As soon as Jie Li Khan issued an order, the entire grassland immediately took action.

In less than half a day, the 100,000-man army successfully assembled, locked the position of the Tang army at the moment, and began a rapid march.


At the same time, a war report was sent to Chang'an in a hurry and handed to the court.

At this time, Li Shimin was holding a morning court session, which was one of the few court sessions since he started cultivating immortals.

Wei Zheng took advantage of this opportunity to give Li Shimin frantic advice. Of course, he only mentioned that Li Shimin's morning court sessions had been reduced, and did not mention the edict issued by Li Shimin a few days ago, as if he had never known about the immortal cultivation announced by the Tang Emperor.

""My dear minister, you are right. I will reorganize the Secretariat in a few days to handle state affairs for me."

Li Shimin was not moved at all. Now Li Shimin's mentality is very similar to that of the emperors of the Ming Dynasty in later generations. He gradually lost interest in state affairs and was ready to be a hands-off emperor. He would not care about anything except the general direction of state affairs.

"His Majesty……"

Wei Zheng was planning to continue his advice, but at this moment, a soldier in armor entered the court holding a letter.

"Your Majesty, victory report from the border!"

The soldier handed the imperial eunuch Wang De the imperial eunuch's letter and began to describe the content of the victory report.

"Two days ago, the fourth prince led an army of 20,000 and 30 immortal Tang guards to attack Dingxiang City. Under the immortal magic, Dingxiang City was reduced to ashes and more than 10,000 enemies were killed. After that, a letter was sent to the Turkic court, forcing them to hand over the rebel king Li Youliang. At this moment, the army has penetrated deep into the Turkic territory and is ready for the next battle."

The general content of the victory report was told to the court by this soldier, and all the ministers present were stunned for a moment.

"Could it be that the edict your majesty issued a few days ago about cultivating immortals is true?"

"I don't know. Let's see what the king's uncle means first. We shouldn't rush to express our views."

"This victory report couldn't be false, could it? Two thousand men dared to go deep into the Turkic territory? Isn't this courting death?……"

For a time, the whole court was filled with whispers. The civil officials generally did not believe the contents of the war report, and some officials from aristocratic families even directly believed that this was information fabricated by Li Shimin to confuse them.

On the other hand, there was also a lot of whispers in the military camp.

"Lao Hei, it seems our baby has done a great job."

"That's right, don't you see whose child Pauline is from!"

"Hmm? Do you two know something about this? Can you share it with us?"

With Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Gong taking the lead, many people have locked their eyes on these two people. According to the few words they heard, it seems that their children have participated in this military operation.

"Don't ask any more questions, wait for His Majesty to speak."

Finally, it was General Qin Qiong who spoke up and calmed the situation down, and the military camp became peaceful.

But at the front of the military camp, there was a man with a frown on his face, as if he was thinking about something.

"Your Majesty, I dare to ask if the immortal cultivation mentioned in your Majesty's edict a few days ago is true?"

Li Jing, who has commanded troops for many years, finally couldn't hold it in anymore. In his opinion, it was not realistic to capture Dingxiang City with 20,000 troops, not to mention going deep into the grassland.

Hearing Li Jing speak, Li Shimin finally showed a satisfied smile. This usually aloof military god of the Tang Dynasty finally couldn't hold it in anymore.

In the end, Li Shimin did not choose to answer directly. Instead, he stretched out his hand and waved it, directly summoning a magic that Li Tai had used to fool him.

A water dragon suddenly appeared, flew around all the people in the court, and finally sprayed and dispersed, turning into countless fine water droplets scattered on everyone.

At this point, Li Shimin spoke again:"My dear ministers, this is what I call immortal cultivation. The so-called immortal cultivation means that mortals control the power of heaven and earth... and eventually live forever and roam freely in the world."

Li Shimin wanted to popularize the common sense of cultivating immortals in the court, so he copied the words that Li Tai had used to fool him.

This speech stunned the whole court.

The whole court was silent for more than five minutes. Everyone had their own thoughts, but no one spoke.

Finally, it was the arrogant Tang military god Li Jing who spoke first.

"Your Majesty, I beg for my remains. Now that the method of cultivating immortals has been born, there is no need for military affairs."

Li Jing directly requested to retire and return home. Now he has understood that since the Tang Dynasty has begun to build an army of immortal cultivators, it means that the military tactics he is familiar with are no longer useful. It is better to retire and return home as soon as possible, and no longer stay in the court to engage in intrigues.

Upon hearing this, Li Shimin rejected Li Jing very straightforwardly. You know, according to his son's plan, the entire Tang Dynasty will begin to cultivate immortals in the future, and there will inevitably be a lot of messy things at that time. At that time, talents like Li Jing will have to be asked to do things, otherwise his energy as an emperor will not be enough.

"My dear minister, you worry too much. It won't be long before our Tang Dynasty will become a dynasty of immortals. By then, anyone who has made contributions to our Tang Dynasty will be able to live forever with the immortals."

At the end of his words, Li Shimin's eyes were slightly stern. Immortality was something that countless emperors of previous dynasties had been pursuing. Li Shimin naturally knew its temptation. At this moment, he was secretly observing the court, as if he wanted to find out those greedy eyes.


Many people took a deep breath. Originally, the reason why they entered the court to serve as officials was mostly just for fame, wealth or ambition.

However, now the emperor actually told them that they had a chance to live forever? Everyone was a little confused.

After a few seconds, no one could remain calm.

In the end, under the leadership of Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Gong, Qin Qiong, Du Ruhui and others, everyone bowed and saluted, while shouting:"I am willing to serve the Tang Dynasty for life!"

Whether they were grassroots officials or children of aristocratic families, all the civil and military officials in the court made a move at this moment.

At least no matter what, according to the previous battle reports from the border, the so-called immortal cultivators not only have the ability to live forever, but their combat effectiveness is probably unimaginable for mortals.

Therefore, before the heads of each family expressed their opinions, they, the officials in the court, could only obey Li Shimin's decision and show their loyalty to the Tang Dynasty.

""Okay, we'll discuss this later. What do you think of the Fourth Prince leading his army deep into the grassland?"

Li Shimin tried to bring the court back to normal.

Unfortunately, people had no real idea of what a cultivator was, so the officials in the court had to become lickers.

"The fourth prince has boundless magic power and will surely shock the Turks"

"The immortal Tang guards are coming to the world, we are waiting for good news"

"The fourth prince has made great contributions in leading the army to the battle. I beg Your Majesty to reward him accordingly."

"I second the motion."


Finally, Li Shimin realized that it was no longer possible to hold serious discussions in the court at this moment, so he had to end this morning court session and only left a few important ministers to continue the conversation.

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