Although Yang Yuexin's eyes were filled with excitement, Tang Bohu was not very curious, because, these words, Yang Yuexin had said it N times tonight! Every time, nothing happened. It was just that there were more people in that store.

However, this time, something was truly out of Tang Bohu's expectations!

At this moment, in a certain corner of the square, a group of people were gathered, forming a circle. They were pointing and discussing something. Some of them had anxious expressions on their faces as they took out their cell phones.

When Tang Bohu and Yue Yang walked closer, they immediately heard a burst of crying sounds. Under Tang Bohu's protection, the two of them quickly squeezed in.

"Don't touch him!" Tang Bohu looked up and suddenly bellowed, he anxiously took two steps forward and half squatted.

At this time, on the ground in front of Tang Bohu, an old man was lying down, his entire body was trembling lightly, as though he was cold. Occasionally he would twitch, his face would turn extremely pale, his lips had already turned purple, his breathing was short and rapid, the situation was extremely dangerous!

Beside the old man, a girl around six or seven years old kneeled on the ground. Two small hands as white and tender as lotus roots rested on the old man's body, gently pushing at his body without end. Tears flowed down like water, and the little girl looked helpless as she sobbed, "Grandfather!"

Tang Bohu let out a loud shout, shocking the little girl, causing her hand to immediately stop moving, her black eyes stared straight at Tang Bohu, revealing a panicked and helpless expression. Her grandfather's sudden fall caused the little girl to panic, and even though the people around were watching, no one stood up to help her.

At this time, Tang Bohu's sudden appearance caused the little girl's helpless big eyes to flash with a glimmer of hope, as though she was grabbing onto her savior straws. Her small hands held tightly onto the corner of Tang Bohu's clothes, and she sobbed, "Big brother, you have to save grandpa! Yaoyao cannot do without a grandfather. "

At this moment, the old man lying on the ground seemed to still have some consciousness. Although he did not open his eyes, his purplish lips were slightly trembling, as if he wanted to say something, but he was unable to. Perhaps, he was trying to comfort his good granddaughter.

The little girl's helplessness, and the look of fear in her eyes caused a string in the depths of Tang Bohu's heart to be deeply stirred!

With a slight smile, Tang Bohu comforted the little girl and said softly, "Don't worry, with big brother here, grandpa will be fine!"

Tang Bohu's words seemed to be imbued with magic, as it directly pierced the little girl's heart. At this moment, the little girl's shiny black eyes once again released a trace of light, and for some reason, the little girl had a very good impression of this big brother.

Tang Bohu quickly made his move and pressed on an acupuncture point on the old man's chest below his ribs. At the same time, his right hand grabbed onto the old man's pulse, and after a long while, Tang Bohu's eyebrows tightly knitted together.

"Get out of the way, Doctor Zhang is here!" Suddenly, a voice shouted loudly. Then, a path was opened up in the crowd, and a man in a suit with an anxious expression walked over.

Judging from the man's attire, he was likely not a doctor who had rushed over from the hospital. He had probably been out shopping and was recognized by someone.

This Doctor Zhang seemed to be quite famous. With his appearance, everyone was talking about something like 'a wonderful hand at rejuvenating the body' or 'a kind heart as a doctor'. It seemed like this doctor had a good reputation!

Once Doctor Zhang walked over, he saw Tang Bohu's hand on the old man's body, and anxiously shouted: "Don't touch the old man!" This shout was very similar to Tang Bohu's earlier. Tang Bohu felt gloomy and looked at Doctor Zhang.

At this moment, Doctor Zhang hurriedly squatted down and with a serious expression, quickly checked the symptoms of the old man. He then carefully helped the old man to sit up and shouted, "Everyone spread out, don't watch. Ventilate and let the air flow!"

Immediately after, Dr. Zhang carefully looked at the old man's eyes and suddenly frowned, "According to the old man's symptoms, his face is bluish purple, and his breathing is short and rapid. He should be the result of a sudden heart attack, but the old man's eyes right now are different in size.

Dr. Zhang was unable to confirm the old man's symptoms, but he was also at a loss for what to do!

"There is no medical equipment here, so it is very difficult to conduct a comprehensive check up and effective treatment for the elderly!" Doctor Zhang frowned and looked at the old man. "I'm afraid he won't be able to hold on for long!"

"Grandpa!" Although the little girl was young, she understood the meaning behind Doctor Zhang's words. She immediately cried in front of the old man.


Tang Bohu bellowed, and immediately placed the old man back on the ground, and said coldly: "You're not good at medicine, so don't speak nonsense!"

Doctor Zhang was stunned for a moment. He obviously did not expect this young man to dare scold him. A trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

However, after seeing Tang Bohu's actions, he became even more anxious, and anxiously stopped him, "Don't let the patient lie down, the probability of him having a heart attack is very high, and the author of the heart attack, should let them in a comfortable position, which would benefit their body, and this position, the best is sitting!"

Tang Bohu did not care about what Doctor Zhang said, and after he laid the old man down, he looked at him coldly, "Is the chances very high? "Dr. Zhang, may I ask if your treatment is based on guessing?"

Dr. Zhang was at a loss for words, but his expression immediately turned ugly as he angrily retorted, "You will only worsen the old man's condition! If anything happens to the old man, you have to take full responsibility! "

Tang Bohu frowned, his mouth curving at an angle, and said indifferently: "Don't think that only you are qualified to be a doctor! If I am unable to save this old man today, then so what if I give my life! "

Doctor Zhang was startled, his mouth opened, but he did not say anything else. Since Tang Bohu had already said this, what else could he say? Good! I would actually like to see what kind of ability you have! " After Doctor Zhang said that, he stood to the side and looked at Tang Bohu's actions.

"Big Brother, you must save Grandpa!" The little girl's face was filled with tears as she cried towards Tang Bohu.

Tang Bohu nodded heavily, then turned and spoke to Yang Yuexin who had been standing by the side, "Pear Blossom, go and find some needles for me at the mall. Pick all kinds of needles, the more the better! And prepare an oil lamp! "

Yang Yuexin knew that the situation was grim, she acknowledged him but did not hesitate, and immediately ran towards the market. As for the reason why she wanted these things, Yang Yuexin did not ask, she believed that she would not try to be brave for no reason! Furthermore, from Yang Yuexin's impression, she did not seem to have seen anything that Tang Bohu could not do!

At this time, Tang Bohu's gaze returned to the old man once again, using his hidden inner force, he placed both of his hands on the old man's body, slowly passing through the lines of refined inner force, maintaining the old man's vitality.

This was the so-called 'long term ill treatment'! In the ancient times, most martial artists would fight and kill. They would naturally heal if they were injured a lot. Almost all martial artists at that time knew some strange techniques. Who could guarantee that they would not be injured?

Furthermore, martial cultivators were much more knowledgeable than ordinary people regarding the internal functions of the human body. It was naturally very easy for them to learn some ordinary medical skills.

However, if the old man really had a heart attack, or had symptoms of a stroke, even Tang Bohu was helpless. This was different from the injuries of martial artists, the only thing Tang Bohu could do, was to pass through his Qi, to temporarily keep the old man alive, after all, Tang Bohu was not a professional doctor!

However, after Tang Bohu observed the old man carefully and used his inner force to test the old man's strength, he came to the conclusion that this old man was not an illness, but an injury!

After the inner strength slowly flowed through the old man's body once through his blood channels, Tang Bohu finally had a plan! The old man had a hidden injury on his meridian, causing it to be blocked. It should have been there for quite some time, so why did it suddenly flare up tonight?

Very quickly, Yang Yuexin ran out from inside, holding a bag in her hand, she ran in front of Tang Bohu while gasping for breath and placed the bag on the ground, "Everything is here!"

Time was life!

Tang Bohu did not hesitate and quickly opened the bag. He placed the oil lamp on the ground and lit it! Immediately after, after going through a selection process, Tang Bohu picked out seven six inch long silver needles from a large bag of needles, and placed the rest on the side.

Everything was ready!

"Help me warm up these seven silver needles!" Tang Bohu continued to instruct Yang Yuexin. At this moment, Yang Yuexin seemed to have become Tang Bohu's subordinate, but since she could help Tang Bohu, Yang Yuexin was naturally willing to help.

After reminding Yang Yuexin of the things she needed to take note of, Tang Bohu's gaze once again turned to the old man.

Tang Bohu's eyes swept across the little girl's currently pale face, which had become as nervous as a black pearl, and saw that his eyes were lifeless. Suddenly, Tang Bohu smiled towards the little girl, "Little girl, you also need help to save Grandfather." Tang Bohu could not bear to see such a cute little girl leave a shadow in her heart because of this.

The little girl's eyes lit up, "Can I save grandpa?" The little girl looked hopeful.

"Of course you can!" Tang Bohu smiled confidently at the little girl, "Little girl, your mission is to unbutton the clothes on grandfather's body, that way you can save grandfather!"


The little girl was only six or seven years old, and was in the age when she could easily trust others. Furthermore, the confident smile on Tang Bohu's face made the little girl feel a warm feeling from the bottom of her heart, and all of this, the little girl had firmly believed Tang Bohu's words. She hurriedly reached out with her small hand and undid the buttons on the old man's clothes one by one.

Very quickly, all of the old man's clothes were untied. Tang Bohu gently helped the old man up and casually took off the simple dark blue shirt that he wore.

Suddenly, Tang Bohu's body trembled!

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