At this time, black cloaked guy had completely collapsed, even tears of pain had flowed down from her eyes as she said repeatedly, "I'll say!"

But, at this time, Tang Bohu did not seem to be in a hurry, and lightly said: "What? "I really want to see how the ten fingers turned into twenty!"

black cloaked guy's face suddenly turned even paler, and fear immediately surfaced in her eyes. "Don't!" *

At this time, Tang Bohu suddenly turned his head to look at the other black cloaked guy, "What do you think?"

"I said, I said everything!" Although he had not experienced the miserable ending of his comrades, sometimes, as a spectator, he could even understand the heart-wrenching torture! How could the black cloaked guy dare to have any other thoughts?

Inside a luxurious villa, the lights were shining brightly, yet no one was walking around in the huge villa.

Suddenly, a black figure quickly flew past the villa's walls, after entering, he immediately ran towards a room, and on his shoulder, shockingly, it was the missing Yang Yuexin! At this time, Yang Yuexin's eyes were tightly shut, so she should have fainted!

"Bang!" Boom! * "Bam!"

The black cloaked guy knocked on the door a few times. Very quickly, the door opened, revealing a figure. It was Yamamoto Muro!

When Yamamoto Muro saw Yang Yuexin on black cloaked guy's shoulder, his eyes immediately flashed with lust, his face revealed a look of ecstasy, and he anxiously asked black cloaked guy to bring Yang Yuexin in, and then sent black cloaked guy out.

Close the door!

A look of anticipation hung on Yamamoto Muro's face as he gently licked his lips. Then, like a hungry wolf, he pounced towards Yang Yuexin.

And it was at this time, that Tang Bohu had just shocked the two Invisible black cloaked guy s and found out the villa's address! Could it be that Yang Yuexin was really unable to escape this calamity?

Under the moonlight, Tang Bohu's figure was like a black arrow piercing through the air, flying straight in one direction! Tang Bohu's speed had increased to the limit!

At this time, if Tang Bohu were to pass by someone, that person would definitely not discover Tang Bohu's figure. They would only feel a gust of wind blow past him, and then, that person would disappear without a trace.

"Quick!" "Faster!" Tang Bohu had never used his full speed like this before. At this moment, there was only one word in his mind: Fast!

One wrong step and thousands of ancient grudges!

Amidst the night wind, Tang Bohu's face darkened as he looked forward coldly, revealing a hint of anxiety. He was furious! The fiery anger that was like an active volcano was currently being forcefully suppressed in Tang Bohu's heart. Once it erupted, it would definitely not be any weaker than a volcanic eruption!

Although the two Invisible Adepts had already explained the location of Yamamoto Muro's villa, it was still difficult for them to escape death! Towards this kind of scum, as a lackey, when Tang Bohu attacked, he did not have any hesitation at all. Furthermore, the insult the two black cloaked guy s just gave Tang Bohu, was already destined to lead to death!

However, the death of the two little shrimps was not enough to completely release the anger in Tang Bohu's heart. At this moment, Tang Bohu only had one goal: Yamamoto Muro!

"Who cares about your background, I don't care whose son you are. Today, you must die!" Tang Bohu's killing intent surged as he ran. His eyes slightly narrowed into a straight line, but suddenly flashed with a ray of light filled with killing intent!

Inside the villa, Yamamoto Muro's room.

At this time, Yamamoto Muro looked at Yang Yuexin like he was looking at a rare treasure, his eyes were filled with desire. Although Yang Yuexin was unconscious, her eyebrows were knit together, revealing a pitiful expression. It was as if a ball of fire had been added to Yamamoto Muro, causing him to have an even greater desire to be in's possession. He wished that he could immediately pin Yang Yuexin down below him!

However …

The night was long, no hurry, no rush. If he wanted to play, he had to play to his heart's content!

Although Yamamoto Muro did not have any superpowers or any martial arts, his experience in flowers was no less than anyone else's. At this moment, he gulped a few times and suddenly swallowed his saliva. He reached out his hand to lightly touch Yang Yuexin's face, "Tsk tsk, although that man is weak, a beauty is truly beautiful! More importantly …

Yamamoto Muro's face became even more excited. With his eyesight, he could tell with a glance that Yang Yuexin was a virgin, and was actually the real deal!

And she was so beautiful and mature! To a man from a small country like R, this was an extremely rare product!

Thus, when he saw a beauty like Yang Yuexin at first glance, Yamamoto Muro had already made up his mind.

As for the clan behind Yang Yuexin, Yamamoto Muro did not put them in his eyes at all! How could these ordinary aristocratic families compare to a family with such a large Yamamoto Family? Yamamoto Muro even felt that it was an honour for him to visit Yang Yuexin!

However, because Tang Bohu had completely offended him today, and according to the reports, Yamamoto Muro knew that Tang Bohu was together with Yang Yuexin, so he had a plan for the night. Yamamoto Muro did not hesitate to send out three of the four superpower beings he had wanted to protect his life, with the aim of killing Tang Bohu and abducting Yang Yuexin!

At this time, the plan had already been half completed, and Yamamoto Muro was even more joyous. He even started to laugh proudly.

Yamamoto Muro's face was full of pride, he was a vindictive person, but now he received the pleasure of revenge, "Haha, pitiful pig!"

Yamamoto Muro was a little 'regretful' now, "He should first enjoy this sovereign's and the beauty's performance for free, before sending him off on his journey!" Yamamoto Muro was a little distracted, as if he could see the painful expression on Tang Bohu's face when he laid on Yang Yuexin's body.

It had to be said that Yamamoto Muro's heart was indeed close to being a little abnormal!

Picking Yang Yuexin up from the waist, Yamamoto Muro walked towards the bed step by step.

Perhaps because the black cloaked guy had attacked too heavily, Yang Yuexin still did not have the slightest indication that she was about to wake up. Yamamoto Muro placed Yang Yuexin on the bed. She could not hide the desire in her eyes, and greedily looked at every part of Yang Yuexin's body.

"A perfect body! "Seductive skin!" Yamamoto Muro was getting impatient, he gulped down saliva continuously. The reason he did not make a move was because Yamamoto Muro had one more thing to do. Furthermore, this is a special hobby of Yamamoto Muro's!

As he ran, Yamamoto Muro ran to a table and took out a camera from a drawer.

This was Yamamoto Muro's hobby. He recorded the entire process, and when he was free, he would slowly appreciate it. In Yamamoto Muro's eyes, this was the greatest joy of his life! Moreover, the target this time was Yang Yuexin, so Yamamoto Muro wanted to record this wonderful scene as part of his show in front of his peers!

Yamamoto Muro was very familiar with all of this, with only a few moves, he had already set up the camera, adjusted its angle, and everything was ready!

It was finally a moment of ecstasy!

Yamamoto Muro's patience had already reached its limit. At this moment, when he turned on the camera, his eyes lit up, staring straight at the moving body on the bed. He could no longer control it, and like a hungry tiger, he pounced towards Yang Yuexin's bed.

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