Before Yang Yuexin had even spoken, she had already expected this outcome and sighed inwardly. Yang Yuexin's gaze met with a painting on the wall, and on the painting was a woman with fluttering clothes and a poem attached.

"Leaning in front of the perilous Lou Feng. He looked forward to the spring and the sky. In the light of the grass colored smoke, no one knew who would rely on what the fence showed. I'm going to get drunk on the derangement map. The wine was still tasteless. "I will not regret it even if my clothes are untied. I will become haggard because of Yi Xiao." Yang Yuexin whispered, as her eyes revealed signs of being moved.

"I will not regret it even if I am relieved of my clothes. I will look haggard for the sake of Yi Xiao." This sentence was sufficient to express his elder brother's standing. No matter who it was, it was impossible to change!

Yang Yuexin suddenly had the urge to see the Miss Yun that her brother had dreamed of. Just what kind of woman could make her brother be so persistent?!

"Little sister, don't think too much about Big Brother's matter!" The quality of Yang Tianyu's heart was still decent, and his expression quickly returned to normal, "On the other hand, I heard that Shi Haowen came to find you again today!"

"Brother, can you not mention that playboy? I feel annoyed when I see him!" Yang Yuexin's face revealed a look of impatience, obviously she hated Shi Haowen to the extreme.

"Hey little sister, you're not young anymore. When are you going to find me a brother-in-law?" so that the old man at home can be happy. " Yang Tianyu joked.

Yang Yuexin did not think that she would be able to get her brother to fight so quickly, and anxiously said: "The men these days, are all not good stuff, I do not fancy any of them!" For some reason, when Yang Yuexin said this, a face of a thief suddenly surfaced in her mind!

Yang Yuexin's face quickly turned red. Pui! Pui! Why would I suddenly think of a damn hooligan at this time? However, the more Yang Yuexin wanted to shake off Tang Bohu's smiling face, the more clearly she seemed to know.

Yang Tianyu was also shocked by the sight in front of him of this strange sight that was rarely seen in a thousand years. Shy? Haha, there's definitely a problem! How could Yang Yuexin's little thoughts hide from Yang Tianyu's eyes? She immediately asked, "Little sister, who are you thinking about right now?"

"Isn't it that smelly?" Yang Yuexin quickly stopped, and almost blurted out! She immediately reacted, then became angry from embarrassment. She stomped her feet and pretended to be angry as she said, "Bro, you're trying to trick me? Humph! I'm ignoring you! " With that, she hastily headed for the door.

This little sister's love story is about to begin?! Yang Tianyu looked at the panicking Yang Yuexin as he retreated, and with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he immediately took out his phone to report the situation! "Hey, mom! It's me, Tianyu. I need to tell you something!"

"Hey, Third Aunt! Hehe! Have you eaten? Hey, you know what, my little sister …"

"Haha, aunt, did you recognize my voice? That's right — I'm telling you, Yuexin has a boyfriend. "

After making over ten phone calls in one breath, it was hard to tell that this successful man carried a seed of infatuation. At this moment, she was exuding the typical aura of a gossipy woman, and she was even better than that! Yang Tianyu's eight grandma's potential was completely revealed at this moment! It looked like Yang Yuexin was going to be questioned by Third Aunt and Sixth Aunt very soon!

"Heh heh." The office was filled with laughter.

Compared to the cold air of the Danqing Painting Hall, the outside of Hangzhou was still as hot as ever.

Night Street, inside the Dream Soul Bar.

On an oval shaped conference table, over twenty men with grave expressions were sitting together, seemingly discussing something. However, there was no one at the head of the conference table.

"Motherf * cker, your elder can't hold back his anger any longer!" A muscular man suddenly slammed the table and stood up. He shouted angrily, "I'll go fight it out with them! If the tiger doesn't show off, he'll really think we're sick cats. "

"Da Zhuang, it's been so many years, how can you still not have an impulsive temper!" A person beside the sturdy guy lightly pulled him, and said calmly, "What's the matter, wait for Elder Brother Jie to come, us brothers will sit together and discuss it!"

"What are you talking about!"

Da Zhuang continued to shout loudly as if his butt was on fire, "He's been bullied to such an extent! "What else is there to discuss? Wouldn't it be fine if we just directly beat him up?"

The more Da Zhuang spoke, the more excited he became, he then turned and said, "Scholar, give the order! "As long as you say it, I will cripple those bastards!"

Da Zhuang's eyes were completely red, it was obvious that he had received a huge shock!

The scholar's brows were also furrowed. After thinking for a moment, he shook his head, "Da Zhuang, sit down first! Wait until Elder Brother Jie comes! Then we can discuss further! " When the scholar said this, he could only sigh.

"Waiting for Elder Brother Jie to come?"

Da Zhuang suddenly gasped for breath, looked at the empty seat at the head and muttered, "But, that seat has already been empty for three years! Three years! "

Da Zhuang sat down, "Elder Brother Jie hasn't entered this room in three years. I, Da Zhuang, really don't understand, where did the Elder Brother Jie that was in high spirits go?"

Da Zhuang's words seemed to have touched upon the hearts of everyone present, causing them to fall silent for a moment.

This group of people, was the core strength of Army Soul Gang! is Zhou Jie's brother who risked his life for this life! Most of them came from the army, so they had a deep relationship with each other.

And the Da Zhuang and the Scholar that was speaking, were Zhou Jie's right arm! Da Zhuang's physique was huge, and his personality was rash and reckless, but he treated his brothers with incomparable sincerity. At the same time, he was also a man who could fight one against ten! He was simply a living modern version of Zhang Fei!

As for the scholar, his real name was Zhang Wenbin. Because he was usually a refined scholar, he had a gentle and refined demeanor.

As such, the people of the underworld called him a scholar, but not many people knew his real name! The scholar was an expert in battle, but he was good at thinking. He was the advisor of Army Soul Gang, the second strongest person to Zhou Jie!

"Scholar!" Da Zhuang suddenly said to the scholar beside him, "I, Da Zhuang, plead for you, for permission to do this! You know what? We have five brothers, they actually crippled us alive, and now we are crippled! If I don't do something for them, am I still a fucking person? "

Da Zhuang's voice made the scholar's body tremble, the scholar muttered to himself for a moment, then his eyes suddenly met Da Zhuang's gaze. From Da Zhuang's eyes, the scholar could see that he was begging Da Zhuang.

The scholar suddenly had an impulse. He promised Da Zhuang that he would kill them all! However, Zhou Jie's figure flew by in his mind, and there was another conflict between them.

Seeing the scholar's hesitation, Da Zhuang became even more anxious, but he did not make a sound, and only waited quietly for the result.

"That's right, Da Zhuang is right, we have to do something for brother! This time, he was not only going to hit him, but he was going to hit him hard as well! "If you don't succeed, then die!"

The conference room's door suddenly opened, and a man dressed in black walked in, with a face full of fighting spirit, he directly walked to the main seat at the head of the conference table, looking at the seated brothers, his eyes suddenly lit up, "Brothers, I, Zhou Jie, am back!"

He's back! He's back!

These three words were heard by everyone present as if they were imbued with magic, and only after a moment did everyone awaken from their stupor. Thinking back to what Zhou Jie had said when they entered the room, so many of the big sized men unexpectedly revealed expressions of ecstasy at the same time, and the happiness on their faces was unable to be hidden.

"Big Brother" Da Zhuang was especially excited at this moment, staring at Zhou Jie with his bronze eyes, "Are you speaking the truth? I, Da Zhuang, have not misheard! " Da Zhuang's face was filled with disbelief. His hands and feet clenched into fists as his veins popped. He was obviously extremely excited.

The expressions of all the brothers fell into Zhou Jie's eyes one by one. Zhou Jie sighed inwardly, for the past three years, he had only suppressed their guts, and that was completely wrong! However, it was not too late yet! Zhou Jie's face revealed a slight smile, and firmly nodded towards Da Zhuang!

This expression was too familiar! Da Zhuang remembered that three years ago, before that incident had occurred, this big brother had always had this kind of confident and spirited expression on his face!

Da Zhuang's eyes suddenly became moist, and quickly lowered his head. He had waited far too long for this day!

Da Zhuang valued his brother more than anyone else. In these three years, he had been hoping day and night that his brother would get back on his feet and take revenge for his brother! And now, he had finally arrived! How could he not be excited? Silent tears actually flowed out from the thick man's eyes.

Ten minutes later.

As Zhou Jie sat at the conference table, he couldn't help but feel a sense of loss in his heart. Looking at every familiar face, Zhou Jie felt a wave of guilt in his heart.

"Big brother, let's not talk about these things between us brothers!" The scholar spoke up with a smile on his face, "You can come back, all the brothers are very happy! Is everyone right? "

"That's right!" "That's right!"

Everyone was in agreement, especially Da Zhuang who said it out loud!

Zhou Jie smiled, this was what a brother should be like! Even after three years of being cowardly, he still couldn't wash away the affection between brothers! Only by not leaving in the face of danger would he be a true brother!

When everyone returned to tranquility, Zhou Jie asked: "Da Zhuang, who did you say you were going to do?"

At the mention of this, Da Zhuang was immediately enraged once again. "Isn't it that group of bird eggs from Serpent Gang! These days, he was getting more and more arrogant! Not only did he swagger into our territory, he even injured our brothers! "If it wasn't …"

Da Zhuang immediately shut his mouth, he had wanted to say that if not for his brother's excuse, he would have taught them a lesson long time ago!

"Serpent Gang again?" Zhou Jie coldly frowned, then said: "It looks like they're still quite ambitious!" When he thought about the abnormal actions of his Serpent Gang during this period of time, Zhou Jie felt that it was a little strange.

"Big Brother, did Serpent Gang offend you as well?" Hearing Zhou Jie's words, the scholar immediately understood what he meant and asked.

Zhou Jie laughed bitterly. Not only did he provoke her, she had even taken his life! At this time, Tang Bohu appeared in Zhou Jie's mind. Seems like Feng is my life's savior!

"Big brother, what happened?" The scholar saw something wrong in Zhou Jie's eyes and asked.

Zhou Jie took a deep breath, looked at the crowd, and slowly said, "Gangzi betrayed us! I was almost killed by Three Shots! "

"What?" Everyone was shocked and stood up in unison. Their eyes could not hide a trace of surprise, anger, and worry.

"Gangzi betrayed you, big brother?"

"God damn it! Did he forget how his elder brother saved him back then?"

"If I see him, I'll definitely chop him into eight pieces!"

"Big Brother, are you alright?" At this time, the scholar hurriedly asked Zhou Jie.

"Haha, can I still stand here if I need to?" Zhou Jie laughed, he had already thought through the betrayal of the just a moment ago, the so-called people had their own ambitions, since he had chosen his own path, then let him! Besides, he had been blessed with misfortune. He had befriended a capable brother!

Thinking about it, Zhou Jie then told everyone what had happened in the alley. At the beginning, the life or death scene made everyone break out in cold sweat, but after that, Tang Bohu's appearance caused everyone to be happy, but at the same time, they were shocked.

"Hehe!" Hearing what big brother has said, I really want to get to know that mysterious youth! " Da Zhuang had always admired and respected people with martial arts skills! Hearing Zhou Jie talk about Tang Bohu's divine might, his interest was naturally raised.

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