The first five floors of the building the killer chose were shopping malls while the back floors were all commercial houses. This kind of place was more advantageous for the assassin to escape.

Tang Bohu walked towards the elevator step by step because the highest floor was the 28th floor. It was impossible for him to take the elevator, and he had also determined that the person who had plotted against him would definitely not take the elevator.

The red numbers at the elevator entrance kept blinking. Five, four, three, two, one!


Tang Bohu's consciousness immediately enveloped over, at the same time, it was also full of luck. He secretly became vigilant, his eyes closely sweeping across everyone who came out from the elevator.

Although Tang Bohu had seen the killer's white clothes from afar just now and didn't see his appearance, he could still sense the aura of everyone who was walking out of the elevator and make an accurate judgement. After all, everyone's aura was different, so Tang Bohu believed that if that person appeared from the elevator, they would definitely not be able to escape his eyes.

Unless his concealment ability truly reached a terrifying level.

Five minutes!

There were already four groups of people coming down from the elevator, but there was still no sign of any suspicious figures.

"Could it be that he had already left before I arrived?" Tang Bohu immediately gave up the idea, "Impossible! From the 28th floor to the 1st floor, plus there were so many people here, there was no way he could run that fast! Maybe, Tang Bohu thought of one possibility, and that was that the killer knew he was chasing them and was hiding on a certain floor.

If that was the case, it would be troublesome!

Tang Bohu cursed in his heart, letting himself go through layer after layer? Impossible! It was impossible to complete the search on the 28th floor by himself! So from the very beginning, Tang Bohu had chosen to wait for them!

Tang Bohu's guess was not wrong, the killer had indeed retreated!

It was impossible for the assassin to leave his fate entirely to the elevator. After coming down from the 28th floor, he took the elevator up to the 3rd floor and then went straight down the stairs.

However, just as he was about to go down the stairs from the second floor, he saw his target coming towards him! The assassin quickly retreated. After thinking for a moment, he quietly retreated and went to the next floor. The target was the roof!

Assassins were not allowed to fail!

He had already failed, but he didn't expect his target to catch up to him. This had undoubtedly given him an opportunity!

The killer in white wore a cold smile on his face. He then rushed to the rooftop! He believed that if the target didn't find him downstairs, he would definitely ascend to the rooftop and search for clues from where he was hiding!

"The heavens are on my side!" The assassin said to himself with a cold smile. He had always believed that it was absolutely a coincidence that the target had been able to dodge his powerful sniper attack!

With a distance of less than two hundred meters, who could dodge the sniper's sneak attack? No one would believe it even if they heard it!

Assassins always had a sense of confidence in themselves!

Five minutes!

Tang Bohu's brain was already working quickly. He was very unhappy with the sudden ambush today, and the feeling that he might accidentally lose his life, which was why Tang Bohu made the decision to capture the person who ambushed him and interrogate him about the reason why he killed him!

"It seems like waiting for someone to come is useless!" Tang Bohu thought for a moment, then raised his head and looked up. After a moment, the elevator door opened, and Tang Bohu walked in, and pressed 28!

That's right, just as the killer had expected, Tang Bohu was ready to ascend the roof!

"Who exactly is it that wants to put me to death?" Inside the elevator, Tang Bohu thought, "Serpent Gang? After all, I have already interacted with them twice and have destroyed their plans! "

Of course, this was just a guess, there were some suspicious people in Tang Bohu's mind, "Ye Chao? The strange power from his body meant that he was not an ordinary person, but there was something suspicious about him! "Also …"

Tang Bohu instantly thought of another person, "Smells good?" Tang Bohu did not forget the sinister look Shi Haowen had given him in the Danqing Painting Hall Hall!

Forget it, I'm not going to guess anymore!

Tang Bohu shook his head. There was more than one suspect, Tang Bohu could not help but smile, it seemed that he had not even been here for two days, it would seem that he had provoked a lot of people!

But, Tang Bohu's face did not reveal any signs of fear, his expression still as indifferent as before.

He had reached the 28th floor!

At this time, Tang Bohu's mind was already at its best. After looking around, he strode towards the rooftop, "If the killer has not left, the rooftop is also a good place to hide!"

That instant of attack just now was the first time Tang Bohu had ever felt a sense of danger since arriving in this modern world. So, before he understood the reason behind it, Tang Bohu definitely would not dare to lower his guard.

On the balcony.

Just as Tang Bohu stepped onto it, piles of boxes appeared in his eyes. Some of them were even stacked quite high, and should be trash boxes from the shopping mall, or something like that, they were placed on top of the roof.

"It really is a good place for sneak attacks!" Tang Bohu smiled, then took a direction and headed towards the direction of the person who ambushed him. All along the way, he was surrounded by boxes.

Suddenly, Tang Bohu's body turned to the right.

At the same time, a white figure flew over. The dagger in his hand flashed with a silver light, and under the sunlight, it revealed a purplish black enchantment.

Clearly, the dagger was poisonous!

Closer! Closer!

A sneer slowly appeared on the assassin's face. At this distance, he was confident that no one could avoid his sword! He was being careless with his plans. Besides, the poison was smeared all over his sabre. Assassins were like tigers adding wings to the wings!


The assassin's blade flashed as he swung it towards the right side of Tang Bohu's ribs. Although it was not a vital point, the strength of the poison was that no matter where it was cut, it could be sealed with a blade!

A bloodthirsty feeling appeared right in front of him. At that moment, his target was still not responding. The smile on the assassin's face became even wider as a trace of pity appeared in his eyes!

The lightning-fast sword light slashed down on the target. In the time it took for lightning to flash, nothing happened. The dagger in the assassin's hand had already stabbed into the target's body!


The expression on the assassin's face suddenly changed. He did not feel anything piercing through his flesh, as if the dagger was merely stabbing into the air!

It was just like a punch hitting cotton! He did not have the strength to release it!

At the same time, the smile on the assassin's face disappeared, because the man in front of him was disappearing slowly into the void. It was extremely weird!

"An afterimage!"

The assassin paled and quickly stepped back. He found his target right in front of him. He looked at him with a smile and the assassin's eyes met his. In his heart, he thought, "Unfathomable!"

It was actually an afterimage?! The assassin was shocked by Tang Bohu's ability!

"{This level of strength, in the organization, is definitely a trump card at the 'doctor' level!" The assassin was shocked. To be able to leave an afterimage was undoubtedly extremely fast! What the assassin had seen before was that the 'doctor' in the organization had this ability!

[I didn't expect that the target would be someone who can match up to a 'doctor'!] The assassin had already decided to retreat! At the same time, he was cursing his employer in his heart for inviting him to kill such an expert. Wasn't this clearly asking for his life? " Unless the final attack works, immediately flee if it fails! " The assassin made up his mind.

"I didn't expect you to know about afterimages."

Tang Bohu seemed to have attracted a lot of interest, as he slowly walked towards the killer step by step. Originally, Tang Bohu was still holding onto the idea of teasing him, when normal people saw that two Tang Bohu had appeared, they would definitely be alarmed and shout, "Ghost!"

However, the assassin had actually only said the word 'afterimage' in an instant, causing Tang Bohu to be stunned for a moment. He had obviously thought of a problem, the assassin had definitely seen someone with such strength before!

"It seems that I have become more and more like a modern martial artist!" A smile appeared on Tang Bohu's face as he walked towards the killer.

The assassin was even more vigilant. A person on the level of a "doctor" was not someone he could go up against!

With a flip of the dagger in his hand, the assassin charged straight at Tang Bohu!

"His pace is quite brisk, but he's still too far off!" Tang Bohu's face did not care, he laughed, and retreated to dodge the assassin's attack, at the same time, both of his hands moved quickly towards the assassin.

With his bare hands, he stabbed the white blade!

In a split-second, the assassin felt the wrist of the dagger go numb. He immediately let go of his hand, and the dagger landed in Tang Bohu's hand.


The assassin's abdomen was in pain, his body fell onto a pile of boxes. Tang Bohu did not hesitate, in a moment, he did not wait for the killer to recover from his shock, and rushed forward, grabbing the killer inside the boxes.

"Take my punch!" Just as Tang Bohu finished speaking, the fist had already arrived! He attacked the assassin's abdomen again!

No matter who it is, did you sneak attack me, Tang Bohu? And twice! Pay the interest first! At this time, Tang Bohu was here to collect his debts!

Boom!" There were too many boxes on the rooftop. The killer fell towards a pile of paper in one direction. This pile of paper was much taller than the previous ones and "submerged" the killer!

A good chance!

Assassin's instinct was to seize every opportunity to attack, and kill in one move!

This was obviously the last chance to strike back! The assassin knew clearly that if this attack failed, his mission this time would be completely declared a failure!

The assassin lowered his body to the bottom of the box and reached his hand to his waist. He pulled out something – this was the assassin's last resort!

It was a gun!

"Although your speed can be fast enough to leave afterimages, I want to see if your consciousness can keep up with the speed of the spear!" The killer's face was once again covered in a murderous look. It was extremely cold!

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