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"Ask for help?"

Li Shimin was a little undecided for a moment. He actually knew very little about the so-called Galactic Alliance. In the years since the establishment of Xian Tang, he basically focused on his own cultivation. Even the construction of the Tang Dynasty was only finalized by himself. The rest of the matters were basically handed over to Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and others.

"Wang De, has Qingque come out of retreat now?"

Li Shimin felt that this matter was difficult for him to handle, so he was ready to listen to Li Tai's opinion, so he had to ask Wang De about the current situation of Qingque Palace.

"Reporting to His Majesty, the Fourth Prince has not stepped out of the Qingque Palace since he began his retreat more than a year ago.

Wang De reported truthfully that Li Tai was still in the Void Trial Field and would naturally not appear in the Imperial City.

"Your Majesty, the Fourth Prince once said that if he had an emergency during his retreat, he could issue an imperial edict to Yaoshen Valley, which is a force cultivated by the Fourth Prince himself, and there are many capable immortal cultivators in it."

Wang De saw Li Shimin's hesitation and reminded him of what Li Tai had said. This was Li Tai's special order considering that he might be in the Void Trial Field and Li Shimin might not be able to contact him if something happened.

"Let's do it this way. You go and make the arrangements. Let Cheng Yaojin contact Yaoshen Valley himself. If he is ready to send troops, report to me."

Li Shimin immediately made the decision. Anyway, this was just an alien request for help, which was not a big deal. According to Li Shimin's own thinking, he didn't want to care about it at all. But considering that he knew too little about the Galactic Alliance, he thought of consulting Li Tai.

But now that there is a more worry-free plan, Li Shimin is not going to ask it himself.

Just like that, a space army spacecraft landed directly on the surface and came to the territory of Yaoshen Valley in Jiangnan Road. The news was passed to Li Tai's clone.

"The Galactic Alliance is asking for help? Do you have any specific information?"

Li Tai didn't pay much attention to his clones. He would only use his clones occasionally to help the disciples of Medicine Valley during breaks in the trials. But the news brought by the Space Force soldiers this time aroused Li Tai's interest.

He was very curious about what kind of troubles the Galactic Alliance, a group of civilizations of high level, would encounter.

"The Galactic Alliance sent a video to our army."

This space army soldier is already very familiar with technology and equipment. He has no difficulty adapting to videos, which are incompatible with ancient society. Instead, Sikong Guan

"Well, let me see."

Li Tai temporarily stopped the trial at the Void Trial Field and concentrated on watching the battle scenes in the video through his clone.

In the video, a space fortress comparable in size to a mothership spanned the starry sky, with some spaceships coming and going constantly. It was obviously a trade space fortress used by multiple civilizations.

Just when this fortress was presenting a thriving picture of the harmonious development of many civilizations in the Milky Way, a strange warship suddenly appeared. Although this warship was also made of high-grade alloys, its paint looked like a wooden structure, making Li Tai think that this was a medieval pirate ship that sailed into the universe and left.

Just when Li Tai was secretly complaining about this paint, the next scene made Li Tai more interested.

This strange spaceship did not use any advanced weapons to destroy the space The fortress, on the contrary, opened its hatch, and a group of humanoid creatures wearing exoskeleton armor flew out, holding a bunch of cold weapons in their hands, most of which were broadswords.

A group of such humanoid creatures quickly killed their way to the space fortress, but because the target was too small, the space fortress did not even notice them.

The scene changed and directly switched to the internal surveillance of the space fortress.

After entering the space fortress, this group of humanoid creatures began to slaughter without saying a word, and while slaughtering, they also looted some energy materials, as if their main goal was to plunder energy resources.

And the most interesting thing is that after the war situation stabilized, some of this group of people removed their facial exoskeletons, revealing their own faces, and their appearance seemed to be very similar to humans on Earth, with two eyes, a nose, a mouth and two ears.

"This is normal! According to the group of people in the forum, humanoid creatures are the mainstream in the universe, and those with strange shapes are the minority.……"

Li Tai said to himself, but this was also the first time he had seen a humanoid alien civilization in the Tang Dynasty Universe.

The scene continued, and then there were some star battle scenes. In these scenes, the Galactic Alliance was almost always defeated. The opponent showed extremely strong individual combat strength, and this fighting style seemed to Li Tai more like a cultivation civilization. On the contrary, their technological equipment was more like an auxiliary

"Interesting, a cultivation civilization? What is it cultivating? It can't be a bullshit like fighting spirit, right? Anyway, there is absolutely no other cultivation civilization in this universe.……"

Li Tai was even more interested now. He originally thought that the universe where Datang was located was only a technological civilization, and Li Tai had forgotten about those unconventional cultivation systems.

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