"Hmm? Did you change my guards?"

Li Tai looked at the two new guards at the gate of his palace with some curiosity. He didn't even need to observe them carefully. Just relying on the perception of Qi and blood of a cultivator, he could tell that the fighting power of these two guards was definitely extraordinary. They were probably talents secretly cultivated by Li Shimin.

"Oh my god, the palace maids have all been replaced.……"

Li Tai's mouth twitched slightly. Isn't it just cultivating an immortal? Why is it so serious? You know, Li Tai's goal is to build the Tang Dynasty into an immortal dynasty. There is no point in keeping it secret.

After a few minutes, Li Tai slapped his forehead and suddenly understood Li Shimin's intention. After so many years of being a time traveler, how could Li Tai not understand the current situation of the Tang Dynasty?

"Are you worried about the noble family? It seems that my cheap father still doesn't understand the meaning of being an immortal cultivator."

Li Tai shook his head and stopped thinking about it. Now he has no time to think about it, so he might as well improve his cultivation. With his current level of Qi training, he can probably only beat three or four strong men.

If he wants to protect his life, Li Tai has to work harder and practice to the foundation building stage as soon as possible. As long as he reaches the foundation building stage, he will not be killed by ordinary people relying on numbers.

Li Tai sat by the pond, and the Taoism was running. The strands of the original power between heaven and earth were absorbed by Li Tai and transformed into spiritual energy, improving his cultivation.


Li Shimin had been sitting alone in the main hall for an hour or two. He still felt a bit dazed. The immortal cultivation technique that the ancients had gone through so much hardship but still could not obtain was created by his own son. He always felt that it was a bit unreal.

But the facts were in front of him. At that time, Li Tai was controlling water and floating in front of him. There was no need to doubt the facts.

However, Li Shimin, who had experienced such a stimulation, had no intention of dealing with the paperwork for the time being.

Li Shimin decided to call someone to have a good chat. Although it was not good to disclose the news of Li Tai's immortal cultivation, it was always good to find a think tank to plan in advance.

"Summon Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui to see me."

In the end, Li Shimin chose these two to help him plan.

Both of them can be regarded as the emerging aristocratic class, and have nothing to do with those old-fashioned families. They are the two civil officials with the highest degree of trust in Li Shimin.

When Wang De heard Li Shimin's edict, he went to make arrangements quickly, and the news was quickly delivered to the two's residences.

About half an hour later, at the gate of the palace, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui arrived at the same time. The two looked at each other and were not too surprised. Li Shimin often summoned them alone. The two guessed that the emperor might have something difficult to decide. The two walked together at the gate of the palace, and started chatting before seeing Li Shimin.

"I really don't know why His Majesty summoned us. It's almost dark."

"It shouldn't be a military operation, Cheng Yaojin and his gang didn't come"

"That's true."

According to the tone of the eunuch who delivered the imperial edict, the emperor was not in a hurry to find them, so the two of them had time to chat while walking. Soon, they arrived at the door of Li Shimin's study.

""My Lords, please come in."

Wang De immediately let them in when he saw them. Li Shimin had been in a daze for a long time, and was still thinking about the King of Wei's cultivation.

Fang and Du entered the study, but Wang De stayed outside the door. He knew very well that even though he was Li Shimin's personal eunuch, it was better for him to know less about some things.

"Xuanling, Keming, you are finally here."

Li Shimin felt much better when he saw the two of them. Finally, someone could share his worries.

"Your Majesty."

The two men saluted and waited for Li Shimin to ask questions.

Soon, the conversation between the three returned to normal.

Li Shimin:"I wonder what you think of the legends about immortals and gods?"

Du Ruhui:"Your Majesty, please don't believe these absurdities. The so-called immortals and gods are just folk fabrications and are absolutely not credible." Fang Xuanling:"The fact that the First Emperor ordered Xu Fu to go out to sea to find immortals and waste people's money is still recorded in history books. Your Majesty is a wise monarch throughout the ages and will definitely not do such an absurd thing."

Li Shimin went straight to the point and started the topic of immortals and gods. In Li Shimin's view, since King Wei Li Tai can cultivate immortality, it may mean that the legend of immortals and gods is not false.

Li Shimin:"But……"

In this way, the monarch and his ministers started a discussion. Li Shimin kept hinting at the immortal cultivation of mortals, and even said bluntly:"If I can also live forever, how should I govern?"

It was the first time that Fang and Du had seen such a stubborn Li Shimin, so they could only persuade him kindly, and they didn't want to give Li Shimin any constructive suggestions at all.

But soon, the two really couldn't figure out why Li Shimin was so obsessed with the immortals today, so they had to follow his thoughts and put forward some opinions.

Of course, hesitating about immortal cultivation and longevity was completely in the blind spot of their knowledge, and their opinions were all guesses.

No one expected that it was an extremely absurd little meeting that made Li Shimin feel a lot happier. For a while, inspiration burst out in his mind, and finally he smiled and personally sent the two ministers out of the study.

Before leaving, Li Shimin also emphasized:"Don't let others know what I discussed with you today."

In this regard, Fang and Du only thought that this was Li Shimin's face and didn't want others to know that he was having such an absurd discussion, so naturally he agreed again and again, and had no intention of leaking it at all.

After all, they personally participated in the discussion. If it were leaked, they would be embarrassed!

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