"Hehe", Yang Yuexin suddenly felt the surrounding temperature become cold, and vulgar laughter came out from her mouth, causing him to immediately become more alert.

"Could it be that it was an act just now?" Yang Yuexin immediately overturned the lofty image of Tang Bohu in her heart earlier, as if she felt that she had entered a wolf's den. At this moment, the corner of Tang Bohu's mouth curled into a faint smile, it was drool!

Yang Yuexin seemed to see an extremely wretched uncle, waving to him, her heart couldn't help but shiver.

"Xiao Cui, come drink with me!" Opposite her sat a beautiful woman. Tang Bohu was completely immersed in his cultivation, and was unaware that he was no longer in Yi Hong Yuan, but on the train heading towards Hangzhou.

Therefore, Tang Bohu was destined to leave a wicked impression on the beautiful woman today!

Yang Yuexin felt goosebumps all over her heart, and in her ears came Tang Bohu's voice, "Tsk, tsk, big and soft.

Shameless! Extremely despicable! Yang Yuexin thought fiercely in her heart, and at the same time, pulled Tang Bohu into the list of people that could not be approached!

Actually, Yang Yuexin had misunderstood our Grand Scholar Tang with these words.

Tang Bohu was known as a loose and loose man, how could he say such words in public? If Yang Yuexin could travel five hundred years and reach the Jiang Nan Yi Hong Yuan School, she would find out the truth.

The truth was this: In the Yi Hong Courtyard, Tang Bohu was sitting in a private seat as he held out a large cherry in his hand. He was praising the cherry on the table, big and soft.

Tang Bohu didn't know that although he had only driven the train for a few dozen kilometers, the impression he had of himself in the heart of a beauty was completely different. The tall figure collapsed with a loud crash

"You scoundrel!"

Yang Yuexin completely lost interest in Tang Bohu. She turned her head and looked at the object outside the window, trying her best to forget about the unhappiness in her heart. The troubled thoughts inside his mind immediately flooded his mind.

A generation of scholars finally walked out from their memories and realized that it was already dusk by the time they got on the carriage in the morning. Time passed by quickly.

Tang Bohu stretched his back and then immediately let out a slight crackling sound, "This seat is tough enough!" Tang Bohu felt pain on his back, "My disciple's car is so comfortable!"

The little disciple that Tang Bohu was referring to, was of course Chen Qiuxiang. Although he had temporarily run away, Chen Qiuxiang had already taken him as her master, that was the truth of the matter!

However, Tang Bohu was determined, for this disciple, just based on this name, it was better to stay away from him. The world is so big, and this scholar went to Hangzhou, which is a thousand miles away, no matter how far you look, you wouldn't be able to find any traces of me, Tang Bohu! Haha!

There were not many people on the train, and it was only occasionally that there were two or three people standing around. If it was during peak hours, Tang Bohu might encounter a situation where he was on the bus, independent as a chicken, with half a shoe on the ground! Of course, the main character was definitely not him.

After looking around, Tang Bohu retracted his gaze. In front of him, a beautiful figure dressed in dark blue suddenly appeared, like a crescent moon, her intelligent eyes looking out of the window, not knowing if she was appreciating the beautiful scenery or releasing her heart.

Her slightly emaciated posture, white and tender skin, and slightly creased eyebrows gave people a feeling of heartache and tender affection. Anyone who saw this scene would not be able to help but want to take care of her.

After a while …

"Such a beautiful face!" Tang Bohu sighed in his heart. Even though he was a self-proclaimed great scholar, who had gone through countless flowers and never touched a single leaf, Tang Bohu couldn't help but to be distracted for a moment.

had been observing Tang Bohu for a long time, even though his impression of him had changed. Now, Tang Bohu was excitedly admiring the "beautiful scenery" in front of him.

"A beauty worthy of eating?" This word suddenly flashed across Tang Bohu's mind, and then he smiled slightly as his hands also moved. Tang Bohu familiarly pulled the chain from the bag beside him, and took out a white book from inside. He tore open a blank page, and in his hands, there was a pencil.

"This modern pen is really strange." Tang Bohu spent three days worth of time to come into contact with this new world. After familiarizing himself with the usage of the pencil, Tang Bohu felt that although this thing was convenient, it was still lacking compared to the brush that he had used for more than ten years.

Tang Bohu had a habit, or perhaps it could be said that all the scholars from the past had a common problem. When touring the world and encountering beautiful scenery, they would always make a poem or draw a painting as a souvenir.

Yang Yuexin obviously did not know that when she was looking out the window at the scenery, she himself had also become a scene in Tang Bohu's eyes.

On the train heading to Hangzhou, Tang Bohu started his first creation in 500 years, but when he held the brush, that feeling of emptiness immediately appeared in Tang Bohu's heart.

"Dude, we haven't fought for five hundred years. I hope you're not unfamiliar with it." Tang Bohu seemed to have some sort of relationship with the paper and brush, he softly muttered, and his gaze swept across the beautiful figure in front of him, as an extremely beautiful image of a beautiful woman appeared in his heart.

She lightly closed her eyes. If Yang Yuexin were to look at Tang Bohu now, she would definitely realize that the intoxicating temperament before, was once again released from Tang Bohu's body. Furthermore, at this moment, Tang Bohu's mind was at its maximum, and compared to before, this temperament was even deeper.

In half a moment, Tang Bohu's eyes suddenly opened, and a bright light flashed past. It was as if he had returned to five hundred years ago, and was painted in front of the countless admirers by the West Lake, as his face filled with confidence!

The corner of his mouth curled up as the pen in his hand moved swiftly along the blank paper like a dragon riding on a horse.

In the entire process, Tang Bohu did not even look at the beautiful figure in front of him, because this picture had long been formed in his heart! Tang Bohu didn't even need to look at it once. If one were to describe the human silhouette one at a time, it would simply be an insult to him.

Flickering, the brush fell!

The final stroke of his eyes announced the completion of this peerless painting!

In Tang Bohu's painting, a dark blue beautiful figure appeared as if she was alive, exuding a beautiful fragrance. Her actions were one and the same, even her eyebrows were knitted nimbly. one

The heart of a young girl was about to burst out from this painting. It was so tender and charming that it could cause a heart-wrenching pain.

A thousand years of unparalleled beauty. Pleasant eyes are a beautiful woman." "A beauty that can topple empires, a beauty that can shock the world.

With the poem in the drawing, it had the effect of drawing the dragon's finishing touch. Tang Bohu finished it in one go, and when he finished, he stopped writing! This priceless treasure for future generations, Tang Bohu's representative work "Coach Beauty Diagram" had finally come to an end!

"Haha …" The moment Tang Bohu put down the brush in his hands, he started to laugh maniacally, the temperament from before had disappeared without a trace in an instant, and now, with his playful and disrespectful demeanor, it was really hard for people to understand, which one was actually Tang Bohu's true face!

Tang Bohu picked up the painting in his hand and could not help but say narcissistically, "Tang Bohu, oh Tang Bohu, even five hundred years from now, you will still be the most talented person in the world! "Ga Ga!"

Maybe it was because Grand Scholar Tang's laughter was too shocking, he was so shocked that he looked out of the window at the beauty who had turned her head to glance at him, her eyes were actually filled with contempt, and even a trace of vigilance.

Tang Bohu's laughter suddenly stopped. This scholar's laughter was extremely bright, and to think that he would receive such a gaze, he felt wronged! However, Tang Bohu's eyes suddenly lit up!

"A beauty that can topple empires and shock the world!" Tang Bohu muttered, those words were not wrong, his eyebrows were like a spring willow, lips were like cherry blossoms, and his teeth were filled with fragrance, he truly had the appearance of a perverted fish falling to the ground!

"This girl's smile will definitely be like a peach blossom!" Tang Bohu loved peach blossoms the most, so giving Yang Yuexin this evaluation could be said to be an extremely high score.

"What a pity, what a pity!"

Tang Bohu suddenly shook his head with a sullen face, "The only thing that is lacking is this woman's eyes. Why is he giving me such a disdainful look?"

In the end, Grand Scholar Tang's heart was still broken. He actually received such a gaze for no reason, and it was even given to him by a beautiful woman.

Never in his wildest dreams would Tang Bohu have thought that he would recall the interesting things that happened in Jiangnan and say, "It's big and soft, it feels great to pinch it!"

This completely toppled the lofty image he had in Yang Yuexin's heart. If Tang Bohu knew, he would have been slapped in the face. Sooner or later, he would not be able to remember, but he would lose his image in front of a beauty.

This was a fact that the Grand Scholar Tang, known as the beautiful assassin, could not accept!

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