In Tang Bohu's eyes, there was no such thing as a underworld. No matter what world it was, survival of the fittest was something that would never change, he believed that Zhou Jie was suitable for him, so he let Dong Ning go there. There was no other meaning, and as for Dong Ning, with his blind trust in Tang Bohu, there wouldn't be any hesitation either.

Very quickly, Dong Ning bid farewell to Tang Bohu and left. Tang Bohu also anxiously continued to drive, thinking that he had to prepare at least ten gifts for tonight. Tang Bohu felt his head spinning just thinking about it! Fortunately he had earned a lot of money in the past two days, otherwise, Tang Bohu would be even more embarrassed!

At this time, it was already noon, and it was close to the peak of getting off work. The wide streets gradually became crowded, and Tang Bohu's driving skill had also received a huge amount of training.

Although it was a little crowded, but with Tang Bohu's skill in driving, he managed to reach the level of 'millions of people passing by, his heels not touching the ground'!

Most of the people on the street had left the middle shift and were out for breakfast. At this moment, the food dealers on the street appeared like bamboo shoots after a spring rain. They were bustling with noise and excitement!

Suddenly, the sound of an old car horn being pulled rang out. At the same time, a red BMW suddenly appeared from a corner and its speed did not decrease at all! He rushed towards the bustling crowd!

The piercing sound of the horn caused the passersby in front of them to be jolted awake. They all moved out of the way in fear! For a moment, the entire street was like a chaotic market, with chaos and even Tang Bohu was helpless to stop his bicycle.

The red BMW didn't seem to care at all about the reaction of the passersby as it increased its speed and charged forward.

Under the scorching sunlight, a red whirlwind forcefully tore apart the surging crowd.

However, most of the passersby suddenly cried out in alarm, "Be careful!"

At the same time, a hoarse and hoarse scream resounded through the air, and with a roar filled with despair, it rang out, "Lin'er!" It was a woman's voice. At this moment, her eyes were wide open as she looked in front of her. She was completely stunned and her eyes were filled with despair!

In the middle of the street, the crowd quickly moved to the side. However, there were still some four or five year old children standing in the middle of the crowd with half a piece of candy in their hands. Their cute faces revealed an innocent smile as they bent down to pick up a cartoon-shaped balloon.

Without realizing it, a huge crisis had arrived behind him!


The red BMW sports car kept honking its horn. However, if a four or five-year-old child was having fun, how could he understand the meaning behind the honk? The child continued to smile by himself as he stuffed the candy in his hand into his mouth. The sweet feeling made him laugh even more happily!

It was less than five meters away!

To a speeding sports car, this was something that could be achieved in a split-second!

If they were to collide with each other in such a sturdy manner, there was a high chance that their children and children would die just like that!

However, the passersby were powerless to save her. The child's mother rushed forward without a care for her own safety, but that part of the journey seemed to have become a giant gulf separating the two of them. Women did not dare to hope that their speed could match that of a sportscar!

However, she still didn't care much. Her eyes were filled with despair as she rushed up and cried out miserably, "Lin'er!"

"Ga Ga!"

The driver of the sportscar seemed to have noticed the situation of the road ahead and quickly stepped on the brake!

The wheels began to violently rub against the ground, causing an ear-piercing sound to ring out!

However, the distance between the sports car and the child was too close. Moreover, the sports car was speeding. So, even if the car was to stop at this moment, the car would still be pulled several meters forward by the inertia, and at this distance, it was enough to reap a small life!

The child seemed to be on the verge of death! The difficult situation was about to occur. The child's back was facing the sports car with a bright smile still on his face. That innocent smile seemed like the last ballad of his life, yet at the same time like he was mocking something …

At this moment, the hearts of the passersby were struck hard. Their faces revealed expressions of pity. Watching a life about to disappear before their eyes was a feeling that would make anyone feel extremely depressed! Some people even closed their eyes, unwilling to see the scene of their child's blood splattering everywhere. They were afraid that they would have nightmares every day!

This caused them to miss out on the next miraculous scene!

Lightning flashed, and in that moment of life and death!

The speed of a rapidly moving new bicycle was actually as fast as an arrow. It completely overturned the speed that a bicycle could reach in people's hearts! The speed was so fast that even the figures in the car could not see clearly!


Surprisingly, the bicycle came to a stop beside the child. At the same time, a pair of hands quickly swung out and grabbed the child by the waist!

It was too late. It was too soon!

At this moment, everyone's hearts were tight as a thought simultaneously appeared in their minds: Sacrifice!

This good man was about to be sacrificed!

Because at the moment when the two powerful hands grabbed the child, the sportscar was already next to the bicycle and was about to collide with it!

The hearts of all the passersby went cold, and their pupils dilated. They were finished! It's over!

In the next moment, a miraculous scene occurred!

The one on the bicycle was a teenager. At this moment, he was carrying the child alone and suddenly turned around. His eyes were filled with the red shadow of the sportscar as he suddenly exerted force with his left hand!


The bicycle was under the control of the teenager. Miraculously, the both of them leaped high into the air. In an instant, the bike had surpassed the sports car's height, and the sports car just happened to rush past the bike the moment it reached the top of the car! "Crack!" He stopped not far away.

Danger! Mysterious! Unbelievable!

In mid-air, the youth was holding the child with one hand while the other hand held the direction of the bicycle steadily. Under the astonished gazes of the passersby, he gracefully landed on the ground!


The bicycle landed!

The person in the car wasn't affected at all. The teenager put the child down and patted his cute little head. He smiled and said, "Little thing, don't run around anymore in the future!" I believe that even without saying much, everyone would already know that this young man is Tang Bohu!

Fortunately, the child was close to Tang Bohu! Therefore, Tang Bohu was able to save the child in that moment of life and death! If he had gone any further, the child might really be bleeding on the spot!

This was life, a child's life should not be lost!

At this moment, the child's mother rushed over at almost the same time they landed on the ground, hugging the child tightly. Her voice carried a sobbing tone, and she was extremely excited, "Lin'er!" The mother and child were almost separated by Yin and Yang. How could this woman not be excited? Just as the sportscar was about to collide with the child, the woman felt as if her heart had been broken. She lost a piece of flesh and a piece of flesh!

At this moment, the feeling of recovering from a loss in the woman's heart made her tightly hold the child in her arms, unwilling to let go for a moment!

Compared to the women, the passersby were even more shocked by Tang Bohu's stunning performance! To these normal people, Tang Bohu's performance was extremely agile and unbelievable, especially the scene of his bicycle leaping high into the air, it was deeply imprinted in the minds of the passersby!

The instant the flying car saved them, the confidence in her leap into the air directly split the hearts of many of the young ladies present like a thunderclap. Without being stingy, countless stars were stored inside, and even at this moment, they still kept appearing in front of them … …

"So handsome!"

"What style!"

"So powerful!"

"Prince!" The bicycle prince! " When a girl views a boy as a prince, it can be seen how high a man's place in a girl's heart is!

After a loud shout, a bicycle prince was born! Moreover, no one had any objections in their hearts. Instead, they all simultaneously thought of a code name, 'Bicycle Prince!'

However, the Bike Prince in everyone's eyes suddenly frowned. Not for anything else, Tang Bohu just heard the engine of a car, he turned his head and saw that the BMW sports car was moving again, almost turning into a disaster. It just swaggered away like that?

Tang Bohu's face suddenly sank.

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