"What is this!?"

Behind the Turkic army, Jie Li Khan stared at the illusory city that appeared in front of him. He suddenly remembered what Ashina Gufeng said before.

"Could it be that this Tang army is really a heavenly army?"

Jie Li Khan hesitated for a moment, but since the two sides were already at war, he could not order a retreat, otherwise it would have a devastating impact on morale.

Gritting his teeth, Jie Li Khan made an impulsive decision.

"Continue the attack and charge in through the city gates!"

A military order was passed down, and all the tribes received the order. They could only suppress their fear and tentatively move towards the four open city gates.

At this moment, in the battle formation, 30,000 Turkic soldiers looked around in panic. They seemed to have entered an ancient battlefield. There were ruins all around, and a high city wall confined them in the city, unable to contact the outside world.

""First volley, shoot!"

Li Tai led the Tang army to start the first round of attack at the center of the formation, and in the sight of the Turks, there was no trace of the Tang army.

The Tang army archers who received the order immediately started to fire volleys, and thousands of arrows flew towards the Turkic army at high speed under the blessing of the formation.

The wooden arrows seemed to have become fine iron, and shot into the Turkic formation with terrifying force.

In an instant, blood spurted everywhere, and each arrow pierced several people or several horses. In just one round of volleys, the Turks lost more than 3,000 people.

"General Zhang, you lead your men to kill the enemy at Xuanmen. All enemies entering through the open city gate will be lured to Xuanmen."

"Cheng Chumo, Qin Huaiyu, you lead the Xian Tang Guard to the ground gate, the enemy troops that broke through the four gates are all there."

Li Tai made a simple arrangement. At this moment, the formation was formed, which meant that the local encirclement and attack plan was completely shattered. No matter which direction the enemy attacked from, they would eventually appear in two directions.

Such a formation can effectively concentrate the enemy, making killing the enemy more efficient.

Of course, the reason why Li Tai dared to do this was entirely because of the huge gap in strength between the two sides. Under the blessing of the formation, all the Tang army were peerless warriors.

"Sword and shield ready……"

"Preparation of spear array……"

Under Li Tai's command, the Tang army moved in an orderly manner.

This is the charm of the Ten Thousand Armies Killing Array. The assembler does not need to know the knowledge of the array. As long as the commander has a clear mind, the power of this array is unimaginable.

In this way, a massacre began. All the Turks who dared to enter the array were killed.

Even a Turk warrior like Ashina Zhen could hardly resist the power of the Tang army in the array.


Two hours later, the sun had already moved from directly above to the lower part. During this period, only 20,000 Turks entered the formation.

Since the outside world could not see the inside of the formation at all, Jie Li Khan finally calmed down. Facing this illusory city that was beyond his comprehension, he was finally a little scared.

At this moment, the 50,000 Turks who wanted to enter the formation formed a square formation under the orders of the upper level, and they no longer had the mentality of encirclement.

Obviously, all the Turkish tribes were worried, and even the military formation was turned into a defensive posture.

At the same time, inside the formation, blood had dyed the grass red. All the 50,000 Turks who entered the formation were wiped out, and no one survived!

So far, only about a hundred people in the Tang army were injured due to mistakes during the action, and no one died.

"The Turks are scared, so they probably won't come in."

Li Tai sat in the camp and saw through the Turks' mentality at a glance.

They were afraid that their tribe would suffer too much loss and be annexed by others, so they stopped the attack after each of them invested half of their troops.

"All troops assemble."

Li Tai began to command again, and the 20,000 Tang troops formed a square formation and came to the front of the camp.

With a thought, Li Tai collected the underground spiritual veins and put the formation plate back into the forum warehouse.

At this point, the illusory circular city slowly dissipated, and the situation inside was finally revealed.

At this moment, the faces of all the Turks changed wildly. They found that the bodies lying on the ground were all Turks!

In just two hours, the Turks lost 50,000 cavalry!

"Khan, they really are heavenly soldiers, why don’t we retreat!"

"Yes, Khan, for a useless prince, there is no need for us to fight to the death with the Tang Dynasty."

"Khan, we……"

At one time, the commanders of all the tribes began to persuade Jie Li that they did not want to continue making meaningless sacrifices.

Some people even started to think that since Jie Li had made such a big mistake, he might not be worthy of continuing to lead the tribes of the grassland. You know, at least 40% of the 50,000 troops lost this time were from the Jie Li tribe. Now the power of the royal court is not enough to deter the grassland.

Just when the Turks were divided among themselves, Zhang Gongjin, who had been talking nonsense for a long time before, came to the Turkic army again.

"Haha, Turkic? That's it?"

"I advise you to hand over the prince of the Tang Dynasty as soon as possible, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless and flattening the whole grassland!"

Zhang Gongjin's tone became more and more firm. Now with the support of the record, he didn't believe that this group of grassland foreigners could still be arrogant.

This time no one confronted Zhang Gongjin. The combat effectiveness of the Tang army has shown that the current Turks are no longer the opponent of the Tang Dynasty. The grand occasion of the Turks fighting all the way to the gate of Chang'an last year is gone forever.

At this moment, Jie Li Khan's face was livid. He never thought that this would be the outcome.

Looking at the various Turkish tribes now, I am afraid that no one dares to fight the Tang army anymore.

"Where is Li Youliang?"

"Reply...Report to the Khan, he is Li Youliang."

In the royal tent, after a question and answer, a prince who was pointed at was scared to death. He didn't dare to go back to the Tang Dynasty. He knew that once he was forced back to Chang'an, everything would be over.

It's a pity that the Turks can't even protect themselves, so how can they consider him, a useless prince of the Tang Dynasty.

So, even without the order of Jie Li Khan, several strong men came up, tied Li Youliang up, quickly carried him out of the camp, and threw him in front of the Tang army.

Then, the Turks withdrew their troops without saying a word.

In front of the Tang army, Li Tai was very calm, while the others were a little confused.

Zhang Gongjin:"Your Highness, should we chase?"

Li Tai:"Why should we chase? Want to take over the grassland? Who will take care of it after it is taken? Do you think my father has the energy for this now?"

Zhang Gongjin:"……"

Cheng Chumo, Qin Huaiyu and others:"……"

Li Tai:"Take Li Youliang and return to the court!"

Li Tai announced the final decision. Now the Tang Dynasty did not need to expand its territory, so it was better to save some energy and let the various tribes on the grassland fight among themselves. They just needed to take Li Youliang back to Chang'an.

In this way, this trip to the grassland ended perfectly. The Turks suffered heavy losses. More than a hundred Tang soldiers were slightly injured but gained countless military merits. In the end, they achieved their goal and captured the rebel king Li Youliang.


A few minutes later, Li Tai took all the members of Xian Tang Guard on the flying boat, carrying the rebel king Li Youliang and embarked on the journey back to Chang'an.


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