Tang Bohu's eyes were filled with disbelief, the matter that was even more difficult to climb to the sky a moment ago was actually solved with just a few words from Yun Yang? Was Guardian of China really that powerful?

Tang Bohu still scanned his eyes towards Yun Yang, and confirmed that he was not lying, and immediately replied: "Since that's the case, I will leave this matter to you!" With the gunner already present, Tang Bohu would of course not let them go. Furthermore, if he were to go personally, without any documents for the time being, who would believe him?

Yun Yang nodded his head, to him, this was just a small matter, the most important thing was to complete the mission given by his grandfather as soon as possible, and invite Tang Bohu to Beijing!

"So, you don't have to wait five days before leaving, do you? I'll go and take care of this matter tonight. We'll set off tomorrow. Yun Yang suggested.

"No way!" Tang Bohu muttered to himself, and still refused Yun Yang's suggestion. The time to go to the capital was not fixed, and the longer that Old Man Zhou was delayed, the harder it would be to treat him!

"I have one more thing to take care of!" At least three days! Also, "Tang Bohu smiled," Even if the bidding has been completed, I still have to get back to the point, let's go through the motions!

The Old Lady Yang had explained that the matter should be left to Tang Bohu, if Tang Bohu was not there when the time came, it would not make sense, right?

"You have so much to do. What else?" Yun Yang asked, "Could it be that there is another family's land that requires you to bid?"

"Gossip!" Tang Bohu stared at Yun Yang, and said: "This is a matter of saving people, there is no time to delay! Just be at ease and stay here for five days! "

"Save him?" Hearing this sensitive word, Yun Yang's eyes lit up, and immediately asked, "Save who?"

"If you want to know, then follow me!" Tang Bohu stood up. Unknowingly, it was already noon. Since he had settled the matter of the land, Tang Bohu naturally had to proceed with Elder Zhou's matters.

Tang Bohu walked out of the office, and after greeting Yang Yuexin, he brought Yun Yang and walked towards the car park. Big Brother Tang, I haven't seen you in two days, you even bought a car? " Yun Yang took two steps forward, and walked shoulder to shoulder with Tang Bohu, as she said.

"Of course! Do you think I, as a scholar, live my life in vain? " Tang Bohu looked like it was a matter of course as he smiled and said, the complacent look on his face was visible to everyone who was a few walls away!

"Where's your car?" The two of them walked to the middle of the car park. There were cars everywhere and Yun Yang asked. On the left! "

Just as Tang Bohu was about to introduce his beloved car to Yun Yang, Yun Yang opened his mouth and said, "What a coincidence, my car is on the right!"

"You have a car too?" Tang Bohu looked at Yun Yang and nodded, "Not bad, young man, you have a bright future!"

"Hehe, Yun Yang laughed," Big Brother Tang, you bought this car too early. The benefits of Guardian of China were too good to be said!

Five minutes later! In the middle of the parking lot. Two cars, one big and one small, lined up in a row!

Tang Bohu's expression turned ugly. He took a deep look at the black line, the four-wheeled luxury sports car, and then sized up the brand-new bicycle in his hand. The more he looked at it, the more he was annoyed.

Such a stark contrast! Comparing one person to another, comparing a car to a car, it was still a person who would be infuriated to death!

The window of the black car slowly drooped down, and Yun Yang's head stuck out. He resisted the urge to laugh and said, "Big Brother Tang, your car is really special!"

Of course it was special, in the entire car park, most likely, it was only Tang Bohu's bicycle!

Tang Bohu became angry from the embarrassment and glared at Yun Yang fiercely, "Bicycle is environmentally friendly, but it's still good for your health! Do you understand? "

Although he said that, but when Tang Bohu looked at Yun Yang's car, the envy in his eyes was obvious to anyone!

On the road of Suhang, a black sports car was speeding. Inside the car, Yun Yang is naturally in the driver's seat, and beside him is our Grand Scholar Tang!

Compared to the two cars, Tang Bohu naturally felt too embarrassed to ride his' BMW '. Could it be that he had to ride his bike and follow Yun Yang's luxurious Mercedes-Benz while panting?

"Tang Bohu thought about it and felt angry, so he decided to just leave the car in the car park, and went back to Yun Yang's car. Big Brother Tang, where is the person you want to save? "

Yun Yang looked ahead, and seeing that Tang Bohu had no plans to point the way, he spoke up.

Tang Bohu looked through his pockets, and finally found the name card that Old Man Zhou gave him, and handed it over to Yun Yang, saying in a bad mood, "This is the place, take a look for yourself!" Looks like Tang Bohu's heart was still unbalanced! Why did Yun Yang drive the bicycle instead of this scholar!

Yun Yang's gaze turned towards the normal looking name card, and his eyes suddenly flashed: "Zhou Zhengtao?" Yun Yang seemed to be extremely shocked at the old man's name.

"It's just a very ordinary word. There's no need to say it out loud, no reward." Tang Bohu glanced at Yun Yang, and then continued: "What I wanted you to see was the address below, that's right, I'll give him a call first, to suddenly come here is too presumptuous."

Tang Bohu took out his phone, he did not realize that, but after seeing the address, Yun Yang's expression became even more surprised. He glanced at Tang Bohu, and suddenly recalled that Tang Bohu said that he was there to save someone?

Yun Yang was shocked, he suddenly stepped down with his foot and increased the throttle. His true color of the Mercedes revealed itself and turned into a black line on the wide road, flying away and disappearing.

The sports car turned left and right, its speed not decreasing, fortunately, Yun Yang's driving skills were not bad, as he sat on the car, he did not feel any bumps, it was just that his face was ugly.

The carriage finally drove into a residential area, where there was a special characteristic to it. Tang Bohu was still inside the carriage, as if he could faintly feel the killing intent in the air. After that, Yun Yang stopped in front of a villa.

After the two of them got off the car, Tang Bohu walked towards the front door of the villa. His eyes suddenly flashed, as he finally understood where the killing intent came from.

In front of the two of them, which was also in front of the villa, was a row of soldiers who were standing guard at the two sides of the villa's door.

However, when all of them added up together, their auras shot out like a rainbow, faintly giving Tang Bohu a feeling of oppression!

"What's going on here? How can there be so many soldiers who are carrying guns! " Tang Bohu casually asked Yun Yang.

Yun Yang glanced at Tang Bohu, "Do you really not know where you are?" Logically speaking, since Tang Bohu had this person's name card, he should know something about him!

However, the doubt on Tang Bohu's face did not seem to be fake, Yun Yang immediately asked, "Then who do you think you want to save, you do not know either?"

"I don't know!" Tang Bohu finished two questions at once, he just did not know! Yun Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Was the Sacred Master's disciple really so special? He kept saying that he was here to save her, but he didn't know who he was here to save!

Yun Yang never thought that Tang Bohu and Old Man Zhou Zhengtao would merely meet by chance!

Yun Yang did not ask further, and continued to speak, "This place is one of the most famous residential areas in the Suhang! The reason is that besides the local environment and environmental protection, there's another reason. This place can be said to be the center of political power within the Suhang! "

Seeing that Tang Bohu's face immediately revealed some doubt, Yun Yang then continued to explain, "In this area in front of us, all the people that live there are officials and nobles from the Suhang, all the way to the mayor's committee, and even a small portion of the directors that live in decent environments and the like, have chosen to live here!

There were even many officials who worked in the center. If they were from Suhang, they would normally choose to stay here after retirement. Over time, this place became the true center of power in Suhang City! "

"Therefore, for the safety of the officials, the security here has always been the strictest!" After all, how can we not offend people when we are in the government? "

"Halt!" At this time, Tang Bohu and the other person were already near the door, one of the soldiers immediately walked forward and stopped the other two, and asked: "May I ask if you two have an invitation letter?"

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