That night, Emma had a dream when it was the harbor.

Because I've been thinking about cats all day, or my dreams when I was little.

It was Mr. Cormay, a three-haired cat, who had it as a child in the harbor. An older cat for Harbor and Pei Tai at the same age as my brother.

When the harbors return from elementary school, they will always welcome them by sleeping at the gate of the house. Right now - when I speak up, I say hello with only one ear moving in a picnic motion. And then we ignore cancer.

However, you only know that when you have a fight or a hard thing going on at school, you accompanied me with a word.

Yes, there was Mr. Cormay around this time of year when it was hard. It was forbidden to keep them in the house, so I went out to the garden and Guzguz was crying beside Mr. Kormey sleeping suyasuya.

The harbor hated school. Now I think I really hated it though it wasn't like I was being abused or didn't have any friends.

I was afraid of all sorts of things. I was scared of all the school playthings, the dotchballs to make it a holiday time, and all the Labrador Retriever loves on the way to and from school.

I felt terrified about everything the normal kids seemed to enjoy easily and couldn't do everything right.

In my dreams the harbor was still guzzling crying.

It's not the garden that was crying, and there's no Mr. Cormay next door. One was crying in the woods, which was forbidden to enter because it was dangerous.

... I remember. On this day, Love, who was usually connected on his way home from school, came out and ran towards the harbor.

The dogs themselves, maybe, play in the harbor! The harbor fled in a semi-frequent way, even though it had only been actively tangled up in a more exciting mood. It was too rural to see anyone on the road and get help.

Run, run, get caught and jumped once in a while, run again, the dog stopped coming after me when I went into the woods.

I've been so scared and unable to move from there that I cried guzzly, but it's getting darker and darker. More and more light went into the woods, but I couldn't move.

I'm already scared of the woods themselves rather than maybe being chased by dogs again when I get out of the woods. I don't even know how to get home. I ran off in the woods obsessed, so I didn't even know where I was right now or the direction of the exit.

I'm scared, I'm scared, I can't help my legs. My tears are pouring and my vision is grubbing and distorting.

Guzzle, guzzle, all I could do was cry.

Anxious, scared, guzzled, guzzled, that's when.



I heard a cat squeal.



It's like the way a mother cat sounds looking for a kitten...

The squeal approaches step by step.

A dog would tremble just at that sign, but a cat loves it. And this voice...


I gave her a face that was guzzling and crying because she rang nearby......

There was a three-haired cat, Mr. Cormay, in front of me.

"... Mr. Cormay?


"You picked me up?


Usually I don't even like to hold him. Mr. Kormay rides the lap of the harbor where he sits and licks his squeaky face......

Zazuri. Zazuri.

The cat's tongue was shiny and a little sore, but the harbor laughed fuzzily. I love cats. Mr. Cormay is super fond.

"Thank you, Mr. Cormay."

I felt anxious and smiled and energized back at the port I couldn't help but be scared.


Away from the harbor, Mr. Cormay walks out.

Come with me. Just keep telling me, move on, check the harbor behind you, move on again.

I was so scared I couldn't move until just now, I'm fine now.

Wipe the tears and stand up, followed by Mr. Cormay.

Without straying, Mr. Kormey went through the woods and out onto the path known to the harbor.

No dog came after me all the way into the woods.

I wouldn't be scared if I walked with Mr. Kormey on a dimmed path either.

When I got home safely, my mother was late today, and that's all.

I felt so scared, I was feeling like the end of a little adventure, but I clapped it out.

My brother is informed of the shocking facts from the voyage at dinner that day.

"Today... Mr. Cormay was having a fight with Labrador Love."


The whole family speaks up. Love between a regular three-haired cat, Mr. Cormay, and a Labrador retriever...... there is a considerable difference just in physique.

"Mr. Cormay, are you okay?

Pei Tai says worryingly.

The voyage looks serious......

"Mr. Kormei... I was beating Love..."

Apparently Love literally ran away with his tail wrapped around it.


The whole family speaks up again.

"Sure, Mr. Cormay is the boss cat around here..."

"Love is a dog... but Kormei is like growing up half wild..."

"Mr. Kormey wow!!

Only the harbor laughs hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha laughs in my heart as my family raises their mouth of surprise and praise.

Mr. Cormay, you took my enemy...

It is only for the record that when I then meet Love, not only Mr. Kormey, but also to the harbor, I start to run away with my tail wrapped around him from Love.

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