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"Destruction? Destruction? I am the goddess of war.……"

The Goddess of the North Sky suddenly felt insulted. Her divine authority was about war. How could she be the type of evil god despised by all theocracy practitioners?

"War? You don't care about your followers invading and killing people everywhere."

Li Tai realized the type of the other party's theocracy. The god who controls the power of war, his followers like to invade, and probably massacre to prevent retaliation, but this style of attacking and killing people wherever they go is really too much like the followers of evil gods.

"Massacre? ? ?"

The head of the Goddess of the North Sky was full of question marks. Since she inherited the throne, she has never left the North Sky Star and has never managed believers. There are two ways for gods who become gods through faith to become gods. One is to continue to expand the base of believers, and the other is to comprehend the authority of their own duties.

Obviously, the Goddess of the North Sky is taking the route of authority. Over the years, she has been comprehending authority from those war spears, war flags, and war shields, and has never had any contact with believers.

Therefore, the believers of the North Sky God of War are actually all believers of the one who lived a hundred years ago, and she is just the successor.

However, considering that the North Sky God who handed over the throne to her was a decent person, the Goddess of the North Sky did not think that these believers would do such an outrageous thing. The

Goddess of the North Sky immediately activated the throne and analyzed the power of faith accumulated over the years. Through faith, she could know what these believers were doing and thinking.

Soon, the face of the Goddess of the North Sky became more and more ugly.

It turned out that when the North Sky God was In order to facilitate her management of believers, she used the throne to set up a faith feedback mechanism. As long as her believers did something that was beneficial to the authority of war, the throne would automatically feedback power, or even grant a huge amount of divine power to independently create a disposable artifact.

This was originally a mechanism for the gods to conveniently manage the believers, but due to the negligence of the Goddess of the North Sky over the years, it has completely changed. In order to use the power of feedback to make themselves stronger, or even to obtain a disposable artifact as a trump card, these believers directly started a crazy war. In order to avoid hidden dangers, they would kill all other civilizations every time they invaded, which is a typical style of evil gods.

So, now it is the Goddess of the North Sky who is embarrassed. She came to the earth from countless light years away, but this kind of thing happened. In front of the strong people of the same level, she simply didn't know how to deal with it.

But suddenly, the Goddess of the North Sky thought of something and walked out of the embarrassment.

"I don't care about these. As a god, you absorb the energy in the star field under my jurisdiction. If you don't give me an explanation, then let's have a war of gods!"

The goddess of the north sky had a serious face. This involved the foundation of a god. At the same time, crossing the border was also the most taboo thing for a god. She couldn't understand why Li Tai still looked so serious.

"Haha, please read carefully, I am not cultivating a god, and I was born and raised in the Tang Dynasty. Your faith is not here."

Li Tai was not polite at all. It was the other party's believers who came to the Tang Dynasty to cause trouble. Moreover, he, Li Tai, was a native of the earth. He cultivated this celestial realm himself, which did not involve any faith.

"I don't care! Since you are also a mid-level god, let's fight. According to the rules of the universe, it involves the division of faith star fields, so let's have a war of gods! If I lose, half of the Beitian star field will belong to you!"

I don't know if she was crazy or what, this female god didn't hear Li Tai say that she was not practicing Shinto, and still wanted to fight. It seems that in her concept, in this vast universe, except for the power of faith, there is no way to reach the level of"God".

"I will fight you, I hope you can bear the consequences."

Li Tai was not angry. Although there was no difference between gods and immortals in essence, he had been training in the Void Trial Field for so long, and he had killed countless terrifying creatures with his own hands. How could he be afraid of a battle of the same level?


The goddess of the north sky snorted arrogantly, and instantly opened her war field, ready to fight Li Tai.

At this moment, the might of the middle-level god swept across the entire earth. Whether it was the Jiangnan Dao Medicine God Valley or the Chang'an Imperial City, the terrifying pressure of the middle-level god was everywhere.

"My God has come!"

"Welcome my God!"

At this moment, the aliens slaughtered on a certain island country in the sea and the aliens outside the atmosphere all felt this power.

As believers of the North Sky God, they all knelt respectfully and prayed in a low voice.

"If you want to fight, this is not the right place."

Li Tai frowned slightly. He was not prepared to fight on Earth. Even the aftermath of this level of battle would be too much for Earth to bear.

A wave of space wave spread out. Li Tai was actually preparing to forcibly move the North Sky Goddess to another starry sky, and then continue the fight.

""Do you look down on me? You actually want to... Hey? Where am I?"

The goddess of the North Sky frowned slightly. Just as she opened her mouth to scold, she was teleported by Li Tai to a place that was unknown how many light years away.

Li Tai was too skilled at controlling space. He had teleported many times to such a far place as the Void Trial Field. That kind of teleportation was much more advanced than ordinary space transfer.

Under the influence of this advanced space teleportation, Li Tai could teleport a strong man of the same level to a million light years away with a wave of his hand. It didn't seem to be too outrageous. This should be quite normal, quite normal..._

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation

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