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Especially Yaoshen Valley, this sect that rubbed the Royal Xiuxian Academy on the ground became popular without any surprise. Almost everyone with some power wanted to send their children to Yaoshen Valley. It was a pity that since Yaoshen Valley accepted disciples, it has not carried out a second round of development.

Under the cold treatment of Yaoshen Valley, those powerful people who were full of ideas to send their children to Yaoshen Valley finally calmed down a lot, and finally chose other schools as the second best.

Of course, even if the Royal Xiuxian Academy was hammered by Yaoshen Valley, its influence among the people was still as terrifying as before. After the Xianwu Conference, Li Shimin re-ranked all the college forces including the Royal Xiuxian Academy. Since then, the source of students of the Royal Xiuxian Academy is still very superior.

In this era, people are still very willing to believe in the royal family.

In this way, Xian Tang began to develop steadily again, and a year passed quietly.

It is still the eighth year of the Xian Tang calendar. In this year, the level of the cultivators in the entire Xian Tang has been raised to a higher level without any surprise.

Many of the top cultivators in the foundation-building realm who made their mark at the Xianwu Conference have broken through the mirror and reached the golden elixir stage. According to rumors, Xian Tang now has at least five Yuanying-level masters.

Although the news released by the Knowledge Pavilion is uncertain, it has made countless people yearn for a higher realm.

Everything in Xian Tang is moving in a good direction, but today, someone in a court mansion outside Chang'an City quietly observed an abnormal phenomenon.

At night, inside the Imperial Observatory, a Taoist priest in his fifties looked up at the sky with a puzzled look on his face, and next to him was a Taoist priest in his forties.

"What on earth is this? Why do I feel like it's getting closer and closer to my immortal world?"

Yuan Tiangang looked worried. As the director of the Imperial Astronomical Observatory, although he had embarked on the path of cultivating immortals, he had never given up on stargazing. He always felt that there was also a path to immortality hidden in the starry sky.

"Fellow Daoist Yuan has discovered it, too? I have also been following this"alien star" for more than half a month."

Li Chunfeng spoke at the right time. As an"astronomy enthusiast" who shares the same taste as Yuan Tiangang, he also likes stargazing, but usually their dojos are separate. That is to say, today Yuan Tiangang broke through the Nascent Soul Realm, so Li Chunfeng came here to congratulate him.

"I feel that this doesn't seem to be a star."

Yuan Tiangang shook his head and did not agree with Li Chunfeng's"strange method.

Now Yuan Tiangang has quietly broken through the mirror and become an immortal cultivator, but Li Chunfeng is different. He is only in the late Jindan realm and his talent is slightly inferior to Yuan Tiangang.

Moreover, Yuan Tiangang has measured the stars since he was a child, and even after he became an immortal, he has a special obsession with the stars in the sky. His love for the stars is fundamentally different from Li Chunfeng's.

"Isn't it a star?"

Li Chunfeng was immediately confused. How could this thing that shines in the sky not be a star? If it's not a star, what else could it be?

Li Chunfeng was stunned and didn't share the same channel with Yuan Tiangang for a while.

"No! What I see from the ground is too blurry after all, I must see it more clearly!"

After careful consideration, Yuan Tiangang was still very puzzled. At this moment, he seemed to have made a decision.

"Daoist friend Li, the Imperial Observatory will be handed over to you for the time being. I must go to heaven to see it."

After making the decision, Yuan Tiangang took action immediately. He immediately activated his cultivation of the early stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, and his true essence burst out and rose from the ground.

From a distance, a light source the size of a person suddenly appeared in the direction of the Imperial Observatory, dragging a pure white tail flame and accelerating into the sky at an angle of about 70 degrees.

The one who went to heaven was Yuan Tiangang, the director of the Imperial Observatory.

His way of going to heaven was very different from that of Li Tai leaving the earth to transcend the tribulation that day.

At that time, Li Tai's cultivation was enough, and he easily broke through the gravity of the earth.

But Yuan Tiangang was different. He was only in the Nascent Soul Realm and had not reached the minimum requirement of"breaking the air" to reach the Out-of-Body Realm. He was a whole major realm short.

Therefore, Yuan Tiangang took a different approach. He actually burst out his true essence. , it slightly tilted its angle to accelerate, and then took off vertically, preparing to try to break through the gravitational constraints.

Thus, only a stunned Li Chunfeng was left in the Imperial Observatory.

Li Chunfeng never expected that Yuan Tiangang would play so excitingly, saying that he would go to the sky, but Li Chunfeng clearly remembered that the cultivation level of the Nascent Soul Realm should not be enough to break through the air...

Li Chunfeng fell into worry about Yuan Tiangang, fearing that something would happen to his Taoist friend who he had known for many years.

What Li Chunfeng didn't know was that before Yuan Tiangang returned, the news that the director of the Imperial Observatory was going to the sky had reached the palace.

The old eunuch Wang Dezheng brought the news from Li Shimin's secret guards and walked anxiously towards the imperial study.

As soon as he entered the door, Wang De began to report.

"Your Majesty, the secret guards have sent a message that the director of the Imperial Observatory has ascended to heaven."

Originally, Li Shimin was holding the imperial seal and cultivating immortality as usual, but he was confused by this news.

"What? Who? Heaven?"

Li Shimin was full of questions and couldn't figure it out._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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