"You …" Qi Tianya's eyes opened wider than a copper bell, his fingers trembling as he pointed at Number Seven who was in front of him. His face was filled with incredulity, he suddenly retreated, and muttered under his breath, "Impossible, impossible!"

Qi Tianya was extremely familiar with his "Meteor Fireball"! It could be said that under the green light, almost no one could withstand this move!

And it was even Number Seven who was caught off guard, charging straight at him!

The fireball surged forward, and although Number Seven was vigilant, with the speed of the fireball, he could easily dodge it.

Therefore, Qi Tianya determined that Number Seven did not accumulate any energy to defend, but to avoid the attack. This was a battle style that most people would choose to use, if possible, he would first avoid the fierce attack, and then take the opportunity to strike back with his fatal strike!

Qi Tianya was very haughty and smart, this move of his caught hold of a person's basic mentality! When his opponent felt confident enough to dodge the attack, he suddenly used his wind-attribute superpower to increase his speed! He had completely disrupted the other party's judgement, thus achieving the goal of obtaining victory!

This time, Qi Tianya relied on this move to succeed! Number Seven was caught off guard and was immediately engulfed by the sea of fire!

But, this was what Qi Tianya could not accept!

Number Seven came out of the sea of fire and was bombarded by countless fireballs, but he was completely fine! This undoubtedly caused Qi Tianya's arrogant heart to receive a fierce blow! Having his ultimate move broken by someone of the same level, Qi Tianya's expression immediately became silent.

People had to have self-confidence, but being overly self-confident was being too conceited!

Qi Tianya was a very conceited person, conceited people have one characteristic, which is their blind confidence in a certain aspect that they are good at!

The feeling of being looked down on by someone else would always haunt their mind at all times. If this feeling of self-confidence was broken, the impact they would receive would be hard to imagine.

It was exactly like this for the current Qi Tianya. After the shock passed from his face, it became as silent as water, and then he muttered: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! "

"Humph!" Wind and Fire, it seems that this protector has underestimated you! " Number Seven smilingly stepped forward a few steps, the killing intent on his face suddenly surging, "But, what a pity, such a talented dual element talent is going to perish here today!"

Heavenly Law Religion was an evil sect in the first place, and could be said to be the antithesis of the country! Normally, it was fine if he didn't have the opportunity, but now, this rare opportunity to weaken the enemy, how could Number Seven let it go?

It was definitely extremely rare for a superpower to awaken two elements at the same time. In the entire Heavenly Law Religion, other than the mysterious sect master, only she and the other protector had a dual-attribute superpower! Otherwise, Number Seven would not have been able to withstand Qi Tianya's fierce attack!

To personally eliminate a young man with great potential from the enemy, this was something anyone would be willing to do!

At this moment, as Number Seven and Qi Tianya were confronting each other, Yun Yang also quickly walked to Qi Tianya's side with a serious expression.

They had seen Qi Tianya's "Meteor Fire Rain" many times, and the powerful might had entered their minds. However, this Heavenly Law Religion number 7 had actually received this move without being harmed at all, which meant that the enemy's strength had already exceeded their expectations!

However, as partners, even if they knew they were no match, they would never abandon their comrades and choose to flee! Together, advance and retreat!

This was a belief that had always been instilled into their minds! Even if it was Yun Yang who did not have a good relationship with him in private, at this moment, Yun Yang was also standing by his side resolutely. Compared to national affairs, personal relationships, Yun Yang had his own choice!


In the shadows of a corner, Tang Bohu secretly cursed. This kid, even though he knew he couldn't defeat his opponent, he still didn't want to think of escaping.

Tang Bohu would never think that he could disregard Qi Tianya's life, but Yun Yang couldn't!

Letting out a sigh, Tang Bohu raised his guard slightly. He still had a lot of questions to ask Yun Yang, if he died just like that, it would be terrible.

"The same mid-tier green light from a dual-attribute?"

At this moment, Qi Tianya finally noticed the eyes of Number Seven, and his heart was filled with even more shock. He faintly understood why he had failed, even though he was also of two elements, but his own wind-type superpower was only of a low level, the strength that Number Seven revealed was already stronger than him.

Moreover, Number Seven's second ability must also be very powerful. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been able to protect her in that split-second!

Yun Yang's heart trembled at the same time. Tonight, he feared that the odds were against him! Even so, there was not a single trace of fear on their faces. Every time they carried out a mission, they would ignore it!

"What is it? Do you really think you're the only one who has dual Discipline? " "Hehe," Number Seven suddenly giggled, and then immediately teased Qi Tianya charmingly, "We are of the double element, we are simply a match made in heaven. How about you abandon your cover and join our Heavenly Law Religion?"

After number 7 said this, his eyes suddenly flashed with a bewitching look, as though there was some sort of enchantment hidden within, attracting Qi Tianya's attention. Qi Tianya's eyes suddenly flashed a look of blankness.

"Be careful!" Yun Yang suddenly roared out and pushed Qi Tianya, causing him to retreat a few steps back as well!


With a loud noise, Qi Tianya's entire body shivered and he regained clarity. Only now did he realize that the place he was standing at, was actually a pit, and it was obviously caused by the powerful Water Arrow of number 7!

Qi Tianya's heart was overwhelmed with shock. He did not know what method Number Seven used, but it actually caused his mind to fall into disarray, and he was completely stunned. If not for Yun Yang's quick reaction, he would probably have been killed already!

Qi Tianya's expression suddenly became complicated, he gave Yun Yang a grateful look, and his face immediately became ice-cold, looking at Number 7, this was the first time Qi Tianya encountered something like this!

Of course, Qi Tianya wished that he could smash Number Seven to pieces!

"Heavenly Law Religion, looks like the country has to re-evaluate you!" Indeed, Number Seven was not weak, but he could only be ranked number seven. It could be seen that the strength of his Heavenly Law Religion had far surpassed the national expectations, so he had to kill him as soon as possible!

Number Seven's expression also changed, it was obvious that she understood what Qi Tianya meant, but she immediately turned around and smiled, "Then, you guys don't need to leave today!" Number Seven understood, once Qi Tianya and the others escaped, what was waiting for their Heavenly Law Religion would be a calamity!

Although the Heavenly Law Religion was gradually becoming stronger, compared to the Guardian of China, it was the nation's sword! The disparity was still too great. If the country wanted to exterminate them, it was not impossible to find their lair with just a little effort!

The killing intent on Number Seven's face became even stronger! At this moment, both sides were in a dead-end situation!

A green light flashed in his eyes. This time, Number 7 didn't hold anything back!

"Bind!" With a loud shout from Number Seven, in an instant, countless green vines suddenly appeared from his body, they were densely packed and shot towards Qi Tianya and the other two.

"Wood type superpower?" Qi Tianya's expression changed greatly. He finally understood why Number Seven wasn't afraid of his Meteor Fire Rain anymore. Her second ability was actually a rare wood type superpower!

It wasn't that Number Seven wasn't injured, but that he had been instantly healed by the fireball!

The most striking feature of a wood Discipline was its ability to heal. A life force as strong as grass and trees could be given to the user at any time. Even if the user was seriously injured, he would be able to recover in a short period of time.

Not to mention that Number Seven also had a water-type ability, which had quite a great healing effect!

Although Number Seven's defense was not as good as Tian Qing's earth attribute superpower, just his terrifying recovery ability was enough to shock his opponent!

A ray of sword aura was released, causing Yun Yang's face to change, the hardness of the vine far exceeded his expectations! It was like slashing down on a giant boulder. There was no effect at all!

Yun Yang's strength, when compared to Number Seven, was simply too weak! Zi Yan was the same, the difference between the yellow and green lights made her feel like she was suffocating!

Amongst the three of them, most likely Qi Tianya still had some strength left to fight!

At this point of time, Qi Tianya could not hesitate any further. A dense flame quickly ignited in his hand, and in an instant, it turned into a long snake spitting fire, hissing as it climbed onto the vine!

Fire spread on the rattan. The five elements resisted each other; fire countered wood! Qi Tianya's Fire Serpent had played a role, the vines' momentum quickly dropped, as though they were gathering energy to deal with the wrapped fire serpents!

There was hope! Qi Tianya had just experienced the power of number seven, so he did not dare be careless now. He waved his finger again, and yet another fire snake flew out! A few fire serpents were emitted from Qi Tianya's hands, all of them shooting towards the countless vines!

After a few minutes, Qi Tianya's forehead was already drenched in sweat. Although the fire serpents could stop the vines, with several fire serpents released, Qi Tianya had used up too many Spiritual Force s, and could not do anything for a long period of time.

At this time, Yun Yang suddenly advanced with his sword, although he had used up all of his Qi when he was using the Cloud Shadow Sword Art, but after adjusting, he had recovered quite a bit, so of course Yun Yang did not want to sit still and wait for death!

The sword in his hand was infused with unique inner strength as he viciously swung it down once again!

A sword light flashed. "Swish!" A vine fell to the ground!

"Sure enough!" Yun Yang's heart seemed to have recovered some of his confidence, with a flick of his wrist, he continued to wave the sword forward!

The vines that Yun Yang was attacking with, were all coiled up with the fire serpents that Qi Tianya had released. Although the vines were strong, after resisting the fire serpents' attack, their resistance was definitely not as strong as before.


"Shua!" "Swish!"

At this time, Yun Yang's sword had played an extremely important role. Zi Yan had a water-attributed superpower, so under the struggle between earth and fire, she didn't dare act rashly. Otherwise, she would instead help her opponent!

However, this was like a reminder to Number Seven! Number Seven also had water-attribute superpowers!

Feeling the vines suddenly retreating bit by bit, Number Seven's expression didn't change at all. Instead, he sneered, "Let's end it!" Green light flashed rapidly, and the light blue water overflowed the vine!

The water nourished the earth, but the fire extinguished!

More importantly, all the water and earth elements came from the same source, number 7! There was no rejection at all between them! The water was like a sweet spring that moistened the rattan! The rattan seemed to have been given a life of its own. It suddenly let out a joyful low groan, and in an instant, it burst forth with a powerful force!

The fire serpents were instantly extinguished!

"Puff!" Qi Tianya spat out a mouthful of fresh blood. He had clearly suffered a considerable backlash! The expression on his face was even more horrified. Number Seven's strength was definitely higher than his by more than a level!

Complementary abilities of both the earth and water elements. Even if he were to face an upper level Adept, Number Seven wouldn't necessarily lose!

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