The two Hee Family Brothers held their breaths tightly. Their eyes only contained the silver white light that was like a bolt of lightning, and they couldn't help but have a kind of palpitation in their hearts, trembling without fighting!


The high speed smashing coin brought with it a force that was hard for an ordinary person to understand, and it ruthlessly struck the Wavelet Shield in Hessen's hand, causing a loud sound of explosion!

"Humph!" He Sen groaned as he frowned deeply. There was even a trace of red on the corner of his mouth.

This coin of Tang Bohu's was even more powerful than he had expected!

"Crack crack." The water armor that had been unharmed by Loong Tian's spear just now actually cracked, and in less than three seconds, it shattered! As for the silver white coin, it still retained its thunderous momentum as it ruthlessly struck the Wind Shield in He Tao's hand!

Without personally experiencing it, it was simply impossible to imagine how terrifying Tang Bohu's strike could be!

He Tao tightly bit on his lips as the expression on his face became more painful. Without a doubt, the Wind Shield was also unable to stop Tang Bohu's coin!

Just who was this youth?

Could it be that they came from that department of the nation?

As an Adept who wasn't an ordinary person, he would naturally be aware of things that ordinary people didn't know about.

In reality, of the five Hee Family brothers, the last two were not surnamed He, but rather that the three Hee Family brothers had invited them to deceive people.

Their goal was to worry about the department in the country discovering that they had superpowers. At that time, they would have to face true experts and not ordinary people!

However, today, he had actually failed miserably. He had really met an expert! Therefore, the first thing the Hee Family brothers suspected was that Tang Bohu was sent by the nation!

At this time, the Hee Family brothers no longer had any intentions of fighting for the sect anymore! He Tao suddenly shouted loudly. The Wind Shield in his hand unexpectedly left his hand and he pushed the coin backwards! Two seconds later.

"Explode!" He Tao spat out a mouthful of blood, and immediately after, the wind shield in the air exploded, its power not to be underestimated.

Tang Bohu took a step forward, his body protecting Loong Tian. All of the Qi in his body had turned into luck, as if it was enveloped by a transparent shield, the explosion of the wind shield could not hurt him at all!

And at this time, the Hee Family brothers would not wait for Tang Bohu's counterattack. They hastily threw away the bag of money and disappeared around the corner! If he couldn't even keep his life, what was the point of having money? It seems that the Hee Family brothers are quite wise.

However, their mistake was meeting Tang Bohu today!

Tang Bohu slightly sneered, "Want to run?"

His figure flashed and he too dashed towards the corner!

Although the Hee Family brothers' capabilities were strange, Tang Bohu had tested them just now, and the power wasn't as strong as he had imagined. Furthermore, the two Hee Family brothers had both suffered from different degrees of injuries earlier, Tang Bohu was very confident that they would not be able to escape his pursuit!

This battle happened too quickly! The people outside only heard a few explosions, but, after rushing in, they did not discover anything, and only Loong Tian was present.

"Loong Tian, what's the situation now?" At the same time, Feng Ziming also rushed in. Seeing Loong Tian's absent-minded look, he shouted loudly.

Loong Tian anxiously saluted to Feng Ziming: "Feng Da!"

Then, thinking of that unbelievable fight just now, he could not help but feel bitter in his heart. If there were more people with this kind of ability, what use would the police be?

This matter could be said to be a huge blow to Loong Tian, especially that world shocking coin of Tang Bohu's. In addition to being grateful towards him, Loong Tian was even more shocked from the bottom of his heart!

"Loong Tian!" Feng Ziming noticed that Loong Tian's mental state was a little unstable, and said: "Tell me what happened just now, where are those two robbers?"

Loong Tian's eyes swept across the ground, and immediately picked up two coins, and handed them over to Feng Ziming: "Feng Da, look at this."

"This …"

Feng Ziming originally only saw one side of the coin protruding out. Although it was strange, he wasn't too surprised, but when Loong Tian saw the other side of the coin, he felt an electric shock. He opened his eyes wide, and received the coin in shock.

As for the coin, it was impressively embedded with a genuine bullet!

"What's going on?"

A scene suddenly appeared in Feng Ziming's mind. Bullets flew out from the muzzles and on the other side, at the same time, a coin was thrown out at an even faster speed, colliding violently with the bullets! Bang!


Feng Ziming shook his head and threw out the coin. The strength and speed of the coin exceeded a bullet. If it was a coincidence, but if one and two were like this, how could it be a coincidence? However, Feng Ziming was unable to explain the situation.

"Feng Da, listen to me." Loong Tian slowly thought back to it.

At this moment, on the roof of the bank's building.

In a 1v2 fight, the three figures faced each other at a distance of around five meters. It was precisely Tang Bohu and the Hee Family brothers.

"Hur hur, all of you should obediently surrender!"

Tang Bohu gave a bland laugh, as if he was relaxed and at ease as he stood high above on the roof's railing, looking down at the Hee Family brothers from above.

"In your dreams!"

Hessen said coldly. He moved his feet slightly and prepared to fight with his life on the line. The bad things they had done in the past few years were enough for them to die more than a hundred times.

He could only give it his all!

As for escaping?

The thought from a few minutes ago had now completely disappeared. This was because the boy in front of them was much faster than them!

No matter which direction they fled in, the youth would immediately appear on the railing in front of them. He had a smile on his face and was extremely casual, clearly not using his full strength.

"Then let me see your abilities again!" Tang Bohu smiled slightly and leaped into the air, transforming into a phantom as he flew towards the two Hee Family brothers.

"Wind Blade Slash!"

He Tao anxiously took a step back, and his eyes flashed with a yellow light. The blade-like wind blades fiercely slashed towards Tang Bohu, and at the same time, He Sen dodged in the opposite direction.

The two brothers separated in an instant and immediately attacked fiercely at the same time. The same yellow light flashed and a few sharp Water Arrow appeared out of nowhere in his hands. "Water Arrow Arts!"

One on the left, one on the right, one on the wind and one on the water.

"Haha, good!" When Tang Bohu's attack failed, without any hesitation, he laughed loudly, then jumped up as if he was stepping on air. Luck came from both hands, and both fists struck ferociously towards the incoming attack!


No matter if it was the blades or the Water Arrow, they were all just a type of energy formed from the strange powers within the bodies of the Hee Family brothers! Tang Bohu did not even try to dodge, and directly used force to meet force with force!

A single strength was enough to defeat ten!

In front of absolute strength, any technique was useless. Furthermore, in Tang Bohu's opinion, although this kind of power was strange, after being in contact with it, Tang Bohu felt that it was incomparable to inner force!

Furthermore, Tang Bohu realized that there were two special features to the ability that the Hee Family brothers had. One, that yellow light would appear in their eyes when they used it, making it extremely strange. Second, the source of their power did not seem to be stored in their dantian. Rather, it came directly from their brain, making it even stranger!

What was even stranger was that these strange forces seemed to have borrowed the power of nature. One was the power of the wind, and the other was the power of water! How in the world did he train like this? Curiosity rose in Tang Bohu's heart.

The two Hee Family brothers felt as if they had been struck by a heavy object, and a powerful force directly struck towards them. They each spat out a mouthful of blood, and suddenly retreated a few steps!

The difference was too great! He was not a match at all! Tang Bohu did not even use a move. Relying on his brute force, he was invincible!

He Sen and He Tao looked at each other. Both of them had a trace of despair in their eyes. Both of them gritted their teeth. This was probably the most difficult battle since their Discipline had been awakened! Moreover, there was no way to compare their strength!

However, if they didn't fight, then they would die!

Of course, He Sen was not willing to let this go. With a loud shout, a water-like sharp sword appeared in his hand. At the same time, two curved blade-like blades appeared in He Tao's hands. Killing intent surged!

"You aren't convinced?" Tang Bohu indifferently swayed his body, looking extremely satisfied. He casually picked up a wooden pole on the rooftop and chuckled, "Taste the three strikes I just used today!"

Tang Bohu leaped up, stepping on the railing, borrowing the force of the swing, he flipped his body over, and raised the wooden stick in his hand high up, "The number one pole of the dog beating three times, sweeping through the entire army like a roll!"

The wooden pole that carried the force of ten thousand kilograms swept down ferociously, welcoming He Sen and He Tao's water swords and blades, letting out a clear sound, it shook the two of them until their mouths were aching, but in the next second, Tang Bohu's second pole had already struck down viciously!

"Haha, the second staff of the dog, the Flying Dragon Breaks the Ten Thousand Arrays in the Sky!" Tang Bohu turned the pole into ten pole, ten pole into a hundred pole, one hundred pole into a thousand pole, ten thousand pole into ten thousand pole, the pole shadows kept moving, it never disappeared!

"The final move, the third move of the dog beating rod, hiding the strength of tigers and dragons and bowing their heads!" Tang Bohu shouted out one last time, and the moment he said that, the pole shadow stopped!

"Bang!" "Bam!"

The two Hee Family brothers stared at the two sticks in front of them with difficulty. However, as the third stick swung towards them, they could only watch helplessly as the wooden stick ruthlessly smashed towards their chests like a phantom!


The two brothers were smashed to the ground. They struggled for a few moments, but were unable to muster up any strength! Tang Bohu's attack had directly injured his internal organs, and for a moment, even the gods would not be able to stand up!

"How is it? Do you want to continue? " Tang Bohu retracted his staff and jumped back onto the railing once again. He did not panic nor gasped for breath, he just smiled faintly.

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