Emma's stomach with exotic dishes...... I talked to her for a second and her personality is refreshing and flamboyant, JEHMM!

Just in case one hundred million is where they are not... two... two...

"... no matter what my father says... no... no matter what the Chamber of Commerce crumbles, I'm going to the Empire"

It's more dangerous than anything. The Empire.

I cannot afford to be informed later, as I did when I was a local junction hazard.

Since that time, my body has been working out ever since I came to Wangdu.

It may be difficult to protect with a sword, like Master Georg or Prince Edward.

But I still want to be on your side.

I've always wanted to see that angel smile on the side more than anyone else.

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