Within China's Jincheng City.


A speeding red sports car whizzed by. Under the dim moonlight, it rushed towards a nameless road in a panic.

The sound of the wheels grinding against the ground could be heard.

In the red sportscar, a oval faced woman in red was beautiful and charming. Her long red hair flew wildly in the wind like a ball of fire.

Her skintight clothes accentuated her impressive figure, which was sufficient to cause one to have countless wild thoughts.

However, in the passenger seat of the car, there was a knife stained with blood.


The intense braking sound seemed to want to blow up the wheels of the car. The woman in red leaned forward, looking at the direction where the lights were shining, and her expression changed.

"What the hell is this place?" The woman in red slapped the steering wheel and subconsciously picked up a knife by her side. In front of her, at the end of the road, all kinds of rubbish were piled up like a mountain.

The sound of a car could be faintly heard behind him.

The woman in red couldn't be bothered any longer. She picked up her knife and quickly walked to the side.

This was a deserted rubbish dump at the outskirts of Jincheng City, the lady in red was surnamed Chen and was named Qiuxiang.

Just as Chen Qiuxiang walked past a pile of trash, the lights behind him lit up.

"That was fast." Chen Qiuxiang's expression was light and heavy. She raised her head and looked around him; aside from the piles of trash, there was basically no other place to hide.

Chen Qiuxiang gritted her teeth, not caring about the stench that assaulted her nostrils from all directions, she walked over to a relatively hidden pile of trash, quickly bent over, and entered a long paper box.

At the same time, the ear-piercing sound of brakes could be heard.

At the same time, they were accompanied by hurried and disorderly footsteps.


"We must find that woman and avenge our boss."

The sounds of cursing rose and fell.

Chen Qiuxiang's body curled up inside the box. After a moment, she felt that it was still not safe enough, so she carefully moved inside.

Suddenly, Chen Qiuxiang's eyes widened to the extreme, the shocked cry reached her throat and she anxiously covered her mouth.

Her eyelashes trembled in the night.


He actually touched a hand.

In that moment, all the hair on Chen Qiuxiang's body stood erect, all the hair on her body stood erect, if not for the danger that lurked everywhere, she would have leapt out immediately.

His heart almost jumped out as he subconsciously let go.

"What is this?" Two words came up from Chen Qiuxiang's mind, her entire body shivered, "Corpse?"

After continuously gulping down his saliva to conceal the fear in his heart, Chen Qiuxiang's expression became somewhat paler.

He had sneaked into a rubbish dump in the wilderness and found a dead body!

"This is too unlucky."

Chen Qiuxiang frowned, and, after carefully exploring, she realised that she was not even conscious, maintaining a man's and a woman's position with this corpse.

In the narrow space inside the cardboard box, Chen Qiuxiang couldn't help but move her body once again, and at the same time, took out her phone from her pocket.

After calming down, she was suddenly curious about the appearance of this dead body that had been dumped in the wilderness.

A girl who dared to bring a knife with her in the middle of the night was definitely more daring than an average person. Using the light from the cell phone's screen, Chen Qiuxiang slowly raised her hand. His entire body was tense to the extreme, afraid that she would see something that was completely different from what it looked like.

The light reflected off a handsome and thin youth's face. His eyes were closed as if he was sleeping.

Chen Qiuxiang's expression revealed surprise, the difference was too great from what she had imagined.

"This …"

Chen Qiuxiang put down the blade in her other hand and subconsciously moved closer to the handsome youth's face.

Suddenly, the handsome youth's eyes snapped open!

In that moment, Chen Qiuxiang felt as if lightning struck him.

The handsome youth was obviously shocked as well, his mouth wide open …

But at this moment, Chen Qiuxiang had already reacted. In a moment of desperation, she directly lowered her head and used her lips to cover the mouth of the handsome youth.

In that instant, the two of them stared at each other with wide eyes.

He didn't move at all.

Time seemed to have stopped.

But Chen Qiuxiang could clearly hear the messy footsteps coming towards her direction.

"The voice is over here."

"Hurry up and search."

"Even if I have to dig three feet deep, I still have to find that damned woman."

The handsome youth heard the voices outside as well.

However, at this moment, his eyes were filled with confusion.

"Who is this girl?" This... "What is this place?"

Even in her wildest dreams, Chen Qiuxiang would never have thought that the handsome youth under her would actually have a soul that came from the Ming Dynasty hundreds of years ago.

It was known as the Dual Ultimate Art of Painting and Painting.

He is adept at all things.

The head of the four great scholars of Jiangnan, Tang Yin, Tang Bohu.

After a brief moment of blankness, in Tang Bohu's mind, another wave of memories suddenly surged like a tide.

That was the original owner of this body, Tang Feng, an eighteen year old youth who had just graduated from high school.

However, Tang Feng's family was really too poor, there was only one mother supporting his family, and his sister, was still in school, his grade was also much better than his.

In the end, Tang Feng made his choice, and threw the notice of acceptance he had just obtained into the trash can by the side of the road.

However, when he continued to walk home, disaster had descended from the sky, a speeding car had crashed into him and sent him flying. Then, thunder roared in the clear sky and a strange bolt of lightning struck his body, causing Tang Feng's soul to completely disappear, today, his body was still that youth, but his soul had already come from the Tang Dynasty's Scholar, Tang Bohu.

Tang Bohu quickly digested the remaining memories that Tang Feng had left behind, and knew that it would be a world of several hundred years, the current world was even more colorful than the Great Ming Empire.

Tang Bohu was also struck by lightning.

He was sitting on the roof, drinking wine while watching his lovely wives play, but he was struck by an inexplicable bolt of lightning. When he woke up, he saw the scene in front of him …

"Are all the girls so crazy in the future?" Tang Bohu was completely dumbfounded. Under the weak light, he looked at this peerless beauty.

On the first day that the Grand Scholar Tang arrived in the modern world, he was forcefully kissed in a place like this.

At this time, Chen Qiuxiang had already raised her head with a reddened face, but footsteps were constantly sounding in her ears, so Chen Qiuxiang could only lower her voice and say, "Don't make a sound."

Tang Bohu was startled, "The people outside …"

"They are here to kill me." Chen Qiuxiang said softly.

"What!" Tang Bohu subconsciously called out.

In his mind, he remembered another paragraph about Tang Feng's memory. The world in the future, was an extremely strict rule of law civilization. To kill you? "

"I killed their boss." Chen Qiuxiang said casually, as if she had just killed a chicken.

Tang Bohu, "..."

It was truly a bad omen to encounter such a bloody event upon entering the modern society.

"I hope they can't find it." Tang Bohu kept muttering in his mouth.

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