"Sakizuke... it's an appetizer"

I'll take it. The service begins to carry the food on the signal.

... some kind of fish simmering dust? Eggplant Taraku? Dashimaki... Egg?

There are dishes like Japanese cuisine that have never been seen in this world.

"In the Empire, they use this one to eat. Try it if you like."

That's what the supply put in front of me... it was chopsticks.

Robert, one chopstick at a time, is talking to the prince.

Unlike her disrespectful attitude toward Emma, she behaved like a worthy public place.

I'm usually used to being born in the Duke's house, no matter what.

"Prince Taske, how can I use this?

"This says' chopsticks'. This is how you grab food with two hands."

The prince also starts explaining while smiling at Robert and actually showing him to the face of the same seat where he has never used chopsticks.

"Oops... this is hard"

"Oh, look closely at my fingers, not gripping them with goo, here's the thing"

"Prince, is this what it is?

"No, it's a little shameful. This is not good for chopsticks to cross. Looks like you have a pen..."

I see, it is intercultural exchange.

The prince is politely teaching His Royal Highness Robert, Beatrice and Edward, who have never used chopsticks.

"Oh! Miss Emma is very good."

When the prince cared about Emma, who didn't hear anything, it was just the moment to use chopsticks to eat rolled eggs. The way chopsticks are held is strictly by the client.

"Miss Emma! That's amazing. Have you ever used a hash?

"Emma's clever."

Arthur and the Prince are also surprised and complimented by Emma's chopsticks. Emma, on the other hand, can't reply immediately because she put a slice in her mouth as it is. The timing was too bad.

Hurry, chew and swallow the dashi rolled eggs, then answer with a smile, deluded laugh.

"Yes, I've used it a little before."

Like everyone else, I wish I had pretended to learn chopsticks, but I couldn't have kept my first Japanese food in front of me for a long time, and carried it to my mouth.

Kombucky, dashi rolled eggs...... I would have liked to taste and eat more.

Besides, it's not a good idea to sneeze out. I think I'll scold my aunt. Nobility is a pain in the ass.

"Prince Taske, the sauce tangled in this eggplant tastes strange. It's a flavor I've never had before."

One Emma says it's not funny to stand out. Beatrice shares her culinary thoughts.

Looks like he gave up his chopsticks and ate them with a knife and fork.

"Oh, that's 'miso', isn't it? Um... 'fermenting soybeans...?'... 'Koji fungus...?' I'm sorry, I'm not used to the language, I can't tell you, but it's a condiment that is commonly used in our empire. '

The prince bothers explaining miso.

His Majesty only said that he had just begun his national crossing with the Empire, and perhaps he had decided to study abroad for the prince and had not had enough time to study the language. I apologize for not knowing the fine words yet.

"Miso? That sounds unusual. The flavour is rich and delicious."

"Sure, it's a flavor I've never had, but it's delicious. There are no ingredients in my kingdom."

Both Arthur and the prince ate eggplant rice balls and liked them.

The prince laughs back.

Oh, this smile...... I know.

Unexpectedly, the memory of my previous life came back to life. Emma, I also remember the harbor.

The port of single aristocrats often traveled alone. My favorite is Kyoto. So for some reason, the harbor has a good chance of foreigners asking the way.

In everyday life, when I go to a tourist destination, I am called excuse me ~, even though I am not heard at all. Is this the fate of a 100% Japanese face?

When I was a student, my English grades weren't bad, but when I spoke, it became extraordinarily difficult.

However, I was in a hurry to just tell him that if I went straight and there was a shrine on the right, I would see the station if I went too far, and that the drawer that should have been in English I had studied for years was too inflicted to come out, and I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't tell him, I was doing some good thinking.

Weren't my smiles the same as those of the prince then?

"Your Highness, 'miso' is the fermentation of soybeans with this fungus. Soybeans are a familiar ingredient in our country."

Unexpectedly, he was taking over and explaining the words the prince would want to convey.

My aunt may scold me if I squeak out, but my mouth moved on its own because I remembered that day.

"Soybeans...... miso? I had no idea. Emma knows something, doesn't she?

"Fermentation means you're like yogurt. You knew me really well."

"Don't talk to me like a woman."


Prince and Arthur praise Emma honestly and complain that Robert doesn't seem funny. Miss Beatrice looks at Emma a little surprised. I finally had my gaze, so I smile back.

"Um, excuse me. What did Miss Emma say earlier? There are many words I can't hear..."

Everyone reacts with Emma's words, so the prince asks me how sorry I am.

A prince of one country is trying to understand the conversation on this occasion by properly apologizing, even though he would somehow be able to laugh and flush in the atmosphere.

Good boy.

I didn't do it like Robert, I don't fool women like Robert, and you're an apprentice, Robert......

Apparently, the prince has looked into it beforehand because it was within his assumptions to introduce himself and teach him how to hold chopsticks, but there are many words he doesn't understand, and it seems to take a little more study to get to a level where there is no obstacle to everyday conversation.

"Prince Edward said it was an ingredient not found in the kingdom, so I explained that miso fermented soybeans with these fungi, and soybeans are a familiar ingredient in my country."

As the prince can see, Emma explains the conversation earlier by translating it into Japanese.




Is that it? Somehow the venue suddenly quiets down with the scene.


... Ah!

I will have it, miso or fermentation coincidentally, I just wear it with Japanese and I think it is possible that Imperial = not Japanese.

Huh? That would be so embarrassing......!? Suddenly I'm supposed to say something that doesn't make sense???

"Oh, um... what's that now..."

Or did you do it? I can't think of any excuse, any deception.

At this highly formatted dinner party... again... did you do it?

"E, Lady Emma? Can you speak Imperial?

Tasked Prince Gatan takes his seat and moves to Emma's seat, but still holds Emma's hands.

"Ah... I... Um, did you put it right?

A little courageous in the words of the prince, when Auntie and Emma heard, the prince approached him even closer and swept his neck vertically. He seems kind of excited.

"I'm Kan-hee Pei Pei. Pronunciation, grammar, everything is perfect imperial to salute. For those of you in the kingdom, we heard that the language in our country is difficult to understand and that conversation is difficult, but I've never seen anyone speak so perfectly!

How happy I was, the momentum of the prince never stopped, so much so that he was likely to be hugging me now.

Without being able to go about the situation, huh? Huh? Huh? and look around, but the prince, Arthur, Robert, Beatrice, and the adults are all looking at Emma with a face that surprised even the old lady. Somebody, someone, I need your help before the prince hugs you without solidifying you!

If this is a previous life, I can pay the prince's hand and tell him to calm down, but I'm in the middle of a dinner party right now, and my aunt, she's watching cancer all over the venue for everything, and if she keeps holding me like this, she's out on a courtesy...

After all, I'm not making a scene, am I? The noise is coming, isn't it?

Did Emma's voiceless heart cry arrive, or the prince is pulled from behind and manages to be freed safely?

When I looked up, His Majesty the King seemed to hear the tense prince and let me go of Emma.


"Hey Emma!! You speak Imperial language!!!?

Now His Majesty grabs both Emma's arms and asks in a hurry.

Why are you joining the noise to His Majesty? Auntie, are you really afraid of me?

Oh, but Your Majesty (Ikeoji) might be able to be hugged... rather for a chance to be hugged!?

How hard you are, where you accidentally enter a waiting position, and His Majesty is pulled back and away, too.

"Your Majesty!! Please don't grab Emma's right arm! It sounds scarred!

Seeing Emma grabbed two arms, the Prince, recovering from shock as soon as possible, was now pulling the King away from Emma.

For a moment, I thought I was doing something extra... but I feel sorry to see the face of a prince who really worries me.

The prince has also seen scratches in the condition of the mollusc before treatment. The two arms grabbed by His Majesty were the most deeply wounded and also the worst part.

I'm sorry, Prince. Um, at all, it's okay because it's healing.

I said something like a little sequelae because I don't want to dance, but the truth is, I'm all recovered. At all, I don't have to worry about it at all. And I apologize in my heart.

"Ahhh! Emma! Did it hurt? Are you okay?"

noticed all the time. The king also sees Emma in caring.

The royal family should not apologize easily...... Your Majesty...... face, face! Even if it's not a word, your face is too apologetic, isn't it? Let me thank you for saving this expression in my brain Ikeodi folder!

The feeling of being grabbed by the gash was not strong enough that it was still there but originally painful, so I'm fine.

It's just that it's called a prince, it's called His Majesty, and there's something wrong with his reaction. He said it's unusual to speak Imperial language... Emma remains incomprehensible because the Empire itself, today, is the first country I've heard of.

"It's all right, Your Majesty. Never mind."

I'll laugh so you can feel relieved with a grin, but in this case Emma is the center of the noise. I can't see the old man because he's horrible. Cold sweat and tremors come at the same time.

The Prince and Arthur support me from both sides of Emma that I should sit down anyway, which makes me sit gently and slowly in the chair, but the more I get noticed, the more cold sweat comes out, and I despair of being sure not to be pissed off again today.

I'm sorry - I'm sorry - I'm fine. I'm fine. Because I'll show you a squirt or something?

I try to get up, but everyone stopped me and put me back in the chair, and the squat couldn't show off.

"Are you all right? Emma?"

Hii!! Finally, your aunt's hand is attached to her back and locked on......

My aunt was not angry when she raised her face, which leaned down to see if the sermon would begin in this place.

What should I do? Shit, he's worried about me. The angle of my eyebrows is always the opposite... It's okay, isn't it? Dear Auntie? Please don't look like that!

Such a worrying face, it's hard to look at...

This is still better if you get mad at me already!

I want to scream that Shin-Pa is not here!!

I can feel the panic calling for panic and the ball of sweat floating around my forehead.

If I go to school after the holidays, maybe they'll point me back at a sweating warrant or something......

"Dear Auntie, because you are, really, me, okay, too. Please return to your seats."

In a weird tension, I forcibly raise the edge of my mouth to make a smile but no one returns to my seat, and not only my aunt, but everyone's eyebrows are in the letter Ha and looking at me.

Ugh, somewhere, somewhere. Isn't there a hole for me to fit in?

"Sire, may I rest Emma in the separate room?

The prince bows his head to the king as if he heard Emma's wish and asks permission to take his seat off.

"Right, let him rest fast"

Thank you! Your Majesty! Nice assist, Your Highness!

Now I can escape this atmosphere, even if it's less. If that's the case, I'll get you out of here as soon as I can.

And the moment I think about it, my body floats.

"Now if you'll excuse me."

The prince says no to the king and heads to the venue exit early enough.

Give Emma a princess......

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