Tang Bohu was startled, he looked at Ma Xiaoming with a puzzled expression, seeing that he looked as if he was about to die, he was even more confused, "What are you doing? What do you mean I have to take pity on you? " Tang Bohu was now like a thirty feet tall monk, he was at a loss.

Tang Bohu turned around to look at Yun Yang, only to see him staring at him vigilantly. Immediately after, he spoke in an annoyed tone, "What are you two doing?"

Tang Bohu did not know, but the two good brothers were worried that Tang Bohu had taken them!

Seeing the two of them not saying a word, Tang Bohu curled his lips and immediately took off the necklace on Ma Xiaoming's chest. He shook it a little and asked, "This thing is yours?" The necklace didn't look that special, it was just an ordinary street stall. The most eye-catching part was the word "Ming" engraved on the pendant!

Ma Xiaoming was stunned, he calmed himself down and sat up straight: "You wanted to remove my necklace?"

"What do you think it is?" Tang Bohu glanced at Ma Xiaoming in annoyance, "You still haven't answered me, is this your necklace?" From Tang Bohu's tone, the necklace seemed to be rather big.

"This is mine!"

Ma Xiaoming and Yun Yang's tensed state of mind finally relaxed, after that, Ma Xiaoming was confused, it was just an ordinary necklace.

If Tang Bohu said that this was the reason why he was saved, even if he was beaten to death he would not believe him. This necklace, even if he gave it to her, there might not be anyone who would want it, "Big Brother Tang, what does it have to do with you saving me?"

"If it's yours, then it's not wrong!" After receiving Ma Xiaoming's confirmation, Tang Bohu smiled slightly, "Is there a total of three necklaces, with the words' Ming 'and' Ling 'and' Feng 'engraved on them?"

Ma Xiaoming's expression changed, but even more so, it was filled with doubt, "How did you know?"

"Hehe." Tang Bohu laughed, "I also know that the 'Ling' character engraved on the necklace was worn by your sister Ma Xiao Ling. Right now, she is in Jincheng Third High School."

Why did Tang Bohu know it so well?

Actually, this was quite a coincidence.

Ma Xiaoming's sister, Ma Xiaoling, and Tang Bohu's sister Tang Yue were classmates. The two girls shared similar personalities, and their families were poor.

As a result, the two of them were very close. Tang Yue often invited Ma Xiao Ling to his house as a guest, and that way, Tang Bohu could get to know more about Ma Xiao Ling's family matters.

Although Tang Feng was in charge of his body at that time, but after his car accident, Tang Bohu had also merged with his memories.

When he saw the necklace on Ma Xiaoming's neck for the first time, Tang Bohu felt that it was a little familiar, and immediately thought of this, out of the relationship between his sister and Ma Xiao Ling, Tang Bohu had decided to take Ma Xiaoming down.

The more Ma Xiaoming listened, the more he felt apprehensive. It was as if Tang Bohu understood his family very well, but, Ma Xiaoming was sure that this was definitely the first time he had seen Tang Bohu today!

The two of them had never met before, but how did Tang Bohu know about his matters?

Countless bubbles appeared in Ma Xiaoming's mind, he was extremely confused, his eyes sized up Tang Bohu a few times, and guessed, "Could it be that you are someone I know, someone who just came back from a plastic surgery?"

Ma Xiaoming blurted out, and his words confirmed his guess even more.

Tang Bohu shot a glance at Ma Xiaoming, and said unhappily, "Use your toes to think, do you know anyone as wise and mighty as me?"

Tang Bohu continued without any shame, "Furthermore, with my looks, do I even need to undergo plastic surgery?" Tang Bohu sent a blind eye to Ma Xiaoming.

"Uh …" Ma Xiaoming really didn't know what to say.

"To tell you the truth!"

Seeing Ma Xiaoming's confused look, Tang Bohu decided to tell him about the relationship between his sister and his own sister, and then laughed: "You should give your sister a big red packet. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't even bother to risk offending that little person to save you!"

Although Tang Bohu's words were spoken with a joking tone, it was a fact. Tang Bohu knew very well that if he offended today, he would definitely take revenge in the future. Furthermore, he would definitely take revenge when there was a chance, even if there was no chance.

Only by ruthlessly punishing Tang Bohu could his vanity be balanced.

Ma Xiaoming understood the truth of the matter at this moment, but continued to say seriously, "Big Brother Tang, no matter what, since you saved me this time, I will definitely repay you for saving my life!"

Only those who had faced death would know that death was much more terrifying than they had imagined! Death is like the extinguishing of a lamp. Closing his eyes, he took a step and left the world forever.

Ma Xiaoming had almost lost his life today. Before he died, he regretted that he didn't avenge Xiu-Er. Even if he met his in the netherworld, he wouldn't be able to feel at ease!

And if he died, what pain would his brother, his sister, his family face? The more Ma Xiaoming thought about it, the more his heart trembled.

The moment Tang Bohu saved it, it was as if Ma Xiaoming was given a new lease of life, and his soul also underwent a transformation. At this moment, although the hatred was still not weakened in the slightest, Ma Xiaoming could already control it, and it was no longer hanging on his face.

Even if he could not take revenge now, ten years was not too late. One day, Ma Xiaoming believed that he would definitely kill Meng Youran with his own hands to obtain Xiu-Er's spirit in heaven!

Ma Xiaoming suddenly reached into his pocket and took out an object wrapped in black cloth, and said, "Big Brother Tang, this Crystal Special Ability was unintentionally found by me, I'll give it to you! Although Ancient Martial Cultivator cannot use it, you can. "

Ma Xiaoming's expression changed, "This is the most precious thing that I can take out, I hope Big Brother Tang can take it."

"Crystal Special Ability?" Tang Bohu felt a burst of curiosity, "Is this what they want from you?"

Tang Bohu did not decline and accepted the black object, "What kind of thing is it?" Tang Bohu said as he opened the black cloth.

At this time, Yun Yang interrupted and asked curiously, "You don't not even know about Crystal Special Ability, right?"

Although the Crystal Special Ability was a treasure to special ability users and the Ancient Martial Cultivator was not able to use it, but everyone who had reached a certain level knew about its existence. Therefore, Yun Yang's question made Yun Yang very suspicious.

Logically speaking, with Tang Bohu's level of cultivation, he should have come in contact with such things much earlier, and understand much more than that, right?

Yun Yang's confusion was still too early, he would have to wait for Tang Bohu to explain to him what the real Little White look like! There's no helping it, our Grand Scholar Tang is not a "local", they are from the "outsider" of five hundred years ago!

"I don't know!" Tang Bohu answered very straightforwardly.

He lifted the black cloth and suddenly, a ball of purple light flashed. At this time, a hexagonal purple crystal appeared in Tang Bohu's hand, it was about the size of an egg, sparkling and translucent. Inside, it seemed to contain a ball of purple mist, making it look extremely mysterious.

"Is this the so-called Crystal Special Ability?"

Tang Bohu looked around, and then placed the Crystal Special Ability on the table and knocked on it a few times, and then picked it up, and started to shake it non-stop in his hands, "It's pretty pretty beautiful, but it doesn't seem to be anything special. "It's much lighter than an egg."

Tang Bohu's eyes were filled with disdain, he thought, is this thing worth fighting to the death?

However, Tang Bohu did not notice, that Yun Yang's eyes were now much richer!

The moment Tang Bohu opened the black cloth, his eyes lit up. However, not long after, Yun Yang felt a sharp pain in his heart, because Tang Bohu actually hit the Crystal Special Ability ruthlessly against the table, as if he was using a diamond to play with the sand. Although he knew that the Crystal Special Ability would not be harmed, it was still inevitable that he would feel heartache!

Hearing Tang Bohu's words, Yun Yang became even more speechless, it seemed like in Tang Bohu's eyes, Crystal Special Ability was not even as important as an egg!

Yun Yang's eyes followed the movement of the Crystal Special Ability in Tang Bohu's hand, and exclaimed after a long while, "This Crystal Special Ability's quality, is definitely one of the top! However, what type was it? It shouldn't be fire attributed, right? "

Yun Yang asked Ma Xiaoming, who nodded.

The outside of the Crystal Special Ability was almost identical. There were two different places: first, the purple light was dazzling, and the more dazzling it was, the higher the quality was, and secondly, the mist inside the crystal was, and the denser it was, the higher the quality was!

It was much easier to determine the attributes of Crystal Special Ability. As long as it was a special ability user, they would be able to detect the mist inside the crystal using their Spiritual Force.

"But I don't know what kind of attribute it belongs to!" Ma Xiaoming suddenly said.

Yun Yang was startled, you don't know? What does that mean? 'Could it be … '

Yun Yang's eyes flashed with a light, "No wonder I treated this crystal with such importance, I'm afraid that this is one of the rare attributes!"

"Hey" Tang Bohu was confused, "What are you talking about? What kind of attributes? Yun Yang, explain to me, what exactly is the use of this so called Crystal Special Ability, and what kind of ability did it come to? "

"Cultivate?" Yun Yang now completely understood the degree of ignorance of the person in front of him. It was probably because he had never come into contact with superpowers before! Yun Yang had guessed right.

But, since Tang Bohu had asked, Yun Yang said, "Superpower isn't something that can be obtained through cultivation, it's an awakening!"

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