If Tang Bohu did not leave, he would have recognized them, and the two figures that suddenly appeared were the man and woman among the three mysterious people who suddenly appeared at the scene of the serial murder!

"Captain, that aura disappeared?" The woman in casual wear had a face full of doubt.

"That's right, and it's scattered very quickly. In just a few seconds, it's already out of my detection range!" The suited man nodded, his expression grave.

"So fast?" The lady was obviously startled, "Your captain, you …" The woman's face was full of shock. She was very clear about the captain's ability, especially in terms of speed.

The man didn't say anything. The white killer's corpse had already appeared in front of him. The two of them walked over.

The man squatted down and carefully observed the white killer. He then slowly stood up and took a deep breath. His eyes were filled with shock. At the same time, there was also some doubt.

"Captain, did you find anything?" the woman asked. "From the way the man in white was dressed, it seems like …"

"That's right, they're from there!" The captain nodded, "However, I can't tell what level he is at!"

"Who cares about him. Even if they die, they deserve to die!" The woman seemed to hate the organization that the white killer was in. She pursed her lips and said.

The man seemed to agree with the woman's words and didn't say anything else. He let out a breath and continued, "However, even though the number of dead is not enough, the person who did this could be a huge threat!"

"Causing trouble?" The woman was startled, then asked, "Could it be that it was done by the same person as today's incident?"

"I don't think so!" The captain shook his head. "The murder case at noon was committed by an Adept, and now … the captain looked at the body of the assassin, his expression changing." The assassin died at the hands of an ancient martial arts expert! "

Ancient martial arts? The woman's expression changed at the same time. She squatted down and probed around with a puzzled look on her face, "Although there are many wounds on the body, none of them are fatal."

"Press down on his chest!" the man instructed.

The woman then placed her hand on the assassin's chest. Her expression changed and she was extremely surprised. She blurted out, "How could this happen?" The woman felt that her hand was not pressing on his chest, but rather, it was pressing on a pile of cotton. It was soft and soft.

"The strike that struck the dead body was clearly aimed at the chest area of the dead body. Moreover, the chest area, including the ribs, was completely shattered with a single palm strike!" The man's face was filled with shock, "This strength, conservative estimate, has reached Earth level!"

"Earth level?" The woman was also shocked, "Among our outer circle of ancient martial artists, the number of people who have reached the Earth Realm can be counted on one hand! "Yun Yang is also only a Human Level 4." The Yun Yang that the woman spoke of was the man who appeared at the same time as them today.

When the woman mentioned Yun Yang, the man's face slightly changed, as though he was displeased. However, he did not reveal it, and carefully observed his surroundings, "That mysterious ancient martial artist did not leave any clues for us, whether we are friends or enemies, it is still unclear!"

The woman was a little worried, "I didn't expect there to be such a hidden master here. Will it affect our operation tonight? "If it's an enemy …"

The man also thought about this question and decisively said, "Tonight's operation must be carried out! This is a rare opportunity. Moreover, if we don't make a move and let him escape, then we will not be able to shoulder this responsibility! " After pausing for a moment, the man continued, "As for this mysterious man, let's not bother about him for now. Hopefully, he's a friend and not an enemy!"

A green ball of light like a cold star appeared in her eyes. At the same time, a fist-sized ball of flame appeared out of nowhere from her hand. It was extremely strange, but the woman's expression did not change, with only a trace of admiration.

Go!" The fireball in the man's hand shot towards the assassin's corpse like a cannonball. In less than a minute, it had burned up. The corpse that had been lying on the ground disappeared without a trace, leaving behind a faint black mass.

"Notify Yun Yang, pay attention to the target's surroundings for any suspicious figures to appear. If this mysterious expert is really the helper that he invited, it will be very troublesome!"

The shocking move the man had just used did not change the slightest bit. The green light in his eyes disappeared as if he had done something insignificant.

"Yes, captain!" The woman acknowledged the order!

Tang Bohu never went down the stairs. The distance between the buildings in the city was not wide, making it convenient for Tang Bohu to move around. After Tang Bohu killed the killer, he immediately performed his lightness skills and secretly jumped a few floors before wobbling down to the floor of another shopping mall.

That was why the man could feel that Tang Bohu's Qi was dissipating so quickly!

As for Tang Bohu, he was idly strolling around the streets.

"I didn't expect that this seemingly peaceful place would be filled with hidden dangers." Tang Bohu walked forward as if he was strolling, thinking non-stop, who exactly was it that wanted to put him to death?

Tang Bohu did not pursue the question of the killer. Firstly, he sensed that there was someone on the rooftop, and secondly, he immediately continued the question. The killer might not even say anything, but he had already revealed himself!

"If you really want to take my life, there should be a next attack!" Not only did Tang Bohu not feel nervous, he was even a little bit excited. Tang Bohu was very much looking forward to the next person who came to die!

The streets were bustling with activity, even Tang Bohu himself did not know where he had walked to. He estimated that he would not be very close to the street where the Danqing Painting Hall was located.

However, Tang Bohu was not in a hurry to go back. Besides, enough had happened today, now was the time to relax.

Tang Bohu's days of killing from work all the way to the Sky Platform were really full! "Ga Ga

"A bank?" Tang Bohu passed by a place, seeing the two words, he immediately flipped through his pockets, and in his hands, he took out the cheque of two hundred thousand, smiled slightly, and walked in.

From Tang Bohu's mask shop's fight, to being captured and sent to the police station, to the fight on the roof, it was already three or four in the afternoon. However, there were still many people handling all sorts of businesses in the bank.

"There are so many windows. Which one should I go to?" Tang Bohu was troubled, it was fine to make him sing poems or fight or play chess or write books and draw, but now, he had to exchange the two hundred thousand check in cash at the bank, it was completely difficult for him!

After thinking about it, Tang Bohu finally made up his mind and gritted his teeth, "Let's ask someone!" When Tang Bohu saw that the people who came were doing his own thing methodically while he himself was completely clueless, he felt too embarrassed to drag down his face to ask others.

"This big sister, I would like to ask you a question," Tang Bohu looked around and decided to ask a woman who was about seven or eight years old.

"What is it?" This woman was also a warmhearted person, she smiled and asked Tang Bohu.

Tang Bohu heaved a sigh of relief, what he was worried about the most was that he would meet with the cold eyes of others, it seems that, this world still had many people who were warm-hearted!

"It's like this," Tang Bohu said as he took out the cheque. "Uh, I wanted to save a portion of the money inside and take out a portion of it, but I didn't know how to do it," Tang Bohu smiled embarrassedly.

The woman was startled, she did not think that the young man in front of her would ask such a question. However, the woman's self-control was still very good, she smiled slightly, "This is simple, you go first," the woman enthusiastically said to Tang Bohu, without a trace of contempt.

However, when the woman was talking with Tang Bohu, the child by her side sized up the people coming and going in the bank with his eyes, and gave a mischievous smile from time to time.

Half a moment later, she slipped into the crowd like a wisp of smoke when the woman wasn't paying attention.

The child's eyes were always filled with curiosity. He looked up and down, left and right, constantly looking around while laughing to himself. This was the child's nature, without any worries.


As the child walked, his footsteps suddenly stopped, as if he had seen something strange. He immediately jumped forward happily and grabbed onto a man with an aquiline nose, laughing, "Uncle, Uncle, there seems to be a gun in your pocket!" "It's exactly the same as last night's TV show. Can I see it?"

The child looked at the hawk-nosed man with curiosity.

It turned out that when the hawk-nosed man had entered the bank earlier, the pocket on the left side of his suit had opened slightly. Coincidentally, the child had noticed that there was a gun inside!

Hearing the child's words, the hawk-nosed man's face suddenly changed. He didn't think much as he saw the people around him who were listening to him give him strange looks. He bent over and grabbed the child. His right hand quickly reached into his pocket.

The hawk-nosed man moved extremely quickly, pointing his gun towards the sky. "Bang!" "Bam!" After firing a few rounds consecutively, he bellowed, "Robbery! All of you, get down! "

At this moment, the hawk-nosed man looked murderous. The child was so shocked that he even forgot to cry. His face suddenly turned pale.

Ah!" The moment the gun shot rang out, the screams from the bank immediately soared into the sky! The people beside the hawk-nosed man in particular immediately covered their heads and squatted down, not daring to move. The rest of the people tried to escape from the outside. It was a chaotic scene.

At the same time, within the bank, the expressions of a few men wearing the same suit slightly changed. Their gazes met and they immediately stepped forward together. Surprisingly, they all took out a handgun!

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