Without any change in emotion due to the referee giving Yu Yang such a high evaluation, he casually stuffed the palm-sized folding fan behind him, stepped forward, looked at the brush in front of him, and changed the topic, "Sorry, I also have a small request."

"Please speak!" Although Yu Yang's《 Stone Bamboo Painting》 had shocked the judges, the skill that Tang Bohu had displayed just now had completely changed their minds. As a result, their attitudes towards Tang Bohu were also different from before.

"Could I trouble you to prepare a piece of white paper nearly three meters wide and more than five meters long?"

Tang Bohu was not afraid of scaring people to death even when he spoke. Was he planning to create such a grand novel in half an hour? Even if it was just a casual drawing, it would at least take a long time!

However, the participants' requirements must be met as much as possible! The three judges looked at each other with doubt in their eyes. The old man with the goatee said, "This paper can be given to you, but," the old man said with a troubled expression, "Look, the table here doesn't reach the size of the paper you requested."

Tang Bohu smiled and waved, interrupting the old man's words, "This old sir, this is my second request, may I move all the tables? Just spread the white paper on the ground! "

On the ground?

Although the referee did not know what Tang Bohu was doing, he still decided to fulfill Tang Bohu's request and indicated for a few people to move the table forward!

"Sigh!" Wait a minute, "Tang Bohu suddenly remembered something, hurriedly walked forward two steps, and picked up the broom that was leaning on the table. He then smiled at the person who was carrying the table," You can carry it away now! "

"Tang Feng, what the hell are you doing?" At this time, since he had not officially started drawing, Yang Yuexin asked without any scruples. Her face was full of suspicion.

Hearing that, Tang Bohu gave a mysterious smile, "Just you wait, watch the show!"

However, Tang Bohu's eyes seemed to have noticed something, he quickly turned to Yang Yuexin and said: "Pear Blossom, do you have a basin the size of a washbasin? Give me one!"

Yang Yuexin gasped, her eyes almost popping out of their sockets. But at the moment, Tang Bohu was representing Danqing in his performance, so Yang Yuexin could only try her best to fulfill his request, and turn around, and not long later, he was back again, holding a red basin. Judging from its gorgeous color, it seemed like it was the washbasin Yang Yuexin usually used in her office.

Tang Bohu took the bowl with one hand. Not to mention saying thank you, he didn't even say thank you a single bit. As if he was at peace with himself, he indicated that Yang Yuexin could leave now!

Everything had been prepared!

Tang Bohu held onto the broom in one hand and the basin in the other, looking extremely wretched. He walked forward a few steps, and seeing that Yu Yang's expression was strange, he looked at him strangely, then laughed lightly and said, "Didn't you say just now, that I would use a broom to draw? Congratulations, your guess is correct! Today, I, Peach Blossom Tang Feng, will teach you a lesson about the true art of painting! "

Painting with a broom?

Tang Bohu's voice was not loud just now, so almost everyone heard his extremely 'arrogant' words. At the same time, curiosity rose in their eyes, could a broom actually be used as a painting? And it looked so big!

"Humph!" Do you think it's sweeping? Broom painting? " Seeing Tang Bohu create such a scene, he was initially worried, but now, he was more at ease. In Yu Yang's opinion, for Tang Bohu to use a broom to draw a picture, was just asking to be humiliated!

"Let's begin!" A referee urged. Half an hour later, the time began!

Tang Bohu was not anxious though, as he walked around the three meter wide, five meter long piece of paper, with a calm expression on his face.

Then, he placed the pot in his hands on the ground, picked up a bucket of black ink, and poured it directly towards the pot. The pitiful red bowl instantly turned pitch black.

On the side, Yang Yuexin's face revealed an expression of heartache and resentment, "Stupid rogue, compensate me!"

Yang Yuexin secretly noted down this debt to Tang Bohu in her heart!

As for Tang Bohu, he did not know that he had already been targeted by the beauty, and continued with the movements in his hands. Ink flowed down like a black ribbon, and in the end, just happened to fill the basin and without any overflowing, Tang Bohu placed the Ink Bucket at the side.

After shaking the soft broom in his hand, Tang Bohu stretched his arms and legs, and suddenly, it started!

Ah!" Many people could not help but shout out, and immediately covered their mouths, their eyes filled with disbelief, because Tang Bohu's first action, was truly too unexpected, too shocking!

Tang Bohu suddenly raised his right leg high, and then with a powerful kick, coincidentally kicked the basin full of ink, "Bang!" With a dull thud, the basin was kicked into the air, and those who were nearby involuntarily retreated, afraid that ink would touch their bodies!

Is Tang Bohu crazy?

When the bowl was kicked, Tang Bohu's expression still did not change. Instead, he shook the broom in his hand with force and waved the broom with all his might!

Boom!" A sound rang out as the broom was brought into contact with the basin.

As for the basin, it seemed as if it had eyes as it flew towards the white paper. As it flew at high speed, the black ink also constantly spilled out. Some of it even landed on the white paper, directly dyeing it black!

At this moment, before everyone could even sigh, something happened!

Tang Bohu quickly rushed forward, the broom in his hand suddenly pulled back onto the ground, causing Tang Bohu to jump up with a relaxed and satisfied expression. At the same time, he displayed his extremely strong ability to hold up in the air, and in mid air, he waved his right hand, "Bang!

The ground struck the basin. This strike completely overturned the basin!

The basin flew high up and the ink within it poured down like water from a waterfall. It was like a black ribbon that was about to land on the white paper.

Everyone held their breaths as their heartstrings tightly rose. If the ink was to fall down like that, then this piece of paper would definitely be destroyed!

But, would Tang Bohu allow that to happen?

landed on the ground. In less than a second, his toes borrowed the momentum and jumped again, the broom in his hand quickly spinning according to the trajectory he had drawn in his mind. The ink in the air was flying extremely fast due to Tang Bohu's broom!

"Pah!" Pow! "Pah!" The ground fell like rain on every part of the white paper, seeming to be in disarray. However, upon closer inspection, it was actually Luoluo who found it interesting!

"Pour me some ink!"

Tang Bohu shouted loudly, and sent the pot that was falling from the sky to the ground at any moment, while Yang Tianyu and the rest were all dazzled by Tang Bohu's eye-catching actions, and when Tang Bohu drank it again, Yang Tianyu had just come back to reality, and signaled the Dan Qing staff to fill up the ink!

At this time, Tang Bohu's movements still did not stop. He jumped back and forth between the wide white sheets of paper, his figure swaying extremely quickly. The broom in his hand was already soaked in ink, and Tang Bohu was swiping it towards the paper with an extremely quick speed.

This act of Tang Bohu throwing ink onto the ground seemed like it was done casually, but in reality, everything was under his control!

With a leap, he rushed forward. Tang Bohu held the broom in his hand and "Bang!" He hit the basin full of ink, and in an instant, his face revealed a carefree smile. Suddenly, his feet caught the broom, and his body abruptly twisted backwards.

Once he landed on the ground, several brushes filled with ink actually appeared in Tang Bohu's hands. In the instant that his short hands landed, both of his hands practically left the ground, and only the tip of the brush supported his body. Both of his hands moved like the wind, and became ten thousand afterimages.

In the next moment, he turned around again and the broom under his feet started sweeping like a big knife.

From front to back, it kept churning, some coarse, some thin, some thin. Tang Bohu was like a juggler, constantly churning!

Everyone did not even blink their eyes, afraid that they would see a single detail of Tang Bohu's painting!

Forget about Tang Bohu's drawing, just his drawing skills alone was enough to deeply shock everyone!

"Tell me, are we shooting a movie now?" The surrounding onlookers could not hide their shock as they asked blankly.

"Don't ask me, I'm dreaming, don't wake me up!" The onlooker replied with a blank look on his face.

As the dreamlike performance continued, Tang Bohu made one elegant and refined movement after another, freely and easily waving and leaping about, each and every time easily and easily. To the point that it caused one's eyes to widen, it was definitely a record to the extent that it could be seen in one's eyes for the rest of one's life!

Time passed by unknowingly!

The massive painting had even been completed by accident!

In the last few leaps, Tang Bohu returned to his original position, his expression was still the same, still as indifferent as before. The only difference, was that a trace of confidence that was not any weaker than the look on Yu Yang's face flashed past his eyes!

He spat out a mouthful of clear water, and in a split-second, it was as if a painting had been activated, and a vast, fairy-like scenery appeared before everyone's eyes.

Among them, at the very top of the painting, eight words that seemed to be vivid and lifelike were revealed …

"Peach Blossom Immortal Realm, Ten Thousand Petals Peach Red!"

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