Shangguan Family?

Old Lady Yang was startled, her eyes filled with doubt, "Strange, why would the Shangguan Family be involved in this?!"

As one of the Four Major Clans in Suhang, no matter in terms of strength or position, they are much stronger than the Yang, Shi, Wei, and the other families!

The Four Great Families usually stayed on the sidelines when it came to this level of competition. That piece of land was nothing more than a piece of cake for them. *

The sudden intervention of the Shangguan Family had undoubtedly broken the balance of the competition! It was a domineering position! How could the organizers allow such a thing to happen?

"The specific reason is still unclear, but, the fact that Shangguan Family Clan's Fu Kang Real Estate Company has officially announced their participation in this competition is a fact! The person who called me was Mayor Zhou. I don't think he has to be faking it. "

If Tang Bohu was allowed to participate in the bid, then Yang Guofeng's original seventy percent chance of winning would have dropped to thirty percent, and after hearing the news of Shangguan Family participating, even if Tang Bohu did not happen, Yang Guofeng only had a sliver of hope in this bid!

The strength of the Four Great Families in Suhang was simply too unfathomable!

Even if Yang Shi Wei and the other families were ranked second among the Four Great Clans in terms of Suhang, the difference in strength could be said to be like the difference in clouds and mud!

Let's not talk about the Yang Family and his mother's discussion for now.

On the highway.

"Pear Blossom, you've made me suffer this time!" If only this scholar had agreed to your grandmother's request, we would have kowtowed nine times and sent him to the bridal chamber! There's no need to get involved in such a troublesome matter. " Tang Bohu sat in the driver's seat, grumbled, and then, Yang Yuexin sat behind him.

Unexpectedly, for the first time, he did not give much of a reaction to Tang Bohu's actions. After a long while, he asked, "Tang Feng, how much confidence do you have in bidding?"

Although they had temporarily avoided the Old Lady Yang's' chase 'today, if Tang Bohu was unable to obtain that piece of land after five days, the two of them would be' forced 'to marry each other! As a sophomore, modern woman, Yang Yuexin allowed herself to interact with Tang Bohu. However, she would never want to get married so early.

Everything would be revealed in five days!

Although Tang Bohu had only come into contact with the bidding for the West Lake area today, since he had met Tang Bohu, he could do anything to him!

Zither, chess, calligraphy and painting, capable of writing and fighting, as though there was nothing in the world that could trouble Tang Bohu. As such, Yang Yuexin still had some confidence in Tang Bohu! Furthermore, Yang Family were strong competitors for this piece of land!

It was just that Yang Yuexin did not expect that the bidding situation had already changed, as the Shangguan Family of one of the Four Great Clans had already mixed in! Under the eyes of the Shangguan Family, the probability of winning the bid was close to zero!

"Do you want me to tell you the truth or a lie?" Tang Bohu did not turn back as he asked.

"Of course it's the truth!" Yang Yuexin thought that Tang Bohu's words were nonsense!

"Alright, I'll be frank then. I don't know anything about bids! "Tell me, what are the chances of success?" Tang Bohu said honestly to Yang Yuexin.

"What?" You don't know anything at all? " Although Yang Yuexin had already prepared for the worst, he didn't think that Tang Bohu would actually give such an answer. His heart was suddenly filled with anxiety, could it be that I am really going to marry Tang Feng?

It's fine to marry, since he likes Tang Feng anyway.

However, liking and marrying were two entirely different things!

Yang Yuexin's heart was filled with contradictions, it was as if two figures had appeared in her mind. One stood on the side of submission, and compromise, causing the other to oppose it with all her might.

Both of them returned to the Danqing Painting Hall with their own thoughts. Yang Yuexin immediately went back to busy herself, while Tang Bohu walked towards her office with a bunch of documents. This basket of words was enough for him to spend the entire morning!


When he closed the last page of the stack of documents, Tang Bohu felt dizzy. In a domain that he had never touched before, a huge amount of new knowledge surged into Tang Bohu's head. Fortunately, Tang Bohu's ability to accept things was strong, and at this point in time, he at least had a vague idea of what was going on.

After that, in the next five days, Tang Bohu would analyze and research everything that he needed to do and formulate a proposal!

Analytic research was not written by imagination. One had to go through a field trip in order to understand the specific situation of that piece of land. What was the use of talking about it on paper?

As for the bid, it was a matter of winning the bid to a certain extent!

Tang Bohu had to lay out the business principles, objectives, measures, requirements, external conditions, etc. As long as it was planned to the satisfaction of the tenderer, it was obvious that he would win the bid!

It was also worth noting that this time, the tenants of the land were not individuals, but the government!

Even with Tang Bohu's great ability to accept, he couldn't help but feel faint all of a sudden when he came into contact with so many people.

"This isn't something a human should do!" Tang Bohu wailed, and then fell on the table. It's good to be able to replenish your spirit anytime and anywhere!

At this moment, in a gorgeous villa.

"Feng Er, let me tell you a piece of good news. Cousin, my real estate company has officially joined the bidding for that piece of land in the West Lake!" A well-dressed young man in his twenties, with a smile on his face, said to the girl in front of him.

"Really?" There was surprise in the girl's eyes.

This girl, was precisely the Shangguan Family that Tang Bohu slapped while he was buying clothes, Shangguan Feng!

With Shangguan Feng's character, how could she be willing to suffer such a loss? Furthermore, relying on her Shangguan Family's power, Shangguan Feng had easily found out the identities of Tang Bohu and Yang Yuexin.

However, when she told her father about this, although Shangguan Yuanhong was enraged that his beloved daughter had been slapped, he immediately calmed down. After hesitating for a moment, he actually just told Shangguan Feng to put that matter aside and wait for a few days before doing anything!

And how could Shangguan Feng take this lying down?

She must take revenge!

The clan members seemed to have something going on during this period, as they busied themselves nonstop. The clan experts were directly controlled by their father, Shangguan Yuanhong, so, they were born with a plan to use force to release their anger!

Coincidentally, Shangguan Feng found out that Yang Family was preparing to snatch a plot of land near the Western Lake for themselves! How could Shangguan Feng miss such an opportunity?

If Yang Family wants that piece of land, I won't let him have it!

The development of the matter was only due to one thought of this Miss Shangguan.

Shangguan Feng immediately went to look for the branch family that was in charge of the Shangguan Family Clan's property. When she told her cousin Shangguan Yang about it, Shangguan Yang immediately agreed without hesitation!

There were two reasons. Firstly, although Shangguan Yang was older than Shangguan Feng by ten years, Shangguan Feng was the only daughter of, if he could get her hands on such a high branch, it would definitely raise the status of their side branch in the Shangguan Family by leaps and bounds!

It had to be known that in a real family, aside from the orthodoxy, there were countless other branches that spread out like branches from a tree. Therefore, Shangguan Feng naturally became the target of some of the young talents!

The second reason, for the Shangguan Family Race, was to bid for a piece of the Suhang's land; Unless the other three families of the Four Great Clans were mixed up in it, then there was simply no way for the Shangguan Family to have any resistance at all!

The matter was simple, Shangguan Yang had only called the government personnel in charge of the booking this time, everything else was done as a matter of course, thus, the outside world quickly received the news of Shangguan Family participating in the bidding competition! It was all because of Miss Shangguan!

To the government, the winning bidder of this land was naturally the stronger the better! Therefore, they didn't care about the one and only situation with their Shangguan Family, and directly approved the Shangguan Family's application! It could also be that the government official was afraid of offending Shangguan Family, so he gave his approval without thinking!

In short, everything had already become a foregone conclusion!

The sudden intervention of the Shangguan Family made all the investors who were ready to make a big fuss out of it to suddenly become discouraged, and they started to retreat one after another! Shangguan Family's strength was not something they could move against. No matter how much thought they put into it, it was highly likely that they would be unable to accomplish anything and return home!

However, there were still a few families with stronger strengths that were still working hard to prepare for their final fight!

All of this revealed a piece of information.

This time, the bidding campaign handed over to Tang Bohu by the Old Lady Yang was simply a dead end!

This was simply an impossible mission!

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