Tanaka family, reincarnated.

Because it's important.

"Dear Emma!!!

When I enter the classroom to take embroidery classes, the ladies in the same seat greet me with concern.

"Well, good morning, everyone. You're early today, right?

Always a slow Marion has already arrived.

"Are you feeling all right?!? I heard you fell at the dinner party...... Don't push yourself too hard, okay? I thought you were off today......!

Francesca gently draws her hand to her seat and lets her sit down.

... one of the attractions of Francesca is this kind of good care.

She looks like a mighty courtier, but what do you care? She's the most girly embroidery member.

I knew her dress would definitely use pink lace. Clear, cute, not too sweet, hard to salt plums but fun to think about......

"Thank you for your concern. Totally, totally fine."

I haven't fallen over at the dinner party, but I guess Emma's ugliness got in my ear even to Francesca, who hasn't attended, because the way she was carried by the prince was exposed to the eyes of many nobles.

"Dear Emma, doesn't your arm hurt? My brother told me you were worried.

Marion looks at Emma's right arm and further advises me that if the class seems hard, I should take a tour.

Originally, however, on top of not hurting, it's handkerchief embroidery today, so I strained it out and brought 200 sheets. It doesn't make sense that I carried it this far with heavy feelings to take it home without doing anything.

"Dear Marion, I'm fine. I'm sure Arthur told you a little too much. I'll finish 100 or 200 pieces of embroidery immediately."

Don't put a white square cloth on your desk and chuckle at Marion.

Last night I remembered the finished Marion dress, and I also think Georg would make a decoration that would go with the short Marion hair. Even though he's tall, his face and Marion are jealous of him in model shape everywhere.

"I don't think the embroidery teacher wants that much either, do you, Catherine?

"I don't think the embroidery teacher wants that much either, Caitlin."

The twins look at Emma's amount of cloth and round their eyes that it's as amazing as ever.

Today, the silver hair admired by the harbor is twin tailed and comes with a light water-colored ribbon. The combination of silver hair and water colour is beautiful inside.

The twin houses rule is Simmons territory with a large port. You also have a marine pattern......

Why, yesterday I had a bummer with kings, task princes, and ninjas and could barely sew. If I had a whole day off, I would have made a few dresses for my family, but I could only get my hands on Marion's.

... Speaking of which, I was concerned that the look of Prince Taske, which I saw when I finished discussing with my parents and sneaked a peek from above to go home, was soggy, but I must have been hungry......

"Why are you alive...?

Returning from the Stewart family to the Royal Castle, sitting in a specially prepared VIP room chair, before Prince Taske, who lowered his servant, all twenty ninjas, appeared.

A ninja... alive?

Nineteen ninjas said Count Stewart was keeping them alive in front of him.

Plus, from what I've seen, it's intact and free.

That these elites were caught without even breaking their clothes and without any resistance?

Why is that?

Ninja spit on all the imperial secrets?

No, ninjas aren't even allowed to deceive them instead of divulging confidentiality.

He is able to kill himself before several stages in such a situation.

Because that's the ninja.

Then why? Alive?

Are you telling me it was Count Stewart's madness?

But this discussion should have turned out to be an unwishful outcome for the Empire.

Counts Stewart and his wife cooperate in diplomacy as interpreters.

Even tomorrow in the Count's favor, a ship carrying food leaves for the Empire.

Just one word, everything had been decided 10 minutes later after the Count had just given his eldest son a message.

"Georg, can you ask Joshua for food support for the Empire?

Just this one word.

Who's Joshua?

Ten minutes later, Georg wrote back on the paper he had brought: wheat… 600 tonnes, soybeans… 70 tonnes, dried meat… 50 tonnes, dried fruit… 15 tonnes, etc., to undertake a quantity of food which, even if prepared by the State, would take a few days.

I grin that Count Stewart, who carefully read it out in Imperial language, will prepare anything else I need.

That was more than half the amount of food the Empire wanted even in exchange for demonic stones. Who the hell is this Count who can prepare that in just 10 minutes?

"Joshua says if we get another week, we can collect this 10 times or so, but Emma says it's better to deliver food fast, so if we're leaving the ship tomorrow morning, it's about this much we can prepare for."

Georg, his eldest son, releases an incredible word to the Earl who reads out the paper.

"Tomorrow...... morning!!?

Ten minutes for food, and the next morning we get the boat out?

I don't understand. Is this really possible!!?

And who's Joshua?

"Uh sorry, I can't seem to get the wheat in time this evening...... still said I'd be using the latest equipped ship so I think I'll be in the empire in 3 or 4 days"

"3 or 4 days later!!???"

"Is it too late then?

Georg looks worried and checks on Prince Taske.

The distance between the empire and the kingdom is far.

Even the highway boat dedicated to the Imperial family, which the prince himself came aboard, took a week.

I can't believe I'm going to get there in three or four days with a lot of food on it.

"No, when I came, it took me about a week so I don't think I'd get there that fast......"

"Don't worry. Joshua's ships are up to date, and sailors are all skilled."

Count Stewart is not wrong, he even promises that he will arrive in three or four days.

But who's Joshua?

I don't know what it means to be so generous.

Did you get the information on the Demon Stone?

No, it can't be just ninjas. Excellent ninja. He is one of the best in the empire.

I mean, is this an apology for letting 19 ninjas die, if you take it?

With their lives, the ninjas saved the country... you mean...

... excellent... were ninjas.

Before the people starved, before they managed to make sacrifices, they came to the kingdom saying they could do it...

In the end, I failed.

Honorable, I have sacrificed as many as 19 ninjas.

In three or four days, the food will reach the Empire.

And I guess that's where they'll take the food and me hostage, my own safety, and the Demon Stone.

Count Stewart...... what a horrible man.

When I looked at the Count for a moment, I was gently wiping my mouth.

Maybe I'm putting my thoughts on the sweet juice I'm going to smoke.

Will the people forgive my failures, my beloved people...?

The feet of Prince Taske, who would follow the Count Stewart family, moved only as slowly as if going down the thorny path, one step at a time towards a dark and heavy future.


In front of you are the ninjas you should have lost.

No heart, or the 19 ninjas don't even look shinier and livelier in the morning than they did when they saw their faces.

"Why? Alive?

It's important, so twice, I heard.

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