"Yes!" "Sir!"

The policemen outside were all arranged in an orderly manner, like spiders spitting out silk. They had set up an inescapable net, waiting for the moment the robbers bowed their heads.

At this moment, in the hall of the bank.


Tang Bohu and Loong Tian were less than a meter apart, and with the protection of a man in front, Tang Bohu suddenly went over to Loong Tian's side.

"Tang Feng."

"Loong Tian!"

The two of them softly said out their names, the man was the gunner of the armed police force, Loong Tian! Tang Bohu's luck was pretty good, he actually let him find someone who knew how to use a gun.

"Mr. Long, take this gun, we don't have much time left!" Tang Bohu muttered softly, and calmly shoved the spear into Loong Tian's hands.

Loong Tian did not hesitate. After taking the spear, he immediately gripped it tightly, but his expression suddenly changed as he looked at Tang Bohu, "This spear only has two bullets!"

Two? But there were three robbers at the scene!

Even if it was a hundred out of a hundred, it could only kill two people! As for the other person, he would definitely start a massacre!

Who would have thought that it would turn out like this!

Tang Bohu was also stunned, he had no idea how many bullets this gun had! After muttering to himself for a moment, Tang Bohu took a look at the location of the three robbers. The two of them were more than ten metres away, and the one closest to him was not even four metres away!

And this four meter distance was more than enough for many people to die here!

"Are you confident in dealing with the two furthest ones?" Tang Bohu lowered his head and asked, he did not know what Loong Tian's spear technique was like, there were only two bullets, and only if the bullets were accurate would he be able to guarantee his success!

Loong Tian's hand that was holding onto the spear tensed up, his eyes suddenly revealed a trace of light, and he said confidently: "Don't worry! No problem! However, Loong Tian was worried about the bandit who was closest to them.

"Leave this to me!" Tang Bohu said indifferently, "Wait until I make my move, it will be time for you to shoot! Old Brother Long, your life is in your hands. You have to aim for it! Hehe, Tang Bohu actually still had the mood to joke in the end.

Hearing Tang Bohu's confident tone, Loong Tian's eyes revealed a look of surprise, "Are you confident?" A distance of less than four meters was not a long distance, but if a robber found out, he could shoot him down in a second! Loong Tian felt that he couldn't do it himself!

"No problem!" Tang Bohu was still calm!

"Alright!" Loong Tian did not dawdle, time waited for no one! There were only three people he needed to deal with now. Once the other two robbers came out, he would have five!

Those two robbers could come out at any time!

Loong Tian closed his eyes and took a deep breath, slowly turning himself into peak condition. Two shots were fired in an instant. There could not be any pause, and bullets could still be fired without fail! Even Loong Tian, who was known as the Fast Gunner, felt a wave of pressure!

If he didn't succeed, then he would die!

Loong Tian suddenly opened his eyes and lightly nodded his head to Tang Bohu. His face was no longer expressionless, he was completely prepared! The index finger holding the spear in his right hand slightly wiggled, and a wave of confidence suddenly appeared!

"Alright!" Tang Bohu slightly bent his legs. To an ordinary person, a distance of less than four meters would require some time, but to Tang Bohu, it was just a split-second.


Tang Bohu suddenly exerted force beneath his feet. With a sway of his body, he jumped out from the crowd of people and, like a swift shooting star, rushed towards the bandit's direction.

At the same time, Loong Tian raised the spear in his hand like lightning. In the instant right in front of his eyes, there were only two figures, two dots! They were two robbers, and at this moment, Loong Tian's condition was at its peak!



Two shots were fired consecutively, all of them hitting!

The bandit that was standing closer to him directly exploded his head! It fell down! As for the boss who was holding onto a submachine gun, in the short moment when the two shots were fired, his body reflexively moved slightly and the bullet struck his right arm!

"Pah!" He screamed in pain as the gun in his hand fell to the ground with a thud!

The final bandit was precisely Tang Bohu's target!

After hearing the gunshot, the bandit was stunned for a moment. He immediately turned around and saw the last person he would ever see in this world! No, he had only seen a fist, and it was getting closer and closer to him!

Tang Bohu clenched both his hands into fists, and in a split-second, he arrived in front of the bandit. Without any hesitation, he punched towards the bandit's head!

"Bam!" The robber did not even have the time to raise his gun before he fell to the ground!

Tang Bohu kept moving, because he still felt a sense of danger wrapped around his heart. The number of times he felt this way today, Tang Bohu believed in this feeling very firmly!

His left hand swung out like lightning and struck the bandit's wrist. Before the bandit fell to the ground, Tang Bohu had already snatched his gun away from him.

"Loong Tian, catch it!" The reason why Tang Bohu would not shoot was so that he could help steal the spear again. Don't forget, there were still two robbers left!

Loong Tian leaped up, and caught the gun thrown by Tang Bohu!

Then, just at this time, Tang Bohu's eyes flashed with a bright light, suddenly turning to look at the big boss who had injured his arm! The boss was actually lying on the ground. His left hand had picked up a gun!

"Danger! All of you, get down! "

Tang Bohu shouted as he charged forward like an arrow, his wrist suddenly jerked, and in an instant, a sonic boom could be heard. A silvery light appeared very conspicuous at this moment, and its speed could even compare to a bullet.

Ah!" The bandit boss cried out miserably. His left hand was bleeding profusely! The handgun naturally fell from his hand!

"Shoot!" Tang Bohu shouted. Loong Tian moved quickly, heading in the direction of the bandit boss. "Bang!" OneHeadShotWithoutExplanation!

"Everyone, hurry up and charge out!"

Loong Tian shouted loudly. He quickly used a cover to stand in a favorable position, his eyes staring at the corridor inside the bank. Because, there were still two robbers who could come out from the tunnel at any time!

Tang Bohu immediately rushed to the woman's side and picked up the child.

All of these things happened, but in a short span of half a minute, some of the people trembled even more after hearing the gunshot. It was only when Loong Tian shouted that the citizens woke up, and used all of their energy to run out, afraid that they would be left in this terrifying place forever!

These people were just ordinary citizens. How could they have ever experienced such a worrisome experience in their entire lives?

The woman was even more anxious as she walked to Tang Bohu's side and hugged the child. "Yun'er, you're so anxious that you killed mother!" Tightly hugging the child, he was extremely excited!

A child is the flesh and blood of a mother. If something were to happen to a child, the mother might not be happy for the rest of her life. She might even feel guilty for the rest of her life and blame herself for harming the child!

"Big Sis, you guys should go first! There will always be danger here! " At this moment, Tang Bohu also felt gratified. Saving someone turned out to be such a happy thing, Tang Bohu finally understood it all today!

For some reason, when Tang Bohu saw that the mother and child were safe and sound, he felt an indescribable sense of comfort from the bottom of his heart.

"Little brother, it's all thanks to you today!"

She was grateful from the bottom of her heart to Tang Bohu, "My name is Yun Ruofeng, this is my name card, what do I call you, little brother?" Yun Ruofeng wanted to find an opportunity to repay Tang Bohu for saving his life.

Tang Bohu received the name card with a faint smile, "My name is Tang Feng!"

"Big Brother, your surname is Tang?" At this time, Yun Ruofeng's child also spoke up, she was just scared half to death by the robbers, and after seeing Tang Bohu's great strength, her eyes were filled with worship for Tang Bohu, "I am also surnamed Tang, I am called Tang Qingyun! Big brother is so amazing! "

"Good girl Qing Yun, quickly follow your mother out!" Tang Bohu laughed.

"There's a gunshot from inside?" Outside the bank, Feng Ziming's heart had already risen to his throat. The ten minutes that the robbers had spoken had only been reduced by half, how could there be gunshots?

If it wasn't related to the lives of more than thirty citizens, Feng Ziming really wanted to charge forward and fiercely kill this group of robbers.

"Officer Feng, look! The door is open, someone is running out from inside!" At this moment, a policeman shouted.

Feng Ziming was startled, he looked towards the door and saw that the situation was developing further than he expected, but it was not enough to make him into a mess, "Everyone listen up, be more alert, pay attention to the people inside, do not shoot casually! In order to avoid accidentally harming the citizens! "


"Sir, something must have happened. The people who rushed out were all citizens, and we stopped them to ask questions!" However, all of them were still in a state of shock and were unable to get anything out of it for the time being! " A policeman came to report.

Feng Ziming nodded his head, no matter what happened inside, he felt relieved, because when the citizens escaped, the impact of the incident dropped by a lot!

"It should be Loong Tian taking action!" Feng Ziming thought, and then shouted out loud: "Everyone continue to be on guard, a group of people listen to the order, surround them and move towards the entrance of the bank! "Pay attention to the situation!"

When Feng Ziming's voice fell, his eyes suddenly glared, and his entire body involuntarily shivered. He did not care about the danger, and anxiously rushed forward.

Feng Ziming's line of sight was precisely at Yun Ruofeng's mother's and son's location. At this moment, Tang Qing Yun looked at the surrounding policemen with curiosity, as if he had forgotten about the danger that had just occurred.

"Boss Yun, you-you're in there too?" Feng Ziming was so shocked that he almost stuttered when he spoke. He was able to maintain a calm under such a dangerous situation, but now, he just saw a woman lose her composure.

At the same time, when Feng Ziming saw that the mother and son were unscathed, he took a deep breath, thinking of himself as lucky. If this mother and child were to encounter any danger, Feng Ziming simply did not dare to imagine the outcome!

Thank goodness! Thank goodness!

Feng Ziming kept sighing.

"So it's Captain Feng," Yun Ruofeng smiled slightly, and her body naturally emitted a noble and graceful temperament. Strangely, when she was facing Tang Bohu just now, her temperament did not reveal even the slightest bit, "Don't worry, I'm fine!"

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