Pyron, hey!

What is the Empire?

Country to the east from the kingdom.

Using the imperial family as the foundation of the nation, deification.

It has been in clandestine condition for over 300 years, but last year's poor weather caused food difficulties.

Seeking support from the Kingdom, the Imperial First Prince Task Hinomoto is currently entering the country.

The language used is Imperial.

Nobody but the imperial understands it and it is an obstacle to diplomacy.

Even goo “ l...... Joshua answers. The first pylone is an illusion.

"And yet, how can Emma speak Imperial? It was impossible to trade with the Empire with the Rotosilt Chamber of Commerce!

Joshua moans to tell me sooner.

I know the kingdom is in considerable trouble too if not even the Rotosilt Chamber of Commerce. I understand...

"I want to know how we can't all...?

Don't all learn more… and Georg puts himself on the shelf and says, "I didn't speak English at all in my previous life."

"When it comes to imperial language, there's no shortage of study or anything. The Rotosilt Chamber of Commerce has raised its total strength to look into it, and it seems that the imperial people have different linguistic organs than humans in other countries. There were instances where raising a newborn foreign child in the empire did not understand the imperial language, and vice versa, the imperial man who grew up in Baritou could learn the imperial language if he studied it."

You're a plain egg human experiment...... It's too pathetic to be raised in the Empire.

"So if anyone can speak that Balitou and Imperial language, we can work it out?

There must be someone in the kingdom who speaks Balitou.

"Unfortunately, the experiment took place 80 years ago, and we don't even know where the person is. But because of that, the Empire has only Balitou interactions throughout the clan, and some imperialists seem to be able to speak Balitou as easily as they say hello."

Eighty years ago… certainly speaking of different worlds, these days have been a time for human rights and all that noise. I wonder if human experiments can be carried out.

"But the imperial can speak a foreign language, right?

According to Joshua's story, there's no obstacle to the imperial speaking a foreign language. There are currently just words that I don't know about the Kingdom of the Task Prince, pronunciation and the like go through fine.

"Yes, it is, but let's say national identity, or the country where we originally clad, and the culture of saying we study foreign languages still doesn't seem to have taken root... nor did we need to. It was a few months ago that I lifted my heavy hips because I finally had a sense of crisis over food from poor weather last year. The genius and the rumored task, the prince, that's why we're talking about it, but the others will take years to come."

Teachers themselves do not understand the imperial language. I just have to learn the words by gesturing. Prince Taske was just special.

Martha brings me Joshua's sweets and tea as we speak.

Tart and iced tea with fruit from summer.

"Thanks Martha!

Be thankful and hit the tongue drum on the tart quickly.

Tea is also perfect for hot summers with lots of ice.

"Aren't you surprised?

Joshua and Martha look strangely at the three brothers who get a good snack.

I wonder where there's a surprising element between fruit tart and iced tea.

"... ah! In that case, it's probably the first time I've had a cup of tea cold with ice."

There is no such thing as a refrigerator here that was commonplace in previous life.

At the palace, the ice was cut out and stored during the winter months for important use. I've never done anything extravagant to use to cool a drink.

"I was lucky enough to get a good quality Demon Stone."

Joshua receives a small box from Martha.

They were put together in a box that contained sweets.

I can open the lid, but at the same time I can get cold air in the room with the bubble.

"This stone is a demonic stone that allows you to save the magic of a wizard. It's very valuable because even the kingdom has only one mineral vein. This is storing ice magic, so I used this to get Martha to make ice."

The slightly blue demonic stone keeps lowering the temperature of the room. It's also cold enough to snort that ice can be done in that short time.

When Joshua closes the box lid, the cold air subsides like a lie.

"Huh? What is that? Awesome! It's magical!"

It's magic.

Joshua nods contentedly that Emma is innocently pleased.

The three brothers, stained with poverty, had never seen or heard of it, but it seems that there is such a thing as a demonic stone in this world. Fantasy.

"Almost every magic stone is used to maintain the bond, so these things are rare. The shops that have been in Wang Du for a long time seem to have some. Didn't Emma tell you that Mr. Robert's slime jelly was cold and delicious, too?

With that said, you have to chill and stiffen to make jelly. It was delicious without thinking about it, but it was magically chilled jelly. That was delicious slime jelly......

"I wanted to see that delicious looking Emma's face, and I desperately looked for this. It cost me a little money."

I didn't hear Joshua whining at Po or Po Ya and Emma, who put her thoughts on Jelly.

"This demon stone is so precious, isn't it? A similar gentleman held it and it was a light orange stone that was slightly warm, but he used to put it in" Cairo "in the winter."

Martha shrugs as she looks at the little box that contained the demon stone.

"Hmm? Martha? Now what?

Joshua sees Martha with an astonishing look.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Isn't it true that Joshua-sama's demon stone is not the same as Jai-sama's" Cairo "?

A little bit of Joshua's money should be a lot of money. Martha hastily apologizes for being rude.

"No, you're not, are you? What's a word? Was it? Hard to hear..."

"Huh? Um... 'Cairo' and 'Belly roll', right?

"Kairo? Yes, sir?"

"Joshua? Ears, aren't you feeling too bad? Cairo and Belly Rolls, right?

William takes over Martha's words.

"Is it clear?



"... Joshua, see a doctor once?

Joshua can't really hear Cairo and his belly roll. Maybe I'm tired. I get worried.

Why is Cairo and I just having a tummy roll when we have other conversations......?..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

"Is that it?" Cairo "and" Belly roll "ho... is that Imperial?

On second thought, I've never used either of them in this world.

How the hell does Martha know?

...... hmm?

"With that said, Martha, it sounds like you didn't know what I said when I ate pine mushrooms and fell, but you could hear me, right?

A little over a year and a half to go back in memory. Sure, Martha, that time.

'Oh...... I wanted to at least have a sip of beer!

And he shrugged at me,

"Yes, that's what you all said! What spell is it?

And I was answering. What's that supposed to mean?

It's not a word, that's a sentence, even though it's short. As far as Joshua is concerned, it shouldn't be possible to recognize it as the same word we heard a few days ago.

…… What...?

Three brothers and Joshua get their attention and Martha tilts her neck.

There are kingdoms in front of me who are usually going to be able to speak Imperial language.

What is this? Are you, Your Majesty the King, diplomats, aunts, and Joshua planting a great deal of dodging?

"Let's sort this out a little bit. Dear Martha... but you had a demon stone called Caigno, didn't you?

Joshua starts thinking about the temples, massaging them.

"Yes, sir. Unlike Joshua-sama's demonic stone, I can't freeze the water, but even in winter it was a slightly warm stone..."

It's exactly Cairo, but what about saving magic just to warm your stomach like that on a rare demon stone?

"... Actually, it's an empire, but reports are coming up from the Chamber of Commerce that it's a treasure trove of mines that can take demon stones. The kingdom is constantly gathering demonic stones so that the wizard can appear whenever he wants. In recent years, however, the kingdom's mineral veins have been wiped out and depleted. Once you have saved your magic, the Demon Stone cannot be reused. If a wizard shows up like this, you won't be able to save the magic of the junction in a magic stone."

Joshua concludes his story that if he is not saved by the Demon Stone, the kingdom will disappear with the wizard's death.

Surprise enough that His Majesty the King accidentally grabbed Emma, finally connected.

What I want in diplomacy with the Empire is the Demon Stone. No country lets go of precious demon stones. A kingdom with dead minerals really wants demon stones.

"Such a precious demon stone... why do you have something like ours?

As we figure things out, Martha starts to get confused.

"Martha's ability to hear the Imperial language may mean that Martha also has Imperial blood... Martha's deity is likely to be the Imperial. Anything else your boss ever told you? Something about the Empire?

Joshua sits Martha in a chair, calms her down, and then asks questions.

For a while, Martha, who was thinking with her back of her hand against her lips, looks up all the time.

"Once upon a time, when I lost something, there was a curse that my master taught me! You can't paint anything you don't want to lose, you told me the symbol!

Bullshit...... was something wrong?

I don't know if I can tell because I have no knowledge of the Empire. Well in my head “ Yangshui sang it out, but I can't help it because this is Japanese, and not if I'm dancing.

Paper and pens are always available in Emma's room for dresses and embroidery designs. Ask by placing it in front of Martha.

"Martha, do you remember that silly symbol? Apply?"

"When I was little, I drew it on all my belongings."

With that said, Martha slowly grips the pen and carefully draws the symbol.

There, it said Mamma Ono.

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