Hearing Tang Bohu's loud shout, Yang Yuexin's footsteps immediately staggered, he almost couldn't stand steadily, and his entire body was so angry that smoke almost came out from his seven orifices! You scoundrel, can't you have a bit of a gentleman? It's already an honor for you that I'm willing to agree to have a meal with you. You actually want me to remember to bring money?

At this moment, Yang Yuexin's heart was suddenly filled with an impulse to bend down and take off her high heels and smash that damn hooligan to death! This is something that Uncle can endure, but Sister can't!

He quickly turned around and stared at the thief who was smacking her face with a smile. In the end, Yang Yuexin decided to take her image into consideration and strongly resisted the urge to flatten Tang Bohu. She shouted again, "Go and die!"

To make Yang Yuexin shout "Die!" within a minute, Tang Bohu was still proud of his battle achievements! Hearing the loud sound of Yang Yuexin's office door hitting the floor, Tang Bohu snickered. He was in an extremely happy mood, to the point of making a beauty roar without regard for his image.

The surrounding people also looked at each other. This cleaner was too fierce! Since the first day Yang Yuexin had appeared in their Painting Hall, they had never seen such an extreme expression on Yang Yuexin's face. At this moment, many people looked at Tang Bohu with admiration;

I'm not afraid of a girl shouting at you, I'm only afraid that she will ignore you! It was like enemies coming together! Therefore, Tang Bohu's skill of picking up girls had a whole new level of respect for everyone here. It was even more shocking than when they first saw < The Portrait of Maids >.

"There's nothing more to it! Everyone, let's disperse! "Do your own thing." At this time, everything came to an end. As the General Manager, after Yang Tianyu evacuated the crowd, he looked at Tang Bohu strangely and muttered in his heart, Could it be that his little sister's secret lover was him? Yang Tianyu was about to unleash his Eight Trigrams! He gave a mysterious smile to Tang Bohu, then turned and returned to his office.

Tang Bohu was also shocked by Yang Tianyu's gaze, and his eyebrows twitched, as if he had a bad premonition. Tang Bohu picked up his broom once again, intending to return to his "office".

Originally, Tang Bohu wanted to chat a bit with Ye Chao, but how could he know that after a brief inspection, Ye Chao had already lost his figure? To be honest, Tang Bohu was a little interested in Ye Chao, or to be more precise, should be extremely interested in the mysterious ability on Ye Chao's body.

Tang Bohu wanted to test him out, to see if he could find any clues. This kind of power, that he had never encountered before, caught his attention, "Maybe, from him, I can find out if there are any more talented people in the world!" Tang Bohu's eyes flashed, and instantly made up his mind.

Every kind of person had different abilities, which meant that their life circle was also different. How could a beggar understand the life of a human being in a higher society?

Tang Bohu firmly believed that there would definitely be more Wu Lin people in this world, it was just that he had not touched any of the people around him yet! And Ye Chao, was now being used as a breakthrough point by Tang Bohu!

"Sigh!" This Tang Feng, wait a moment! " The moment Tang Bohu stepped out, he was also thinking about Ye Chao's matter, and Old Master Xu's words came to his ears.

"Anything else?" Tang Bohu stopped and asked curiously.

"I'll return this painting to you!" Although Xu Wei was extremely fond of this painting and could not let go of it, he knew in his heart that the value of this painting was at least several times higher than what Tang Bohu had bet! There were even more, thus, seeing that Tang Bohu was about to leave, no matter how reluctant Xu Wei was to leave, he had to return it to him.

After his gaze reluctantly left the painting, Xu Wei said to Tang Bohu, "Young man, this painting needs to be carefully preserved!"

Tang Bohu immediately felt ten or so black lines forming on his forehead. Why does Elder Xu's tone sound like he was marrying a daughter to his son-in-law, and said meaningfully to his son-in-law, "You have to take good care of my daughter!"

Tang Bohu shivered, seeing the expression on Xu Wei's face, he immediately understood the old sir's feelings towards traditional ink paintings. The string at the bottom of his heart was moved, he laughed and said: "This painting is useless to me, I'll just give it to you!"

"What?" Xu Wei's hands instantly trembled, his eyes immediately flashed with disbelief, as he exclaimed: "Young man, you're not joking are you?" How could he give away such a priceless painting? Xu Wei refused to believe it even if he was beaten to death.

"That's right!" I'm just giving it to you as a gift! " Tang Bohu laughed lightly, then turned around and picked up his trash shovel, and headed back to his' office '.


Xu Wei immediately caught up, and said with a serious expression: "Young lad, do you know the value of this painting? He estimated that this painting was at least worth a million! This is the first time in all these years that this old man has seen someone make such a masterpiece on the spot! This work of his is comparable to the paintings made by some masters in ancient times! "

Xu Wei, on the other hand, had a mellow personality. He did not want to take advantage of Tang Bohu, so he stated the value of his painting in front of Tang Bohu.

"So what?" To Xu Wei's surprise, Tang Bohu still gave him a calm smile, "It's hard to buy it with money! Since Mr. Xu is so fond of this painting, why not gift it to you? His life was filled with joy, but he had to return the favor! Haha. "Tang Bohu laughed and turned to leave, but from start to finish, his eyes did not reveal any hint of reluctance. It was obvious that he did not care about this painting.

Tang Bohu did not know the exact value of this painting, but he was sure of one thing! Absolutely precious!

As the number one genius of Jiangnan, how could a painting created by him not be precious? Even if it was five hundred years ago, Tang Bohu's painting was still worth thousands of gold, thus, Tang Bohu had always understood the value of his painting.

But, this was also Tang Bohu's character, and he did it recklessly! He was happy that he could spend a thousand gold in one go. He did not change his expression at all when giving away books and paintings that were of extraordinary value for free, because Xu Wei's attitude towards mountain and water ink paintings made people feel a sense of recognition.

If he was in a bad mood, even if it was just a dollar worth of coins, he wouldn't be willing to take it out, just like when he met Shi Haowen in the hall.

At this time, Xu Wei felt as if he was in a dream, and blankly watched Tang Bohu's figure disappear into the corner. This, was probably the most unbelievable thing that had happened in his life!

The corner of Xu Wei's mouth slightly trembled, and he did not call for Tang Bohu to stop. His heart was overturned, and he thought that this young man was truly difficult to fathom!

Xu Wei recalled the scene from just now carefully, the suspicion and shock in his eyes could be seen, and a hint of understanding could be seen. In the end, he shook his head and sighed, then he carefully kept < The Portrait of Maids > away.

After Tang Bohu returned to his "office", he comfortably sat on the "chair", leaned against the wall, and felt the cool sensation on his back. He gradually fell asleep, and finally fell asleep while leaning against the trash can.

It was unbelievable that this person was the one who had drawn the perfect < Portrait of Maids >.

After this farce ended, the Danqing Painting Hall returned to its original state of tranquility as everyone continued to carry out their work methodically. After all, everyone still had to live their own lives. And Tang Bohu's mystical display, was something that not many people placed in their hearts. Perhaps it was just luck?

In truth, they didn't want to admit this fact to the end, or even to the bottom of their hearts.

Time flew by quickly, Tang Bohu woke up slowly and wiped off the silver threads hanging from the corner of his mouth. He stretched slightly and yawned, then stood up and looked at the tormented chair, giving it some time to rest, so that it would not be unable to bear the burden and die. Then, Tang Bohu would probably have to go to work and sleep on the floor in the future.

"Feng, you still haven't left?"

Xu Xin's voice sounded. At this time, she was looking at Tang Bohu with a smile, "If Jie is free today, I won't be going back to cook. Why don't we go out to eat?"

Due to Zhou Jie's relationship with him, Xu Xin had already treated Tang Bohu as her younger brother, so, after getting off work at noon, she immediately found Tang Bohu's "office". Furthermore, she had also received a call from Zhou Jie, so she might have left in a hurry without any money!

Tang Bohu looked around, seeing that there were not many people left, he said: "So it really is time to get off work! "Hur Hur, I was so serious in my work that I forgot about the time!" Err, people who lie usually don't need to write a script.

"You should wipe the saliva at the corner of your mouth first!" At this moment, Yang Yuexin's voice suddenly appeared like a ghost, and his figure also appeared at the corner. Even through the wall, Tang Bohu still could still see the remnant saliva on the corner of his mouth. It looks like Yang Yuexin still paid quite a bit of attention to him!

"Miss, you haven't left either!" Xu Xin could tell that Yang Yuexin and Tang Bohu were not on the right track, and did not let Tang Bohu speak a word, and said, "Why don't we go eat together!"

Xu Xin and Yang Yuexin's relationship was not bad, so after thinking for a bit, Yang Yuexin looked at Tang Bohu and said, "Alright!" She then glared at Tang Bohu and said, "I owe you a meal, now it's all over! We owe each other! "

"Sigh!" Wait a minute, "Tang Bohu glared back at Yang Yuexin," What do you mean by don't owe each other anything? A typical rogue smile appeared on Tang Bohu's face. "Pear Blossom, don't forget, you still need one more!"

"Shut up!" Yang Yuexin heard him say that the kiss was worth a hundred thousand dollars less a dollar, but she immediately shouted out in exasperation. Her pretty face reddened, and she immediately changed the topic, "Stupid rogue, do you still want to eat? If you don't eat, I'll go with Elder Sister Xin! "

"Eat!" People die for money, I die for food! How could he be against his own five viscera temple? " Tang Bohu snickered at Yang Yuexin, then strode into the bathroom. "I'll wash my face first, you guys wait a moment."

"Humph!" Yang Yuexin felt that her emotions would easily change when she faced Tang Bohu, and she snorted coldly. She immediately noticed that Xu Xin was looking at her with a strange gaze, and couldn't help but feel bashful in her heart. "Elder Sister Xin, what's wrong? It can't be that flowers have grown on my face, right? "

"Hehe." Xu Xin laughed while covering her mouth, and joked, "The young miss doesn't have any flowers growing on her face, so in her heart, it's hard to say!" Xu Xin was an experienced man, how could she not see that, maybe, maybe, really, maybe, maybe, maybe, she had fallen for this damn hooligan who kept on shouting like that!

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