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"Cheng Chumo is such a fool, can't he have some brains?……"

Li Tai complained silently, but now was not the time to complain.

At this moment, the hundred-meter fire dragon had become unstable. If it really exploded in Suzaku Square, the terrifying high temperature would spread over nearly a thousand meters. With such a wide range of casualties, none of the royal family, officials, and civilians present would be able to escape.

Therefore, Li Tai had no choice but to take action.

On the wall of the imperial city, a young man in a white robe floated up slowly and came directly to the top of the hundred-meter fire dragon.

Li Tai's robe moved with the wind, as if a banished immortal had descended to the world.

The moment he appeared, it seemed that everyone could clearly see his jade-like face, but the next moment everyone's impression of him became blurred again.


Li Tai casually cast a spell into the fire dragon's head.

The next moment, the extremely unstable fire dragon returned to normal, and the thirty members of the Xian Tang Guard who were controlling the fire dragon also breathed a sigh of relief, and all the pressure on their bodies disappeared.

"Oh my god, it's a good thing the boss took action, otherwise it would be a big deal……"

Cheng Chumo broke out in a cold sweat. If something went wrong at this time, he might lose his head.

Moreover, once the hundred-meter-long fire dragon exploded, it was estimated that everyone present would be injured. It was a small matter for them to get injured, but if the emperor was blown up, it would be a big problem.

At this moment, Cheng Chumo and others received a message from Li Tai:"You four, how are you going to deal with this thing? According to your level, you shouldn't be able to solidify it permanently, right?"

Li Tai had a headache controlling the fire dragon. If such a big thing kept floating in Chang'an, it would look too tacky.

"Boss, explosion! Explosion is power!"

Cheng Chumo quietly walked out of his previous fear and became excited.

He still remembers the scene in Dingxiang City. Explosion is the true meaning of power.

Li Tai:"……"

Li Tai was very upset. He didn't expect that Cheng Chumo and his team had created this fire dragon just to set off fireworks. No matter how he thought about it, it was full of earthy flavor.

But now it has reached the last step. If Li Tai directly makes the fire dragon disappear out of thin air, it will be even more flooded.

Therefore, he had to let it explode.

On the square, under the gaze of countless eyes, Li Tai pinched the magic formula and quickly controlled the fire dragon to fly into the sky.

At this moment, the little boy was like a warrior descending, controlling a behemoth that ordinary people could hardly imagine to fly into the sky.

On the city wall, Li Shimin looked at his controlling son. For a moment, his PH dropped rapidly, and the whole person was sour.

He wished that it was him, the emperor, who was flying in the sky at this moment. Dragon descending, what a good gimmick, if this was done by him, the emperor, how much people's hearts would he win.

But the next moment, Li Shimin decisively abandoned his own idea.

The 100-meter fire dragon controlled by Li Tai suddenly exploded after flying to a high altitude, and Li Tai also pinched a dragon chanting technique when it exploded.

With a loud dragon roar, the fire dragon released all its might in the sky.

And with the support of Li Tai's great magic power in the spirit realm, the fire dragon instantly exploded into a sea of fire, and then spread rapidly.

A film-like flame curtain wall appeared right above Chang'an.

The people below looked at the terrifying movement in the sky, and they all felt awe from the bottom of their hearts.

Is this the power controlled by Xian Tang...

At this time, Li Tai, who created this show effect, thought to himself:"Since it has been done so tacky, let's be tacky to the end. This movement is finally big enough and it won't embarrass him as an emperor."

As the flames in the sky spread, the last dissipated flame combined into two huge seal characters in the air.

"Xian Tang"


Li Shimin stood up excitedly. He had no time to think about why Li Tai suddenly joined the Xian Tang Guard's martial arts performance.

But he was very satisfied with the effect of this show. At least after these two words appeared, countless people would respect the Tang Dynasty from the bottom of their hearts, respecting this country that was about to form an immortal dynasty.

When the flames completely disappeared, Li Tai released a trace of his aura of the God Transformation Realm.

"This is……"

"What a horrible feeling……"

"But it's so sacred, is it a real immortal in the sky?"

Countless people sensed the breath released by Li Tai. After all, the state of transformation is too powerful for mortals. At this time, Li Tai is no different from a god or demon in their eyes.

After Li Tai used his own pressure to simply give the Xian Tangwei martial arts guards, he decisively floated back to the wall of the imperial city.

Now the next step is to unite the Xian Dynasty. Before that, Emperor Li Shimin has to say something to gather the people's hearts. Naturally, Li Tai can't always steal the limelight from his father.

"Father, please go and say a few words to the people. I will prepare.

Li Tai handed the stage to Li Shimin. Now is the time for the emperor to show off.

"I know."

Li Shimin immediately stood up and seized the opportunity.

Although he had not made any preparations before, who was he, Li Shimin? A man with extraordinary charm and power. He took over the scene smoothly and walked to the front.

"People, I am the current Tang Emperor Li Shimin. Thinking back to the turmoil at the end of the Sui Dynasty... (omitted thousands of words)... I am deeply committed to benefiting all the people in the world... (omitted thousands of words)... I have been working diligently since I ascended the throne... (omitted thousands of words)... Today, my Tang Dynasty will be promoted to the Immortal Dynasty. I declare that the Immortal Tang Dynasty is established!"

Li Shimin wrote a ten-thousand-word article in a very eloquent manner, boasting himself as a rare wise king since ancient times and creating an incomparably glorious image for himself.

After speaking for a full half an hour, Li Shimin gave Li Tai a look, which meant"it's your turn to operate."

Li Tai understood what Li Shimin meant in a second. He waved his hand and 50,000 forum coins were instantly cleared. A terrifying force that was enough to tear the stars apart instantly descended on Li Tai. At this moment, everyone felt different, as if a will of the gods had descended on the Tang Dynasty.

This is the power of the immortals!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu Novel

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