The flying boat was speeding over the sky of Datang at a very fast speed. On the flying boat, Li Tai and all the members of Xian Tang Wei were in a great mood at the moment.

This feeling of flying in the sky is really enjoyable.

Qin Huaiyu:"So this is what Datang looks like from the sky."

Du He:"It makes me want to paint a landscape painting."

Cheng Chumo:"Fuck, the city is too clear from the sky!"

Yuchi Baolin:"Cheng Chumo you are an idiot!"

Cheng Chumo:"Fuck! I mean, it's good to be able to see the city clearly from the sky with this thing, it's good for military!"


At this moment, more than an hour had passed since the flying boat left Chang'an. Since Li Tai did not fly at full speed, he had only flown less than 600 miles.

Now everyone on the flying boat had completely adjusted their mentality and were ready to carry out their first mission.

In this way, under the guidance of Cheng Chumo and others, the atmosphere gradually relaxed, and everyone became interested in appreciating the scenery.

It was a pity that although the scenery was beautiful, it was a little monotonous after all. It was nothing more than cities, fields, mountains and rivers. After an hour, Li Tai was tired of it. He simply increased the speed of the flying boat and headed straight for Liangzhou.


As the flying boat moved forward, countless people along the way saw this miraculous scene.

A flying boat with a flag bearing the Chinese character"Tang" passed by in the sky, and countless civilians, officials, and even so-called Jianghu people saw the flying boat.

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked.

"What is this? Tang? Could it be that there is such a great craftsman in the Tang Dynasty? This is much better than the legendary Lu Ban wooden kite!"

"Miracles! Miracles!"

"This must be the Taoist immortal descending to earth! It seems that after years of refining the elixir, I have finally moved the heavens!"

"Amitabha, what on earth is this? I must go west to seek the true scriptures, only then can I find my true self!"For a time, the whole land of China was shocked, and the rumor that the flying boat fairy had descended on the Tang Dynasty spread like wildfire.

However, all the cities close to Chang'an City soon received Li Shimin's edict and learned about the fairy Tang Dynasty. After that, all the cities that received the edict were even more shocked.


In a Taoist temple below the ground where the flying boat passed, two Taoists began to communicate.

Young Taoist:"Master, is the flying boat in the sky a sign of immortality?"

Old Taoist:"There are no immortals in the world."

Young Taoist:"Then what is the art of Qi Huang that Master taught me?"

Old Taoist:"It's a tool for eating."

Young Taoist:"Master, is it too late for me to return to secular life?"

Old Taoist:"Master, I spent ten taels of silver to buy you from your father. I am counting on you to see me off to the end of my life."

Young Taoist:"……"


In a temple below the place where the flying boat passed, several monks were also communicating.

Young monk:"Master, what is that?"

Old monk:"The Buddha appeared." Young monk

:"Then why is there a word Tang on it?"

Old monk:"Because the country is now called Tang."

Young monk:"Does the Buddha know the country's name?"

Old monk:"Otherwise, who would donate money to the Buddha?"

Young monk:"……"


It is also below the place where the flying boat passed by, but here is a mountain stronghold.

Young bandit:"Boss,'s okay! The Tang army is flying over!"

Old bandit:"What the hell?"

Young bandit:"Boss, you...look at the sky!"

Old bandit:" really is the flag of the Tang Dynasty!"

Young bandit:"Boss...what...should we do?"

Old bandit:"What boss? I'm not the boss, I'm a farmer!"

After saying that, the old bandit ran away. He rode a horse directly at the gate of the mountain stronghold and went in the direction of his hometown.

A few minutes later, the mountain stronghold was disbanded, all the bandits ran away, and the whole mountain stronghold became an empty stronghold.


As the flying boat moved forward, all the people of the Tang Dynasty who saw this scene had different reactions, but there was one thing in common, that is, almost everyone recognized the military flag of the Tang Dynasty. No matter what these people did, they all calmed down a lot. They must have been shocked for a short time and would never dare to cause trouble to provoke the Tang Dynasty government.

After another hour, the flying boat actually arrived at the destination directly. At this moment, the flying boat was less than a hundred miles away from Liangzhou. At this moment, Li Tai was a little entangled. He was considering whether he should drive the flying boat to carry out airborne arrests, or to organize a small team to quickly raid and break into the city gate...

Li Tai did not notice that both of his ideas were quite high-profile, and he did not regard the vassal king who attempted to rebel as a human being at all.

After a few seconds, Li Tai made a decision.

He did not want to walk so far on foot, he just wanted to watch the show on the flying boat, so Li Tai chose the first option.

After all, since they are called Xian Tang Guards, they must be heavenly soldiers, and heavenly soldiers should fall from the sky...

Li Tai found a perfect excuse for his laziness.

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