Watch your step.

Enter the dim building and a boy leads you to his brother.

Go up the stairs and proceed upstairs, paying attention to the floor playing giggly noises.

"If you're hurt, I wish you were on the first floor"

Georg groans wonderfully.

"On the ground floor, you can't see anything at night. The top floor is a little bright because the roof is partially broken."

What about that? The three brothers follow the boy, thinking.

The stairs are made of the same brick as the walls, but the floors on each floor are wooden, so they rot everywhere or holes are empty. Walk on to imitate where the boy stepped.

Brother, I'm coming in.

A boy speaks in front of the entrance to the room in front of the third floor that runs to the top floor.


There was no reply, but if you follow the boy who enters the room without worrying, the inside is a little brighter than the lower floor. The middle of the roof is flat empty and the sky in the sunset is peeking.

There's one man lying there, sleeping or not moving with Pickle.

Emma just runs over to the guy and starts checking for injuries.

"Whoa, whoa, if you move too poorly, you're out of the floor!

The boy and Georg, William, also head over as they watch out for Emma.

Still, the man doesn't move until Emma touches him.

"Until yesterday we talked properly, and I could have walked all the way here myself..."

Not really, although I wrapped a cloth around my leg that can't be called clean and tried to stop the bleeding, it's not working, the twitching cloth is starting to stain red.

Once Emma peels off the wrapped cloth and sees the injury.




Three brothers look at each other. This...

"Come on, what's going on! Are you okay?!?

Reaching for the man's leg, Emma confirms further and tells the boy.

"It's not that bad of a wound. No broken bones, either."

Although there is bleeding, it should get better soon if the wound is not properly washed and purulent. Not a big enough injury for a boy to cry out.

"Then why is my brother like this..."

A confused boy sees a loose man and asks Emma for an answer.

Four people surrounded and confirmed the wounds that were supposed to hurt don't move at all.

Neither is Emma, and I'm not an expert, and I can't say for sure... and since I prefaced,

"Maybe... are you hungry?

The man's legs were thin and his skin faded and he lacked nourishment, no matter what he saw.

When I'm hungry, I can't help myself. Emma knows too.

Bleeding from this condition may also be causing dehydration.

"When was the last time this guy ate?

A boy thinks to William's question.

"Um... because the cookout is yesterday at noon... but my brother always eats the last, so I didn't eat yesterday, which I didn't share all of them with.... because the cookout before that was a week ago and there were no souvenir biscuits or anything that I would normally get..."

Worst of all, I may not have spoken of anything that looks like food for a week.

"That's the problem over the injury!

William screams unexpectedly.

"Oh, because my brother will give it to other kids even if he finds nuts or something, and even cooks it out without eating it all for one serving"

I know a big man isn't enough for that at all.

It's something I've lived to this day.

I thought slam was more of a slaughter place, but I didn't know there was a man who liked to take care of him so far... he realizes that sometimes the image alone doesn't tell.

"Anyway, now what I need..."

Think in consultation with the contents of your wallet.

First of all, I'm worried about dehydration...

"Water... salt and... sugar?

"Salt and sugar are expensive!

Boy moans.

"It's okay, because I don't need that many...... maybe? Buy one piece of copper coin at a time for the metered sale, and the rest of the food that looks good for digestion...... some porridge...... not oatmeal? Will it soften when you simmer in targeted milk?

I don't know the market for Wang Du, but the palace had about 100 g of salt and 1 copper coin, and 50 g of sugar and 1 copper coin.

I can't believe it, I'm coming! and Georg, who received his wallet from the boy and William, runs shopping.

Remaining Emma and William start a discussion that summed up memories from their previous lives.

"William, what's pokali... what's the salt level?

"Huh?? I don't know, do I?

"I remember seeing it in something. How was it? I asked for some sugar because it's sweet. Was it there?

"Huh?? I don't know, do I? Good luck remembering!

"Pei Tai played a role..."

"No, no, no! I don't care if you suddenly say that!

"Maybe it should be thinner than the ocean...... I think it was less than a spoon or something...... uh I can't remember at all!

"All I know is that the complexion is weakly acidic, right?

"Oh, my God!

Only Georg came home with a few bottles of water and salt and sugar while we continued our barren conversation. The trip was faster than I thought I wanted to run in charge of the boy and come home with my luggage.

"I just ran ahead for the dehydration and brought it. I bought something else, but I'm letting her have it, so she should come back later."

When you say that, just open the bottle and add salt and sugar.

"" Huh!!

To the voices of Emma and William, Georg's movement stops when he was shaking the bottle and mixing it up.

"Huh? What? Something wrong?

"Brother...... what's the salt concentration or something?

Afraid William listens. In the end there is no answer between the two of them, but I am surprised because Georg puts in too much salt and sugar lightly.

"In the water 1L, 2-3g salt and 20-40g sugar. I used to put in a formula for the one I googled when a worker collapsed from heat stroke in the field, but it wasn't?

"Brother... it's great..."

Most of all, I'm impressed with my brother, a former field director who thought such knowledge seemed distant.

Georg, who narrows his eyes in nostalgia because there was no vending machine at the scene that day, doesn't notice the look of respect from his sister and brother.

Georg and Emma carefully wash the wound while William spoons the impromptu oral rehydration solution slightly and slowly to the man.

"Before that kid comes...... Violet, nice to meet you!

Take off your big hat and gently lower the spider to the floor.

The night approaches and even the darkened room glows with eight sparkling, circular eyes.

Beautiful purple and cute whenever you see it.

A spider points at a man's wound, like I used to apply to Emma, and throws up purple thread.

"Thanks! Violet"

When Emma says thank you, Violet moves crusty to tell her to say it again at any time. What a manly spider. Female, though.

As it was, sussssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

"How's my brother?

From behind the boy appeared even smaller children than straws and boys.

"These guys, they're all slum kids around here, but they follow me..."

The kids run over to the man lying there looking worried.

I'm thrilled I can't get through the floor a bit.

"It's okay. I'm done with my injuries, and I think I can drink water properly, so let's make dinner so I can eat when I wake up."

Emma answers to reassure him as he receives oatmeal and milk from the boy.

With that said, I asked if there was a pot or something, and the boy brought a large pot and balls from the back room.

"Once upon a time, there was the one I forgot about in the cookout. It's good I picked it up, but I don't have any food to put inside, so I've never used it."

"Hmm? So we can't cook here?

It's oatmeal, and there's nothing you can't eat with milk on it, but it's preferable to be warm.

"Sister, what's that?

When William sees those pointing fingers, there's a fireplace.

It would seem okay to use fire there, and I could use a broken brick to make a place to put the pan.

"Then there's the tree that's going to burn... as peeling off the floor around it. It's about time the lights lit up in the suburbs, so I'm gonna go get some fire."

Georg leaves the room healthy again and goes down the stairs.

In the Wang capital, the main roads are lit by pine lights for people returning from work when it gets dark.

From the pine lights, the common man told the shopkeeper that the fire would be transferred and used for cooking.

"Your brother's survival... no hammer"

Securing the fire and water necessary for the wild inn is perfect, just because they were taking us hunting at the palace.

"So if you could just study a little more..."

I'm always sorry about the Tanaka family.

This darkness and the option of leaving the unconscious injured, the little ones, to go home was not for the three brothers.

My body is a child, but the contents are Arafat & Arather, there's no way I can leave them alone.

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