At this time, Tang Bohu was standing right in front of the black-clothed men, his cold question caused the black-clothed man to tremble, and each of them involuntarily took a few steps back. Obviously, Tang Bohu's strike earlier had left a shadow in their hearts, and when they looked at Tang Bohu, there was also some panic.

"What are you bunch of trash standing around for?"

At this time, when Knife-Scarred Man saw that the situation had unexpectedly fallen on Tang Bohu's side, he could not help but roar, "Go! Get on with it! Two fists is no match for four hands, fuck you! "

Hearing Knife-Scarred Man's loud shout, the dozen or so black-clothed men suddenly came to their senses. Firstly, I have many people, and secondly, I even brought this fellow along. Yet, I was actually scared by this brat. This is too disgraceful!

Ah!" The black-clothed man shouted in unison, and immediately brandished a shiny machete from his waist, rushing towards Tang Bohu with a sinister expression. This time, if it was an ordinary person, they would definitely turn into meat paste!

"Be careful!"

The red clothed female also shouted loudly, as a dozen or so machetes rushed towards her direction. Although Tang Bohu was blocking in front, just this aura alone was enough to make people's hearts palpitate, let alone resisting them, the red clothed female did not realize that her heart was actually filled with worry for Tang Bohu.

"Hehe", at that moment of life and death, Tang Bohu actually turned around and giggled at the lady in red. His relaxed appearance made it seem as if he did not put the black-clothed men in his eyes at all, as if what they were holding in their hands were not machetes, but noodles.

Actually, Tang Bohu did not think much of this group of people, his steps were weak and he did not have the slightest confidence. Could it be, people in this era can only bully people by relying on numbers and weapons?

Tang Bohu was suspicious, in the Ming Dynasty, if he casually walked onto the streets and caught a person in the martial arts world, he might be an expert that could walk across walls. However, in five hundred years, did he lose all those martial arts manuals? It was also because the aptitude of the people right now was too low and there were not many people who practiced martial arts.

Tang Bohu didn't know that this was an era of firearms, and the spear in his hands was much easier to use than those illusory martial arts that he had trained for a long time. Naturally, there weren't many people who came to train.

As the blade light flashed, Tang Bohu laughed coldly in his heart, "His attacks were unsteady, without any signs of besieging anyone. They are simply a motley crowd!

"Slipping his feet, Tang Bohu didn't even need to turn his head to dodge the blade of the first black-clothed man. He immediately jumped up with both feet and sent a kick flying horizontally towards him.

"Bang!" The tip of his foot came into close contact with the black-clothed man's chest. The black-clothed man didn't even have the time to scream before he was pushed back a few meters with a "chattering sound."

"Boss, I'm afraid this guy is a practitioner!" One of the people beside Knife-Scarred Man whispered in his ear.

The Knife-Scarred Man also nodded his head. His originally indifferent expression slowly faded as he watched Tang Bohu shuttle back and forth amidst the crowd, as if he was in a human realm. He would occasionally punch or kick a person, making a man lose the ability to resist.

"Awesome!" Knife-Scarred Man could not help but let out a breath of cold air, he had no doubt that even though the few big sized men were holding sharp blades in their hands, Tang Bohu had caught them with just the time left.

Knife-Scarred Man was already thinking about what to do next. Although there were more people here, they were all part of his family and he did not want to suffer too much loss. The gang had just lost their leader's heart, and Knife-Scarred Man still needed to rely on these hundred people to increase the number of chips for him to take the position of boss.

He had thought that he would be able to smoothly capture the woman in red if he found her traces. At that time, he would be able to sit at the top seat. That would be a matter of nails nailing down a wooden board! Who would have thought that this girl was so relaxed because she had this number one expert by her side!

This sudden turn of events caught Knife-Scarred Man unprepared.

In truth, the woman in red was also bewildered. He didn't expect his luck to be so explosive. A random trash collector was actually a peerless expert!

The woman in red had already begun calculating in her heart. She should wait until this matter was over before going to the dumpster and circling around to see if she could recruit a few more experts.

If Tang Bohu knew what the lady in red was thinking right now, he would be so shocked that he would lose his mind. He was said to be picking up trash for now, yet he still wanted to go around a few rounds and get along with a few more? Do you really think this expert is so rampant?

Forget about the modern society, even when the Ming Dynasty was filled with martial arts, Tang Bohu was still considered one of the top! Tang Family Overlord Lance! At that time, he was ranked second on the weapons catalogue, and was not a joke.

"Ah!" "Clang!"

The screams of the last man, as well as the sound of his weapon hitting the ground, signaled the end of the fight. It was not so much a fight as a beating. Tang Bohu had beaten up dozens of men with swords in hand.

But this fact was in front of him, and he had to believe it.

Tang Bohu habitually flung his sleeves and turned around, "Miss, are you alright?"

The lady in red had not yet woken up from the shock brought by Tang Bohu. With a "En" sound, she did not say anything else, Tang Bohu shook his head and looked towards Knife-Scarred Man, trying to capture the thief first. If he wanted to end tonight's matter quickly, he would need to capture this Knife-Scarred Man.

"No no no!" Knife-Scarred Man seemed to have seen through Tang Bohu's intentions, he looked at his subordinate who was groaning on the ground and shuddered, and then said: "This brother, I wonder, which way is it?"

The son of the Knife-Scarred Man had already decided, he would not fight with Tang Bohu anymore for the time being. That way, even if he could win against Tang Bohu using human sea tactics, he would have to pay a huge price.

"Empty is not for any reason!"

Tang Bohu squinted his eyes. Since Knife-Scarred Man had no intention to continue, Tang Bohu naturally did not want to make things difficult for him any further. After all, today was the first day of the modern era.

"I don't know. But boss, are you satisfied with this answer?"

"Satisfied! "Of course I'm satisfied!"

Knife-Scarred Man laughed as if he had forgotten about the fight between him and Tang Bohu, "I am Li Gang! May I know your name, Young Hero? "

After thinking about it, Knife-Scarred Man decided to use the term Young Hero to describe Tang Bohu, because, other than this, Knife-Scarred Man didn't know how to address him anymore.

Tang Bohu paused for a moment, then said, "A single name with the word 'Feng'!" "Feng!"

Tang Bohu almost said that he was Tang Bohu! Fortunately, he stopped himself in time and said the word 'Feng'. Since he was going to use this body and name it, of course he would have to move it over as well.

"Tang Feng?" Li Gang searched his mind but could not find any similar characters. "Haha, I've heard a lot about you!" Li Gang cupped his hands and smiled.

Tang Bohu's forehead turned black. It seems like this is our first day in this modern society, right? But, Tang Bohu was also one of the four great scholars of Jiangnan, so he blurted out these words, "Heh, heh, my apologies! "Li Gang, Boss Li, the reputation of this area is not small!"

"Not at all, not at all!"

The woman in red felt as if her eyes were about to pop out. Just what kind of matter was this? They had been beating each other to death just a moment ago, but now they were suddenly like two brotherly brothers that were intimately close to each other. Wasn't Taiji a bit too skillful?

Had the world changed?

The woman in red couldn't help but suspect that she had killed their boss! It wasn't killing their family's chicken, so a few words of apology would have been enough.

"Could it be that it's really like what that kid said, that there's no need to make a move for the sake of the death of our boss?" The red-clothed girl couldn't help but think.

"Hur Hur, brother, you are truly brilliant. I'm impressed from the bottom of my heart!" Tai Chi was still fighting. Tang Bohu had already praised Li Gang to the point of being brilliant!

"How is that Young Hero's invincible martial arts? That is what makes people feel admiration from the bottom of their hearts!"

Tang Bohu never thought that, on the very first day he arrived in this modern world, he would already obtain the title of Unrivaled under the heavens! He had defeated more than ten men and made himself invincible. This world was truly small!

"You're welcome."

The two kept going back and forth. Not only the woman in red, but even Li Gang's brothers couldn't help but look at each other in dismay. What was going on? Was he going to fight or not?

"Haha!" Knife-Scarred Man suddenly laughed out loud, and said to everyone, "Everyone let me introduce you, the person beside me is my good brother who has been missing for many years, the number one expert in the world, Tang Feng!"

Isn't this too fake? With just a few words, she had become a long-lost brother! If he said a few more words, he might not be an illegitimate child. Of course, if Li Gang could have such an illegitimate child, he would probably wake up laughing even in his sleep.

"In the future, when everyone meets Brother Tang Feng, everyone must greet him well, understand?" Knife-Scarred Man shouted, that aura, if you did not shout, I would not forgive you!

"Understood!" There was a chorus of sounds.

"If you understand, hurry up and call me Elder Brother Feng!"

"Elder Brother Feng!" There was another chorus of sounds.

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