Ashina Gu sat upright on his warhorse, staring at the direction of the Tang army.

After he had just shouted the last sentence with the Tang general on the opposite side, there had been no movement from the Tang army until now. Instead, a few infantrymen who were carrying messages began to run around.

Ashina Gu now had no idea what the Tang army was trying to do.

Just when he was full of doubts and no one could answer them, something strange happened.

Among the Tang army, suddenly about thirty soldiers wearing bright light armor stood up from the ground and gradually rose.

And as they rose, the bright light armor on their bodies suddenly began to burst out with dazzling light.

The Xian Tang Guards were taking off according to Li Tai's arrangement. In this battle, Li Tai only needed them to quietly pretend in the sky, so their mission was also easy, just using the floating technique plus the golden light technique.

At the same time, all the Turkic soldiers who were paying attention to the Tang army were stunned.

"This... this... the Tang army is in heaven?"

"Is it possible that there are really capable and righteous people in the Central Plains who know everything about immortals and gods?"

"Could it be that they are heavenly soldiers? How can we fight them if they are flying in the sky?"

The cavalry squad led by Ashina Gu was in a panic and chaos. The power of the golden light technique used by Xian Tang Wei was so great that the light was too bright and startled several horses. A few of Ashina Gu's cavalrymen were thrown off their horses.

""Retreat! Return to the city! I want to see what tricks the Tang army is playing!"

Ashina Gu's face was serious. Now he finally knew that the Tang army in front of him was definitely different from the past. He believed that the thirty people in the sky could not just glow.

However, before Ashina Gu drove his warhorse to turn around, the scene that happened next made him dare not even move.

In the air, the thirty members of the Xian Tang Guard in the sky looked at each other. They were evenly scattered on the encirclement, with an average of about several thousand meters between each person.

At this time, the thirty people just formed a circle, wrapping Dingxiang City in the middle.

At the same time, Du He, who had used the invisibility spell early and flew over Dingxiang City, gave everyone a signal.

In an instant, the light blooming from the thirty people became more brilliant, and under unified cooperation, each of them shot a beam of light in the direction of Dingxiang City.

Finally, the beams of light intersected at Du He's position and finally went to Dingxiang City below.

"What's this?"

"This thing is coming into the city! General, what should we do?"

"Could it really be the heavenly soldiers and generals? Could it be that Li Shimin was really the son of destiny? Even the gods and immortals wanted to help him?"

All the Turks were terrified, but they didn't know that the light column they saw was just a light column, without any killing power.

Li Tai's real big move had long been handed over to Du He. At this moment, the inconspicuous talisman that floated towards Dingxiang City with the light column was the final killing move. The light column slowly descended, and Du He took advantage of this time to continue to hide and slip back to Li Tai's side.

"Boss, it's done. I just made a timing spell, and it will start when the beam of light hits the ground."

Du He reported to Li Tai, his face full of excitement. You know, this will be counted as a military achievement, and when the time comes, he, the one who cast the nuclear explosion spell, will definitely be rewarded by the emperor.

"Well, just watch and remember to adjust your mindset."

Li Tai glanced at Du He and gave him a warning in advance. You know, this nuclear explosion talisman will destroy an entire city, and perhaps tens of thousands of lives will be lost.

"Don't worry, Boss. They are all foreigners. Too many people in the Tang Dynasty have been killed by them. I am just seeking revenge."

Li Tai did not expect that Du He had a steady mentality. He only hoped that he would remain calm after the nuclear explosion.

At this moment, among the 100 cavalrymen led by Ashina Gu,

"General, what's up? Are we going back?"

"General, let's wait a moment. That thing hasn't landed yet. I'm afraid……"

"Why are you so scared! This must be a trick of the Tang army. Let's go out of the city and fight!"

There were many opinions among the cavalry. Only Ashina Gu felt a little horrified when he saw the beam of light slowly falling to the ground. He quickly waved his hand to signal everyone to stop.

"General, we……"

Someone else spoke, but before he could finish his words, the beam reached the ground of Dingxiang City.

Suddenly, a more condensed light bloomed! A terrifying high temperature suddenly appeared in Dingxiang City, and the massive spiritual energy sealed by the nuclear explosion talisman began to change.

The heat instantly swept the entire Dingxiang City, accompanied by the appearance of heat waves and terrifying shock waves.

The next moment, with Dingxiang City as the center of the circle, a prototype light shield appeared that just covered Dingxiang City. This was the means by which the nuclear explosion talisman offset the excess shock waves.

After all, the nuclear explosion talisman was actually created by a talented fairy world traverser who even knew the power of nuclear explosions. Therefore, in order to limit the range, he specially set up range-limiting runes.

In this way, the entire Dingxiang City seemed to have turned into a giant ball of light in an instant, and a violent spiritual energy explosion occurred inside it, destroying everything inside in the blink of an eye.

In just a few seconds, the people, houses, walls and even the ground in Dingxiang City disappeared instantly.

About a minute later, the light shield covering Dingxiang City disappeared, and a mushroom cloud made of dust rose into the sky, reaching a height of 10,000 meters.

At this moment, all the people present, including the Tang army and the Turkic cavalry, were speechless. They stared blankly at this scene that seemed to destroy the world, and their hair stood on end.

"General, this...we……"

"It's over, it's all over, the Tang Dynasty actually has such a heavenly soldier……"

"Prairie God, please save us.……"

The war horses could not help being frightened. Most of the cavalrymen fell off their horses, knelt on the ground, and prayed towards the direction of the grassland.

At the same time, not only the Turks, but even the Tang army that surrounded Dingxiang City and watched had weak legs. They had never thought that human power could achieve such a scene.

You know, this terrifying power was created by the team called Xian Tang Wei.

But compared to the Turks, all the Tang army members have more pride in their hearts!

It turns out that the Tang Dynasty is really recognized by the heavens, and these heavenly soldiers are all Tang people!

Du He:"Boss...Boss...I……"

Du He looked at the scene in bewilderment. He really didn't expect that the talisman he threw out was so terrifying. He couldn't help but feel a little scared.

Li Tai:"What? Are you scared? Do you regret it?"

Du He:"Boss, do you have any more talismans? I'm going to throw a few on the grassland!"

Li Tai didn't expect that his younger brother had such a strong mentality. But after hearing Du He's words, Li Tai instantly thought of his dwindling forum coins, and he immediately felt a pain in his balls.

"General Zhang, give them the letter of credence and ask them to take it back and tell the Turks that if they don't hand over my Tang prince, I will go to the grassland to grow mushrooms!"

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