Depressed and widely swarmed owata.

It's completely different from listening to a story than seeing it straight away.

"You know what I mean? This is not something humans can do anymore. '

Fukshima speaks out to the Stewart family, who stand up in front of Owata.

'Since then, miraculously no owatta seeds have flown. We might still make it. I'm turning back.'

Since the seed flew only once hours ago, the owatta never flew the next seed.

I've come so far in a way that I'm forced to persuade you, but if I could have turned back then, I could have returned this family safely to the kingdom.

Do not regret the sweetness of your judgment.

"Dear Fuxima, thank you for your guidance so far"

William bows his head in a peck.

"From here on out, we'll take care of you, all of you, and turn around."

Show the way Georg came.

'What are you talking about? How far do you insult Owata.............................................................'

In front of me, Emma crosses with pleasure.

While skipping to the crossing of the nose.

Um, knocking on the carriage door I brought from the kingdom where he said it sounded odd with the scissors.


"Casa Casa Casa Casa"

"Coco Cocon"

"Casa Casa Casa Casa"

"Open it?"

He unlocks the door using the chatter and the key he was wearing around his neck.

"One, finally… the contents…………"

'Wait, wait, wasn't Casa responding to Knock now!?

Temporarily, the samurai, who had been ordered to wait, begin to pay attention to Emma's movements.

"You guys, what are you getting so far..."

The samurai who followed Fukshima tilt their necks at the state of the waiting group.


The moment Emma opens the door, the black stuff all at once buzzes out. Wow. Avalanche coming out.


"Ah, sister! He said it was fast!

"Here, Emma. I need to explain this to Fuxima and the others once... '

The brothers noticed with the sound of the door opening cautioned, but it was too late.

What, what, the samurai got a gut look at the black chunk.


Out of the black mass, one climbs around Emma's waist.

'Hehe, I'm sorry. Lock me up all the time.'

All right, all right. Emma strokes that flat body.

That, black chunk, big, it was a big bug.

I had an unusual form of physiological disgust that made me wonder if it could exist in the world, it was a worm.

"'' Uhhhhhhh!

From those who recognized its form, the samurai fled at full speed, screaming, as the samurai trained to work out.

'Here's what I wanted to say...'

Too late Georg's advice didn't get into anyone's ear, only the samurai screams stuck around.

"Oh, you guys!! Relax, Emma!

Shout out a samurai who escapes, drink one drink and Fukshima points to Emma.

A large number of giant bugs were flocking to Emma with us.

"Hino!! Dear Fuxima, I can't do this to myself!

One samurai answers, accumulating tears in both eyes.

The samurai desperately beat their own legs shivering with rattles as they followed the samurai and tried to escape.

"Nah, what pity! Wait! Lord Emma I'm here to help.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Fukshima reaches for the knife and identifies the target........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Flat body, large arms by unnatural, overwhelming collective................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

"Ah, Master Fukshima, may I introduce you? These are my sweet cows. '

Looking back at the signs of Fuxima approaching, Emma introduces the bugs with a full grin.

"Is............... a bovine?

'Yes. It's my favorite!

Emma stands with an extraordinary, full-open smile, alone in the worm.

'Hehe, isn't she so cute?

Emma, who grabbed one side of the bovine arm that was climbing, is moving left and right to wave at Fukshima with that arm.

Are bovines accustomed to people, even Emma's appearance?

Say no! Cute! Mm-hmm!

It was a Fuxima penetration, full of spirits.

"Sister, seriously, think about it a lot"

"Ah, Minasa. Don't worry, that bug is a harmless gentle bug. '

Announce to the samurai who escape as Georg crawls with leg guts in Yahoo pose.

It took a few minutes for the samurai to manage to calm down and have a conversation.

"Let me explain, Lord Melsa."

Fuxima asks Melsa for an explanation after drinking all the water she was bringing.

I just finally got my peace back.

I intentionally avoid seeing Emma and the bugs.

'I'm sorry my daughter surprised you, Master Fukshima. It's Emma's favorite bug these days.'

'Is that... is that a bug?

"Yeah, it's a little big, but it's a bug."

'... hey...?

"Well, it's big... it's big, but it's a bug."

Melsa reworded when she saw not only Fukshima but the samurai who accompanied her.

"My daughter loves bugs from an early age."

Hey, bug lover, my daughter, isn't she cute? and Leonardo scratches his head with Deledere's face.

(No! Nobody, no compliments!)

The voice of the samurai's heart synchronized.

'Occasionally? Occasionally? Often? Sometimes when my daughter grows worms they get huge for some reason..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

I put my hand on my cheek that it was troublesome, and Melsa tilts her neck.

(Does that, frequently, get huge!? Huh? That bug, it's over a meter long?)

The samurai had the earliest synchronous rate of mind, 100%.

'Cause it's pathetic to leave to go to the Empire, isn't it?

Nodding to Melsa's words, Un, Un, Leonardo says something extremely sweet while still deleading.

(So take me to this place...)

'Cause you won't have to bring me here!

Fuxima is intolerable and a little absurd in her voice.

Master Fukshima? These kids brought you here to take down Owata, didn't they?

I roughed up my voice, so Emma seemed to hear me.


Turning around, the bug, Emma and the big three-haired cat were right behind Fuxima.


"Mr. Cormay, bugs, align!



With a cat hanging, the bugs aligned.

"'' Huh? Hahhhhhhh!?

The large number of insects that were swamped with elephants lined up neatly.

I was ahead. I was surprised. I proceeded to sew the samurai with my mouth open, and Emma and Kormey slowly approached Owata.

"Ha! Miss Emma, don't get any closer... Kiki... Nh!

"Mr. Kormey, the bugs, the crane wing formation!





"Yay! Help..."

At once the boar passes through the samurai and moves forward to Emma and Kormey.

There was no futile movement or anything else, and it was pissy deformed into a different formation than the earlier alignment.

Slowly V-shaped relative to the forward owatta.

"Or, a formation of crane wings... and...?

Formation once told that the Chinese nation knitted it up to defeat the demons.

With the demise of China, its existence only left a few books, which became a legend.

It was supposed to be lost knowledge.

Take that...

The magnificent, disgusting worm of form in front of him was a stunning reproduction.

"Target!! Awesome owata during Inabauer!! Ka-ha-ha! '


A bug marches on without disturbing the formation with a cat hanging that listens to Emma's instructions.

He wields his arms like a big scissor and storms unquestionably into the owatta.

Hmm? Inabauer?

A giant bug captures the owl.

And there's a scissor-like arm that doesn't resemble the size of your body............!



Owata was crushed to pieces.

……… yes.

crushed (...) y (...).

That was already crushed (...) by bucky (...).


Neither Fukshima nor Samurai knew immediately what they were being shown.

That owl was easily crushed.

And the words... they don't answer.

"Fine, no, no, no, no, no! Why are you crushing it?

Instead, it was Emma's sad cry that resounded.

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