"Police use violence! The police have hit someone! "

The interrogation room was filled with the wailing of agony. However, the policemen on duty outside the room pretended not to hear him as sympathy showed on their faces.

"Since Zhou Qing's arrival, what number is this?"

"There are so many, so many!" You say that Zhou Qing is so beautiful, but why do you think that her whole body is filled with violence? "

"That's right, it's simply a rose with thorns! The brat inside is in trouble! "

Compared to the outside voices, the interrogation room was much quieter at this time. Of course, other than Tang Bohu's "Howl"!

"Have you shouted enough?" Zhou Qing's voice sounded, and at this moment, there was actually a helpless look on her face. This kind of gaze, was actually directed at Tang Bohu.

During the short few minutes, Zhou Qing had used every method at her disposal, but she did not manage to get even the tiniest bit of hair on Tang Bohu. Furthermore, during this entire process, Tang Bohu's body did not move away from the chair in the slightest, avoiding it as though it was a walk in the park.

Two meters away from Zhou Qing, Tang Bohu gently squinted his eyes and laughed, "As long as you hit me enough, I'll shout my head off, won't I?"

Actually, even though Zhou Qing did not hit her with the "Violent Wind and Storm" earlier, Tang Bohu was slightly impressed in his heart, because although this beauty was a woman, her basic fighting skills were rather solid, and her punches and kicks were quite impressive. If she had a master teacher guiding her, she could become a person who practices martial arts.

Tang Bohu looked at Zhou Qing, and a figure involuntarily surfaced in his mind. Red clothes, spicy temper, Chen Qiuxiang! The first girl Tang Bohu met after coming to this world, and he even seemed to have acknowledged him as his master! Tang Bohu felt that Chen Qiuxiang's character was no different from the beautiful police in front of him!

"How did you do it?" Zhou Qing suddenly asked.

"May I ask which aspect the beautiful police officer is referring to?" Tang Bohu asked back, and laughed shamelessly, "I can do a lot of things that no one else can. Beautiful police officer, please explain it clearly."

Zhou Qing had never seen such a narcissistic person before, hence she looked down on him with her eyes, "How did you avoid me earlier?"

Zhou Qing did not continue speaking, after everything that had happened, everyone should understand what the meaning behind those words was, right? Zhou Qing was unable to hide her doubts, so she asked her about it. She had to admit that back in the army, even her own team leader did not dare say that sitting still was enough to dodge her full force attack!

"Oh," Tang Bohu nodded lightly, then smiled towards Zhou Qing, "You really want to know?"

Seeing that Zhou Qing nodded her head affirmatively, Tang Bohu continued, "Alright, I can explain it to you clearly. However, before that, let us first settle a matter!"

Zhou Qing was startled, "What's the matter?"

Tang Bohu helplessly waved his hands and shrugged. "Beautiful police officer, you seem to have forgotten that I'm still a prisoner participating in the fight! This case of mine is not yet resolved. "

That's right! Zhou Qing suddenly remembered her purpose for coming here, and immediately went back to her seat, saying sternly: "Are you really involved in gathering people to cause trouble?"

Inside the police station's office.

Xie Zhenguo was extremely happy at the moment, because his secret bank card had added another huge amount to it.

"Tsk tsk, if I had more of these things, I might have been able to retire early!"

Xie Zhenguo sat on the soft sofa, feeling extremely comfortable, and had a beautiful image of something that was impossible to appear. He was completely out in space with the cigarette in his mouth causing smoke to swirl around.

"Little Lin should have settled this matter soon, right?" After smoking a cigarette, Xie Zhenguo thought to himself, "Even if that brat has the guts, he still won't dare to act so arrogantly in the police station! Furthermore, no one will report the news of that kid's resistance! "

Therefore, Xie Zhenguo was almost certain that Tang Bohu was currently being ruthlessly taught a lesson by Xiao Lin.

As for the other people from the noodle shop, Zhenguo didn't give them a good time. They all split up a few interrogation rooms to interrogate them! As for those hoodlums? The front door came in and the back door opened. It was much easier than wandering around the garden!

This was all because Xie Zhenguo had received the benefits of the Serpent Gang. "If I could get a hundred thousand just by teaching these low ranked figures a lesson, why not?" Xie Zhenguo thought that this was the most sensible choice.

"Bang bang bang!"

Knock knock knock. The person who came in was Xiao Lin who had been sent by Xie Zhenguo to greet Tang Bohu.

"Thank you Superintendent, Officer Zhou Qing just came back, and directly went into the interrogation room to interrogate that brat!" Xiao Lin did not dare to be negligent and told the situation to Xie Zhenguo in detail.

"Zhou Qing?" Xie Zhenguo's brows slightly knitted. Currently, the entire police station was under Xie Zhenguo's control, and most people were extremely obedient to Xie Zhenguo's orders. Other than the two of them, the first was the deputy chief of the police station, Xu Song and a few of his subordinates, and the second was Zhou Qing!

Xu Song was easy to deal with. He was famous for being a good person. He worked hard and was honest. Sometimes, he would even dare to go against him, the bureau chief.

However, this kind of person was the easiest to deal with, thus, Xie Zhenguo did not even put Xu Song in his heart. If not for Xu Song working here for so long, deeply rooted, and deeply popular, Xie Zhenguo would have thought of a way to transfer him away.

However, Zhou Qing was the only variable in the police station!

Others might not know, but Xie Zhenguo was very clear that Zhou Qing had made a mistake and temporarily lowered herself to his level. With her real identity, it could be said that she could kill countless people like him with a finger!

Thus, ever since Zhou Qing had arrived, she held her in high esteem and distanced herself from her. No matter how busy she was, she had always ignored her, and only thought of this deity leaving early!

"Since Officer Zhou Qing has entered, then let her be!" Xie Zhenguo immediately gave his orders, and at the same time, smiled coldly, the criminals that fell into Zhou Qing's hands were much better than the criminals that fell into Xie Zhenguo's hands! Therefore, Xie Zhenguo was not worried about not being able to complete the Serpent Gang requirements.

Just then, Xie Zhenguo's office phone rang.

In the interrogation room.

"What?" Zhou Qing suddenly slammed the table and stood up, her face was full of anger, "Are you speaking the truth?"

"Of course not! If you don't believe me, you can ask your good director yourself! "

Tang Bohu crossed his legs. He had only briefly explained the incident of Serpent Gang and how Xie Zhenguo released Chen Xiaolian. He did not expect Zhou Qing's reaction to be so huge, it was out of his expectations!

"This kind of thing must be severely punished!"

However, when she thought about his current identity, Zhou Qing could not help but feel dejected. With his current identity, even if she knew that Xie Zhenguo was doing something, what could he do? Besides, there was no direct evidence.

Zhou Qing sat back down on her seat like a discouraged balloon.

"Beautiful Officer, this is …" Tang Bohu did not understand why the beautiful lady, who had been emitting killing intent three seconds ago, would suddenly have a discouraged expression.

"My name is Zhou Qing!"

Zhou Qing saw that Tang Bohu was a beautiful police officer so she could not help but stomp at him, and immediately said, "Xie Zhenguo is our Chief Officer, a level one official can crush a person to death. Even if he wants to let those hoodlums go, there is no direct evidence, and even if we report him to the higher ups, this kind of old cunning fox has many excuses!"

It could be said that Zhou Qing was used to this kind of thing.

"I saw it with my own eyes. Is it not evidence?" Tang Bohu did not understand.

Zhou Qing gave Tang Bohu an ignorant look, "Don't forget, you're also one of the participants in this fight! Can I be a witness? Furthermore, even if you did, no one would care about you. Sometimes, the unspoken rules of an official's office are quite dark. "

Zhou Qing felt a wave of loneliness, as if those words had touched the strings of her own heart.

"So you're saying I'm dead for sure today?" Although Tang Bohu said that, from his expression and tone, there was no sense of depression or fear. At the same time, Tang Bohu muttered to himself, so in this modern society, government was no different from the old days!

"That may not be so." Zhou Qing was a little surprised in her heart, just who was this youth, she was extremely skilled, and her mental state seemed to be very good as well. I'll go talk to Superintendent Xie and see if I can handle this case! "

Looking at Zhou Qing's figure that was rushing out, the corner of Tang Bohu's mouth curled up. Her eyes narrowed, as she seemed to be thinking about something.

However, before Zhou Qing could even reach Xie Zhenguo's office, he saw Xie Zhenguo anxiously opening the door to the office. Furthermore, when Xie Zhenguo saw that he had already come out from the approval room, he was startled, as if he was nervous.

"Zhou Qing" Xie Zhenguo rushed forward, looked at the interrogation room, and asked: "How is he?"

"I'm fine!" Zhou Qing was even more surprised, because after Xie Zhenguo heard her words, she actually let out a breath of relief, this was not like the Superintendent Xie he knew!

Surprised and astonished, Zhou Qing had actually forgotten the reason why she was looking for Xie Zhenguo.

"That's good!" The reason why Xie Zhenguo's attitude changed so much was because of one phone call!

This phone call shocked Xie Zhenguo, and he almost fainted on the spot. He never thought that when he was dealing with such a young man, he would be the one who attracted the attention of some big figures in the city. Furthermore, his attitude was very resolute.

Just what kind of background does this Tang Feng have?

Xie Zhenguo did not think too much into it, he just wanted to calm down this matter as soon as possible.

Fortunately, the other people at the Lamian restaurant had not received any substantial injuries yet, otherwise, Xie Zhenguo would have already regarded Tang Bohu as a member of the Lamian restaurant.

Although Zhou Qing did not know what Xie Zhenguo was thinking, she hesitated for a moment before saying, "I have a request. Could you please leave this case to me?"

Actually, Zhou Qing didn't have much hope in her heart, if Xie Zhenguo really received the benefits from the Serpent Gang, would she be able to accept it that easily?

"No problem!" Xie Zhenguo did not know how to handle this hot topic. Since Zhou Qing had brought it up at the right time, Xie Zhenguo did not hesitate at all. At the same time, he also conveniently gave him a favor.

It had to be said that Xie Zhenguo was indeed an old cunning fox, he thought of the best way to deal with this in a short amount of time, "Zhou Qing, I'll leave it to you then! I know that you will definitely handle this matter impartially. As a youngster, it's also good for you to do more! "

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