Tanaka family, reincarnated.

Extrapolation is honorable.

"Master Urban, which one of you is like this bird?

One young hunter points to the demon during the sorting operation of the finished demon and asks.

"That's Cocatrice. Because he's poisoned, in a black container. You can't touch it with your bare hands!

Today, the demons appeared near the living areas of the territory by dozens of them, so they were set to appear abruptly.

Originally it's my brother's and Georg's job, but I can't be absent from the tea party that invited the royal family, and Urban is in substitution.

Palace hunters' arms are top notch, but only young hunters are gathered for a sudden appearance and the sorting process takes time.

It was at the beginning of the kingdom that the Wizard of the Great Old was founded within a broad boundaries, and because it becomes so ineffective that it leaves the center of the junction, the Palace of the Border periodically emerges demons from the part facing the border. The demon is diverse and difficult to grasp.

Outside the border, humans never go that way in the world of demons.

Lords also go hunting because they have taken over from generation to generation the knowledge to identify and sort the vast variety of demons.

Georg is an excellent demon hunter, but his knowledge for this sorting is somewhat uneasy. On the contrary, William is anxious about his hunting skills, but he is wearing them steadily in his knowledge.

It's like we're growing up like brothers.

After his father's death, Urban was able to go to a distant King's Capital university thanks to Leonardo's insane remembrance of sorting demons to death.

There are several hundred palace hunters who also have knowledge of sorting, but the final checks are carried out by the lord's blood muscle. Especially those who become lords must be able to do the sorting. Like my brother, Georg needs you to work hard.

Sorting is a task that is directly linked to the lives of the people.

The hunted demons,

① Food

② Clothing (fur and leather products)

③ Tools, weapons (bones and horns)

④ Disposal

be divided into

If we sort the poisonous things like Cocatrice earlier as food, all the inhabitants who ate them would die.

Amateurs tend to want to put it in food because it looks like a bird on top of the low incidence, so it can be one of the monsters to watch out for.

Cocatrice is classified as ④ disposal, but this is also non-toxic and then disposed of, so it takes a lot of work.

You have to remember and sort all the monsters that are poisonous in the season, those that ignite when they touch the water, and those that split and increase when they are cut with swords.

After finishing the sorting, Urban leaves the end to the hunter.

If you put a sorted demon in a container of different colors, the lord's job is done, and it's the hunter's job to carry each destination.

Since only one cocatrice is disposed of this time, write down the non-toxic text number, go to the treatment plant, and ask the market to buy the rest.

My legs are heavy to go home.

No one complained in front of Urban, but due to the character of his brother's family, he would not honor and serve the royal family. I'm sure they really think it's a hassle because they have a good sense of power.

I'm sorry that I was accidentally caught by the prince and the princess's use.

A mother of princes and princesses, Rose Alicia Royal of the King's Side Room has a not very good reputation in the King's Capital.

The money is rough, and I am arrogant. You think I'm plotting to be the next king of a prince born to me while I'm in the side room?

Can my brother and his family, who have nothing to do with people's malice, entertain a conversation with him? Finish the hunt as soon as you can, I wanted to at least stand in between and help but it's already sundown. Today's tea party, which has many invitees from afar, will be long overdue.

The legs to go home are fast, even if they are heavy. I arrive at the mansion sooner rather than later because I am saddled and riding.

I hope Emma like an angel isn't hurt, but she opens the living room door for the family to forgive.

There, each of the three brothers has his hips straight down to the floor and twirls to the cat. I was surprised when I first tried it, but in a week's time it's something I get used to wondering.

Sometimes he lays asleep instead of dropping his hips straight down on the floor. There are things that I think are not necessarily or dirty, but on the carpet newly laid in this room it seemed decided to take off my shoes.

No matter how many times I've pointed out that cats aren't even a thing that goes around early in the first place, it doesn't tell my brother's family.

Emma is mostly stuck to a cat called Cormay.

He points a more relaxed heartfelt smile at the cat than he is with his scattered and adorable uncle himself. Regrettable, but cute.

Georg is often with Kan the Black Cat, William with Lew the other three-haired cat, and his brother and his wife with Cho the White Cat.

William used to say, "Push cats"?

"Urban, welcome home. Are you done hunting safely?

Today I'm brushing a long hairy white cat all the way to my brother Leonardo.

"I'm home now, brother. Cocatrice came out today, but there were no other unusual demons.


Georg did? Mark it. This needs to be tough and taught during your stay.

"Brother, Cocatrice is a bird-like one!

William explains.

William is right.

"Brother, it's the one that comes out on FF and on Dra ’ e"

Emma also explains why.

FF? Dra ’ e? I don't know. Words line up.

"Oh! A poisonous hen?

Georg gets it right for some reason with a word I'm not sure.

"That's right. I can't make it edible, clothes or tools because I have poison. It's non-toxic disposal! Text number 28.

William answers even.

Very good memory. Boulder, don't get me wrong with that amount of silkworm samples, I just did the test.

"Something... I have a feeling that game knowledge will play a role.

Looks like Georg grabbed something too.

"Bye! I'll make you some! It's a monster! You just have to remember it while you play.

I don't understand some of what Emma has to say lately, but Georg seems happy, and William is willing to help, so let's just relax. I miss you though.

"Um... how was the tea party today?

Nobody shows depressed bareback, but I'm curious to ask.

"" "It was so much fun" "️" "

Three brothers get hammered by excitement.

Indeed, the first royalty for the three brothers. The brunette hair of the prince and princess is a beauty that I have seen in recent years, and was not impressed by Rose's devotion? Still, the brother and his wife nod to their brothers satisfactorily when they look at their brother, wondering if they have rubbed their mind.

"I didn't know there was such a beautiful person.

Even my brother was obsessed with princes and princesses. Wasn't Lady Rose sassy and angry...

"Uncle! I'm invited to Rose's home next time! I'm so excited.

Emma says happily.

No girl likes Prince Edward when she sees his dark hair.

It's a story I hear a lot in Wang Capital, even to our Emma...

"Emma, I know you admire a brunette prince, but Lady Rose doesn't have a very good reputation in the King's Capital, you should think about getting engaged..."

"Why! Master Rose, you don't have a reputation?

William gives a voice of surprise.

"Dresses and all kinds of overspending money, and those dresses... they're heavily exposed, they're unproductive...

Emma is trembling in small pieces. Did Master Rose still harass you?

"The people of Wang Capital don't seem to know anything.

Emma sighs.

"What a trivial amount of money you need for that Lady Rose's beauty!

"... hmm?

"There's no way that a dress that wraps around your body, which can be called a crystal of effort you get from your daily stack, is cheap and good!

"... hmm?

"The first thing I suspect is the character of someone who has spared no effort to expose us to that beautiful body but has no product!

"... nnnnn? Emma...... what?... Huh?

"Master Rose is a national treasure. Isn't it natural that national treasures are expensive!

Looking around, Leonardo, Georg and William are both nodding to affirm Emma's words.

It's been a long time since I've been home, and then I notice an occasional sense of alienation.

"Huh? Does Emma like Lady Rose, not the prince's dark hair?

"Uncle? It's natural for royal hair to be black, isn't it?

What are you all talking about? I'm going to look at you like he is. Are you crazy about yourself?

"Don't your uncle think anything of Lady Rose's beautiful body?

Emma can't do this to me. They're looking at me like he is. Uncle is going to be unable to recover. Hard.

In fact, I've seen you in the social world of Wang Du several times, but it's honest to say that you haven't been there because there was always a prince or princess nearby.

"Urban... you don't have eyes for women.

Plus I can see with a look at the poor kid by my brother.

No, both Georg and William look at me like that.

"If the country says such an asshole smell, just Rose's costume, we'll make it, Father.

I suggest Georg doesn't even clap.

Even the king's side room costume bill would be amazing. On top of that, Mr. Extra Rose has been blamed for choosing luxury items.

"That's a good idea! Georg! Let's do that!

That's just instant!

"Father! Use all the fabrics from Emma's cabin. I can't help but be creative enough to decorate that beautiful body!


This is also what I found out when I returned home, but the most precious, high quality and expensive of the Palace silk is the silk of the silkworm grown by Emma. However, compared to the ratio of silk on the overall market, which is on a scale that is beyond part of Emma's hobby, it is a rare product that only comes out less than 0.003%.

It is an astronomical price to use it all for Rose's costume.

"Emma... if you do that, we'll be crushed!

…… It's okay, Uncle. Because we have plenty in stock. It's just that Joshua's father smashed it out to increase market value. That's why you just did it.

Emma replies to the merchant's wisdom.

All sales of Palace silk are monopolized by the Chamber of Commerce run by Joshua's father. It is in the hands of this father that the Chamber of Commerce is definitely wealthier than the Stewart family, a necessity for the Stewart family, who are not comfortable with trouble and have a good artisanal temperament.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Thus, all the fabrics worn by Rose Alicia Royal afterwards became the illusory silk "Emma Silk" that was difficult to even get with the money.

The Stewarts have no idea, but in the King's capital, they surfaced suddenly as the chief nobleman of the faction of the second prince, who was about to disappear, all of which would be rumored by the prince to the king that the eldest daughter of the Stewart family was plotting to become queen.

The Stewarts are using huge fortunes and trying to make the country ours. For the money, the side room sold off the prince and princess to the Count Stewart family. Princes and princesses are puppets.

Even the Count Stewart family with Rose had a bad reputation, but the families who lived in the peripheral lands had no idea.

No matter how bad it gets, nobles can't stop silking the palace.

In part, the nobility of the First Prince faction braved the no-trade movement, but only increased exports to other countries did not do much damage.

Rather, the export was more lucrative, so it was as moist as it was.

The less reputation you have, the more sales you make.

It was also the power of Joshua's father, a merchant, who built an even greater fortune by the time the Count Stewart family, just living, began to live in the King's capital a year later.

Though I just made clothes out of extra fabric on my presumptive men.

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