Tanaka family, reincarnated.

Getting used to shoulders.

"It smells strange... Emma, what are you making?"

The late arrived king was interested in the scent of curry that Emma and Mersa had made.

"Oh, Your Majesty!"

Unlike other students, the Stewarts, who had been doing everything from setting up tents to preparing dinner for themselves, were unaware of the King's arrival.

Hurry up and thank your subordinates.

"Emma, are you okay?"

Prince Edward is worried about Emma.

It's not impossible for the prince to see Emma for the first time since the Doppelganger Harbour incident.

"Your Highness, I apologize for showing my face at that time.Don't worry, I'm so fine. "

Emma is impressed that the prince is really kind to remember and worry about what happened weeks ago.

I've been off for a long time, so I feel a little backward, and in order to appeal to you that you're feeling well, I'm going to roll my left sleeve up to my arms to make you feel stronger.

"Ugh! Don't push me."

The prince quickly lost sight of the power he had created.

Your heart is bouncing on the arms of clear white skin with a thinness that is likely to break easily.

"Your Highness, do you know?It seems that the softness of both arms is the same as the chest. "

I don't have to remember, but the information Arthur taught me a few years ago is now in my head.

Ninoudehamneto onaziyawarakasa....

It is a rumor whispered to makoshiya among adolescent boys with two illnesses.

Emma, who was mistaken by seeing such a prince, is certainly no big deal compared to the emperor and majesty she trains every day, but she looks quite stiff and gruesome.

"Hmm? Which one should I check?"


Seeing Emma's expression of dissatisfaction, the king tried to reach out to both arms, but the prince rushed to stop.

"Huh? Okay? Please touch it."

Emma was excited to be touched by wild geckos.

"No! Emma, no more.Drop your sleeves now! "

The bright red prince grabbed the king's hand and screamed physically to stop him.

"Ha!! That's right! I'm sorry, Your Highness.With a light feeling..... "

That's right. Joshua just caught my eye a few months ago.The knee pillow is a sin of disrespect.

It was sexual harassment to show or touch both arms, and the opponent was about to be captured for the King's sins... and really disrespectful!

It's safe, right? It's just before I let you touch it, so it's very safe, right?And Emma hurriedly lowered her sleeve and wiped her cold sweat.

"It's youth...."

The king put his hand on his beard and smiled at his son's sweet sourness.

"...... Your Majesty. Even if you touched Emma's arms, I don't know if I could stand it."

Finally Leonardo advises the King in a low voice.

On his hand was a special order extra large hammer used by Leonardo to hunt monsters.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

The royal family should not apologize easily, but the king who saw Leonardo's face apologized in seconds.

My daughter's drowning companion makes me feel painful.

"Urban, calm down!"

When the King turned to the voice of Mersa, Urban aimed at the King's head and guarded the arrow, pulling a large bow.

"I didn't know the kingdom was a country of sexual harassment....Don't let my sweet niece touch you with one finger. "

"Ah, uncle!"

Emma points to the sky and screams at her uncle who is trying to disrespect her.




Urban turns his aim from king to air and shoots an arrow.

William and Georg, who saw the sky with Emma's voice, suddenly ran.

"Huh? Huh? What? What?"

Wasn't the king trying to kill me now?Before asking, the family moved around.

Leonardo takes a large pot from the carriage, Urban runs to fetch water after shooting an arrow, and Emma and Mersa prepare knives and cutting boards while counting the numbers.


"Excuse me, Your Highness!"


Put Urban's water in a pan prepared by Leonardo.

"Mr. Jugu, Sanjuku..."

"... are you okay? Suddenly..."

"!! It's too late! Georg, William!"

"Sorry! I got caught in a tree and got in trouble!"

Leonardo scratches out the king's bewildered voice and shouts to his brother who has returned from the forest at an incredible speed.

Yeah yeah!?

Georg is grabbing and dragging the giant bird's tail feathers, and William is riding on the dragged bird and worrying about the feathers.

"Hey, geo....!"

"Yonjushchi, Yonjushchi, Yonjukyu"

And when Georg reached the side of the pot, the family joined William, who was holding the bird's feathers together.

"Gojuroku, Gojushichi"

"All right, I've got it all!"

"Everybody, back off!"

Loosely, Melsa with a knife shook her head wide and dropped the dang and bird's neck.




The students who were gathered together screamed.

"Don't give up, we'll make it!"

"Rokujichu, Rokujichu, Rokujichu"

While the students were distracted by the miserable situation, Melsa continued to hold the birds.

The chicken meat is fed to the pot one after the other in a line of bucket relays.

"Ha-chu-san, ha-chu-san, ha-chu-san..."

"This is the last time!"

And when the last meat is put in the pot, Emma takes the stone that Leonardo was baking using the chopsticks for the hot water in the bath out of the fire that Emma was cooking with the curry and the rice box, and puts it in the pot.

The family watches Emma as the steam rises from a pot of juicer and grilled stone.


"" "I made it!" "

Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh.

"No, what!?"

Pocahontas, forgetting that the King was aiming for his life.

"Your Majesty, this is a monster called Rockbird."

Mersa answers while wiping the returned blood on her cheeks.

"Beep! A monster!?"

The King and the people around him shouted surprisingly at Mersa's answer.

"Yes, it's a very large bird monster, easily captured by humans and others."

"Ah! Eh, it's a monster that flies up to the sky while grabbing its prey, drops it, repeats it until the prey is minced, and then preys."

William takes over Mersa's explanation.

It's not a good word for a man to say to Minch or the Countess.

... no, maybe it's too late to fix the monster after the highway.

"What a horrible... such a monster..."

"Ha, yes... Besides, it's hard to spot rock birds because they're swinging over a lot when they're looking for prey..."

The magic teacher answers the king's question.

It's almost impossible for ordinary people to find it visually... but I look at Emma in an incredible way.

"I feel confident in my vision."

Ufufu, Emma laughs in a gentle manner with Hilda, about the countess who had been holding the feathers of the rock bird up until a few minutes ago.

Were you seeing a vision?and everyone on the spot tilted their necks.

"Ah, well, what does it mean that Emma was counting...?"

Prince Edward asks why he counts all the time.

In that tense situation, the voice of counting was constant and it was too scary.

"Rock birds must be soaked in hot water at 60 degrees or more within 120 seconds of being killed...."

Emma smiled and started explaining with a serious expression, so the prince stood up.

The monster can't lose consciousness even after he dies.

I learned in a magic lesson that many things can be difficult to process if left alone they explode, become poisonous fog and spray, and eggs hatch within seconds of the body.

"... no, I didn't have to deal with the rock bird after it was defeated..."

And the witchcraft teacher grunts.

"What? What are you talking about!? Sensei!?"

William was surprised.

"That's right, Doctor. Rockbirds compete with time.I know that, too. "

Georg shook his head because he couldn't believe what he was saying.

"... no, after defeating the rock bird in the first place, you're exhausted and you can't move normally!?What is it!? Dr. Urban, you're a researcher, right?What are you shooting down with one bow? "

The hunter's practical teacher shouted that it would be a lie to get an arrow to a rock bird swirling in that high position.

Even though defeating flying monsters with flying tools is a constant stone, I can't tell students to imitate it.

"Hmm? I mean, look, if Emma shoots it off and points it with her sparkling eyes, you can do your best, right?"

Leonardo nodded deeply to Urban saying something was wrong.

"Kh... what happened to the Stewart family...!?"

"Well... there was also a possibility that His Majesty and His Highness would be seized by the rock birds.I think it's a good place... "

A witchcraft teacher puts his hand on the shoulder of a hunter who kneels down and feels comfortable losing when he thinks about it.

Normally it is the best rock bird to kill, but it will need to be thoroughly apprehended until we know that it will also be a family of experienced border lords.

If you think you've had the opportunity to touch the obsession, you've been studying magic for more than 20 years...

"Emma Stewart, tell me. The Stewarts will be here in 120 seconds!"

From now on, as a witchcraft teacher, I will rise to a far higher level.

Wolfgang Galliano even began to feel refreshed.

And yet,

"It's going to taste bad."

"What about it?"

"Rock birds will not taste good if they don't soak in hot water 60 degrees or more within 120 seconds!"

Emma's answer was different from the distant height she had expected.


The most important thing in Stewart's monster hunt was whether it could be eaten and whether it was delicious.

◆ ◆ ◆

"I just left."Something wrong? "

Arthur brought Marion, Francesca, and the twins back from the water.

Ask Prince Edward about the teachers and students who are hardened around the Stewart family.

"What... did it happen... did it happen...?"

The prince's answer is poor denture.

"Ah! How are the Marions?Was there a fish? "

Emma rushes over to her friend in embroidery class.

"No, I tried my best, but I couldn't fish at all."

Marion with a fishing rod shrugs her shoulders if she's sorry.

"I'm sorry I can't make fish curry, Caitlin."

"I'm sorry I can't make fish curry, Catherine."

The twins were looking forward to it.

"I'm sorry I can't help you."

And Francesca.

The ladies watched Emma burn, and they were fishing to do something about it.

"Fufufu, everybody, there are days like that, but it's okay.Today you can have a curry of the beef.I've got some very, very delicious meat for you to enjoy. "

Well, chicken meat?

"Yes, it's the flesh of a tiger ♪"

Looking forward to it, Caitlin.

I'm looking forward to it, Catherine.

It goes without saying that the students who saw the giant rock bird figure, the hairy figure, and the neck being blown off had completely lost their appetite.

Extracurricular classes, first day.

No, class starts the next day, so the day before.

The Stewarts were already showing off.

However, because they were doing it as usual, they were laughing at each other around the table, trying to be careful not to stand out from the crowd from tomorrow.

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