Following Knife-Scarred Man's order, over ten big men jumped out, laughing sinisterly as they rushed towards Tang Bohu and Yue Shan. Their power was ferocious like a fierce tiger descending the mountain, wanting to swallow Tang Bohu and Yue Shan whole.


At the critical moment, Tang Bohu yelled with a voice like thunder, causing the big sized man who was rushing over to stop suddenly.

"Calm down everyone! Everything can be discussed!" Seeing that the big sized men had stopped, as if they were satisfied with their own roars, Tang Bohu laughed, and said: "Really, everyone, don't hurt your friends just because of this trivial matter!"

Looks like this Tang Bohu fellow still wasn't clear, other people would tear his body into a thousand pieces just because of his words! This was a real teapot, a real teapot! Wasn't this lifting a rock to smash his own foot?

"Discussing my ass!" Cripple him for laozi! " Knife-Scarred Man scoffed, then signaled the men to hurry up and take action.

If he was one minute late, he would beat this brat up, and he would be angered by this brat for one more minute!

Knife-Scarred Man glared at Tang Bohu fiercely. I see which is stronger between your skills and words? A cold and sinister smile appeared on Knife-Scarred Man's face.

"Damn!" Are you for real?! "

Tang Bohu saw that everyone was approaching menacingly, but quickly turned his head, and retreated a few steps.

In truth, what Tang Bohu meant was that it would be more convenient for him to go closer to that girl to protect her. After all, he still owed her a favor!

However, Tang Bohu's actions, in the eyes of others, were a completely different matter.

The big sized men rushed over, Tang Bohu turned and ran, but he was still able to run to the side of a woman.

"Young lady, you …" The moment Tang Bohu opened his mouth, the woman waved him away, signaling him to stop talking.

"Hide behind me!"

Although the red-clothed female despised cowardly and impotent men, she was, after all, on the same side as Tang Bohu. She didn't abandon her brother before the battle;

He didn't know what kind of family a girl came from, but she received such an education.


Tang Bohu was startled, he stopped in his tracks, did he hear wrongly, the lady actually told him to hide behind her back? Tang Bohu was suspicious of his own hearing, and was stunned.

In the eyes of the others, this was a completely different idea. This brat, even though he was bragging just now, he was actually a scumbag at the crucial moment!

It should be worse than a straw bag! In the end, the dozen over burly men were so scared that they couldn't move! Disdain! How contemptuous!

The red clothed female's eyes flashed with a look of contempt, but it was not the time to speak anymore. She immediately retracted her contemptuous gaze, walked up to Tang Bohu, and stood in front of him.

"Be careful!" The red-clothed female was really kind as she reminded Tang Bohu.

Tang Bohu's current plan was not to sell tofu, just buy tofu and he would die! What kind of situation was this? Of course, the look of despise in the red-clothed female's eyes could not be concealed from Tang Bohu.

But, Tang Bohu was puzzled by this. I, Tang Bohu, have been driving from here to here, and have understood the profoundness of the door, and furthermore, my face did not change at all when fighting against a hundred people. Why is this woman looking down on me?

Could it be that everyone in this era was that powerful?

But, according to Tang Bohu's observation, the big men that were rushing over were all walking weak, and could not even take a single blow! However, the woman in red had told him to be careful. She was clearly looking down on him!

Tang Bohu's imagination ran wild, and he did not notice that the red-clothed girl beside him had already started fighting with the black-clothed men.

Although the red-clothed female was a woman's body, her techniques were not the slightest bit weaker than any of the men that surrounded her. In Tang Bohu's eyes, the red-clothed female's martial arts could be considered as flowery and beautiful!

"Sigh!" Why is this move like this? If my punch were just a bit weaker, wouldn't it have hit the other party's vitals? Stupid! " As Tang Bohu watched, he slowly muttered to himself.

"Dodge!" Aiya, even though I know I can't fight him, I actually didn't dodge the blade first, and then I caught him off guard and counterattacked. Stupid! "

"Chase after him!" He just threw a punch and left? "He has no sense of battle at all, he doesn't even know how to take advantage of the situation to chase after his enemies. Stupid!" In just a few short breaths of time, Tang Bohu had given the red-clothed female three "foolish" evaluations!

Just at this moment, when Knife-Scarred Man saw Tang Bohu watching the battle like a fool, his lips still trembling non-stop. His heart darkened as he sneered and signaled the two of them to rush forward and capture Tang Bohu!

Following that, he turned his gaze in the direction of the woman in red, and his eyebrows creased slightly.

Although the red-clothed female was full of flaws in Tang Bohu's eyes, to the big men that fought her, they did not think so. A dozen people attacking a girl was already enough to make her lose face, and what was even more shameful was that she actually lost!

At the same time, Knife-Scarred Man was also confused as to where this woman came from.

He had appeared in their territory out of nowhere and used his looks to attract the attention of his boss. Then, while the two of them were drinking, he had accidentally slit their boss's throat. It could be said to be extremely vicious.

And then he actually calmly walked out and drove away! If it were not for the fact that his younger brother had something to discuss with the boss, the rest of them would have thought that the boss was drunk and laid out on the table.

When he received the news, Knife-Scarred Man immediately brought people to chase after the red-clothed female. He had originally thought that she had already escaped without a trace.

He never expected that this woman would be so stupid as to drive the car and swagger along the road as they ran. Knife-Scarred Man immediately gathered his men and acted out a good show of chasing after the road!

In fact, to be honest, Knife-Scarred Man was even more grateful to the red-clothed girl for killing their boss!

In this world, who wouldn't want to be the boss? Those with ambition wouldn't let go of such a rare opportunity!

As for Knife-Scarred Man, he was actually thinking about how to go back and clean up the mess.

He had tried his best to chase after the girl, but he was only putting on an act, to have his brothers acknowledge him!

Originally, when the woman's carriage went further and further away, the Knife-Scarred Man could have pushed the boat with the current and let her go. However, just as they were about to return home, they noticed that there was an accident in the woman in red's carriage!

He was helpless! He couldn't just give up on such a great opportunity, right? Besides, killing his boss's enemy had also added a huge bargaining chip between him and the others!

Knife-Scarred Man looked in front of him. However, his mind had already spun hundreds of times as a cold smile appeared on his face, "Ten more brothers!"

Knife-Scarred Man snorted in his heart. So what if I can fight? Relying on these hundred over brothers, the Knife-Scarred Man could be said to be full of confidence.


Knife-Scarred Man's thought was very correct. No matter how strong the red-clothed girl was, her physical strength was limited. Moreover, as a woman, her physical strength was even more inferior to a man's.

Therefore, after a long battle, the lady in red appeared to be struggling to defend herself.

But now, Tang Bohu's heart was even more unbalanced, his eyes looked at the two people laughing below him, and instantly felt a sense of humiliation. Aren't you looking down on me too much? He had even sent dozens of people to deal with a mere woman, but he had only sent two people to deal with him!

Tang Bohu's eyes sized up the two people in front of him. Other than smiling malevolently, there did not seem to be any other places on their body that could scare people off. One was as thin as a piece of wood, and the other was as fat as a fat pig.

"F * ck!"

Tang Bohu closed his eyes, when did I, Tang Bohu, fall to such a state? Judging from the expressions of the two shrimps, it seemed like they were overestimating themselves to deal with him!

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